The Manitoba Law Journal (MLJ) is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1961. The MLJ's current mission is to provide lively, independent and high caliber commentary on legal events in Manitoba or events of special interest to our community. The MLJ aims to bring diverse and multidisciplinary perspectives to the issues it studies, drawing on authors from Manitoba, Canada and beyond. Its studies are intended to contribute to understanding and reform not only in our community, but around the world.
Not exercising as much as you should? Counting your caloriesin your sleep? Feeling ashamed for not being happier? You may be avictim of the wellness syndrome. In this ground-breaking new book, Carl Cederström andAndré Spicer argue that the ever-present pressure to maximizeour wellness has started to work against us, making us feel worseand provoking us to withdraw into ourselves. The Wellness Syndromefollows health freaks who go to extremes to find the perfect diet,corporate athletes who start the day with a dance party, and theself-trackers who monitor everything, including their own toilethabits. This is a world where feeling good has becomeindistinguishable from being good. Visions of social change havebeen reduced to dreams of individual transformation, politicaldebate has been replaced by insipid moralising, and scientificevidence has been traded for new-age delusions. A lively andhumorous diagnosis of the cult of wellness, this book is anindispensable guide for everyone suspicious of our relentless questto be happier and healthier.
A grassroots understanding of well-being can be an effective approach to meeting the needs of children in low-resource settings. Due to this, evidence on how to sustain such approaches is needed. Successful Pathways for the Well-Being of Black Students addresses a long-standing need for a book that focuses more on strength over weakness, inclusion over exclusion, health over neurosis, agency over passiveness, and future over the past of Black students’ well-being. The book also articulates a vision for the kind of educational environment where Black students can thrive. Covering key topics such as community, workplace well-being, stress, and relationships, this premier reference source is ideal for administrators, policymakers, academicians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, librarians, instructors, and students.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Developed by a professor who has been teaching a popular and innovative wellness counseling course for over a decade, this new text is organized into a format specifically designed to meet the needs of both counselor education graduate students and their teachers — making both teaching and learning the material easier and more intuitive. Giving a general but comprehensive overview of the subject of wellness, Wellness Counseling offers students a compelling balance of the science and research in the field, the theories that have emerged from this research, and the practical applications that we can take away from practicing these theories. Holistic, scientific, and ultimately concerned with the humanity of counseling, this text strives to be inclusive — especially of the psychological and social aspects of wellness that have gained more attention in recent years. The book is organized in three main sections. While Section One is concerned with the background of wellness as a healthcare paradigm in the United States and major theories of wellness, and historical context for wellness, Section Two contains specific information on the social, physical, emotional, and cognitive domains of wellness. The last main section of the book synthesizes the first two sections of the book to extract practical applications of wellness in behavioral healthcare intervention counseling.
The foundation of discipleship is sound, scriptural doctrine. The value of sound doctrine is often misunderstood by the modern church. While it can be dry and dull, when it flows from the story of Scripture, it can be full of life and love. This kind of doctrine, steeped in Scripture, is critical for disciple-making. And it's often overlooked by modern pastors. In Hearers and Doers, Kevin Vanhoozer makes the case that pastors, as pastor- theologians, ought to interpret Scripture theologically to articulate doctrine and help cultivate disciples. scriptural doctrine is vital to the life of the church, and local pastor-theologians should be the ones delivering it to their communities. With arresting prose and striking metaphors, Vanhoozer addresses the most pressing problems in the modern church with one answer: teach sound, scriptural doctrine to make disciples.
Mama of ten Abbie Halberstadt helps women humbly and gracefully rise to the high calling of motherhood without settling for mediocrity or losing their minds in the process. Motherhood is a challenge. Unfortunately, our worldly culture offers moms little in the way of real help. Mamas only connect to celebrate surviving another day and to share in their misery rather than rejoice in what God has done and to build each other up in hard times. There has a be a better way, a biblical way, for mamas to grow and thrive. As a daughter of Christ, you have been called to be more than an average mama. Attaining excellence doesn’t have to be unsettling but it will take committed focus and a desire to parent well according to God’s grace and for His glory. M is for Mama offers advice, encouragement, and scripturally sound strategies seasoned with a little bit of humor to help you embrace the challenge of biblical motherhood and raise your children with love and wisdom. Mama, you are worthy of the awesome responsibility God has given you. Now it’s time to start believing you can live up to it.
"The 2001 edition (1st) was a comprehensive review of history, research, and discussions on religion and health through the year 2000. The Appendix listed 1,200 separate quantitative studies on religion and health each rated in quality on 0-10 scale, followed by about 2,000 references and an extensive index for rapid topic identification. The 2012 edition (2nd) of the Handbook systematically updated the research from 2000 to 2010, with the number of quantitative studies then reaching the thousands. This 2022 edition (3rd) is the most scientifically rigorous addition to date, covering the best research published through 2021 with an emphasis on prospective studies and randomized controlled trials. Beginning with a Foreword by Dr. Howard K. Koh, former US Assistant Secretary for Health for the Department of Health and Human Services, this nearly 600,000-word volume examines almost every aspect of health, reviewing past and more recent research on the relationship between religion and health outcomes. Furthermore, nearly all of its 34 chapters conclude with clinical and community applications making this text relevant to both health care professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers, rehabilitation therapists, counsellors, psychologists, sociologists, etc.) and clergy (community clergy, chaplains, pastoral counsellors, etc.). The book's extensive Appendix focuses on the best studies, describing each study in a single line, allowing researchers to quickly locate the existing research. It should not be surprising that for Handbook for the past two decades has been the most cited of all references on religion and health"--
This manual, TRADOC Pamphlet TP 600-4 The Soldier's Blue Book: The Guide for Initial Entry Soldiers August 2019, is the guide for all Initial Entry Training (IET) Soldiers who join our Army Profession. It provides an introduction to being a Soldier and Trusted Army Professional, certified in character, competence, and commitment to the Army. The pamphlet introduces Solders to the Army Ethic, Values, Culture of Trust, History, Organizations, and Training. It provides information on pay, leave, Thrift Saving Plans (TSPs), and organizations that will be available to assist you and your Families. The Soldier's Blue Book is mandated reading and will be maintained and available during BCT/OSUT and AIT.This pamphlet applies to all active Army, U.S. Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard enlisted IET conducted at service schools, Army Training Centers, and other training activities under the control of Headquarters, TRADOC.
Don't Ask Your Doctor is a revolutionary and controversial book, written to wake up the American people about the tremendous downturn in general health over the last 25 years. Wolfgang H. Moll is not a physician and has no medical training; however, he approaches health from the patient's point of view. He criticizes the American addiction to unnecessary doctor and hospital visits, and is also critical of the extreme influence of drug manufacturers pushing prescription drugs. He made it to age 75 without doctors, prescription drugs or other medicines, without hospital visits or bypass surgeries, and without a wheelchair, chemotherapy or radiation tests. Shortly after the author had a heart attack at age 27, he began investigating profoundly the subject of health. He established his personal well-being as his priority in life, and told the whole world, "I did it my way " This book is enlightening because: The USA has the highest rate of extreme obesity in the world - about one third of the population. The USA has the highest rate of diabetes in the world. The USA spends $2.3 trillion per year on health care, by far the highest budget on earth. The USA has more heart surgeries than any other country. The USA has less than 5 percent of the world's population, but consumes half of all prescription drugs. Born in Germany, Wolfgang H. Moll now lives in South Florida. He is presently working on the translation of his book to Spanish (No Consulte a Su Medico) and to German (Frag Nicht Deinen Arzt). For more information visit http: // Publisher's website: http: //"
Indianapolis Monthly is the Circle City’s essential chronicle and guide, an indispensable authority on what’s new and what’s news. Through coverage of politics, crime, dining, style, business, sports, and arts and entertainment, each issue offers compelling narrative stories and lively, urbane coverage of Indy’s cultural landscape.