After a riding accident, Carrie Kincaid cannot remember her husband Max, so Max decides to save their marriage by recreating their courtship and hopefully, rekindling their love for one another.
If you are one of the 6,907,515,489 people in the world who are not Mark Robert McCue, congratulations! You have made a bold new discovery today. You have just discovered a book full of romance, magic, and adventure. But not really. What you have actually discovered is the story of two brothers out of their comfort zones and forced to rediscover each-other as human beings. Sounds like a cute story right? Now let's say we throw in some stolen jewelry, UFO insurance, bad poetry, flowers, and what story is ever complete without bears? And not those cute colorful ones you see on TV. I mean bears with teeth. Awesome. However, if you are the one person out of 6,907,515,490 people that is Mark Robert McCue, might want to pick up some milk. The stuff in the fridge is past expiration.
Jack and his crew are distracted, searching for the escaped assassin, and not knowing that operation Rubicon is in motion. The General and William are determined see Rubicon through, and send the Shepherds out on their final mission. Haney and The Trust have other plans. But will they be in time? Jack senses something is coming—something big—and he doesn't know that he is now in the sights of both groups. When the final day arrives, it is a day that the citizens of the United States will never forget, a day of new beginnings and fateful ends, a day when everything and everyone will have closure. Will operation Rubicon succeed? Will Jack survive? Will Anna find her way home? By the time the sun rises, those questions will all be answered. Permanently. Both the nation and Jack will never be the same again. Rebirth is the sixth and final chapter of the Twelve Shepherds Saga.
The Judicial Reports/Recueils judiciaires of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) comprise (in English and French) all Judgments by both Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber as well as their most significant Decisions and Orders issued in a given year. The publication is aimed at giving lawyers, scholars, students and the general public convenient access to the historic work of the ICTY, which was established pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 827 in 1993 to try individuals accused of serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991. The Judicial Reports are organized chronologically by case. Within each case, one will find the selected materials, including separate and/or dissenting opinions that may accompany a given Trial Chamber or Appeals Chamber ruling. The Judicial Reports will contribute to a greater knowledge of the judicial activities of the ICTY. Various annexes, such as various tables of cases and a table of references will facilitate the use of these volumes. The print edition is available as a set of two volumes (9789004143579).