A breathtaking flight over the great historical sites of the Holy Land with an explanation of their rich historical, biblical, and cultural significance.
The map of the Holy Land reflects the religious and political outlook, as well as the scientific and aesthetic sensibilities, of the mapmakers and the society in which they lived. Thus, this 2001 Israel Museum exhibition- the first to bring together maps of the Holy Land from antiquity up until modern times- traced not only the history of cartography but also the development of religious, scientific and artistic thought over the last two millennia. The accompanying publication presents cartographic depictions by Jewish, Christian and Muslim pilgrims, scholars, clergymen, and scientists. These maps are remarkable not only for the religious and geopolitical world they draw, but also for their artistry and beauty.
'A Man of Many Parts' is an inspired homage to the life and thought of John Bowker, cleric, lecturer and broadcaster. Author of 'The Sense of God', 'Is God a Virus?' and 'The Sacred Neuron', Bowker is an independent thinker of profound erudition with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding. This collection of essays is a study in responses to the work of an exceptional scholar whose humane spirit and empathetic approach to theology has influenced countless people. Bowker has striven for years to reconcile faith and belief with reason, and to find the truth behind religious thought. 'A Man of Many Parts' continues in his intellectual tradition, with essays from Rowan Williams, Jane Shaw, William J. Abraham and others tackling his body of work from a wide variety of perspectives. Whether re-examining the Son of Man in the context of the life of the prophet Daniel, or discussing how both neuroscience and theology seek to map the vastness of human nature, these essays build on Bowker's rigorous analysis in the highest possible accolade to his bibliography. This collection is a priceless treasure trove for anyone with a love of learning, an original mind and a limitless breadth of interests.
Meticulous, scholarly, yet always accessible, this work examines the discoveries and transformations that have effected biblical interpretations over the centuries and places them into their cultural timeline.
This book is an odyssey to discover exotic Jewish communities around the world––a road map of travel and adventure set in such locals as Russia (including Siberia), Tahiti, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Cuba, Morocco, Algeria, and Israel.
"This marvelous and uniquely comprehensive book sets a new, high standard of excellence in the study of Greek archaeology."--Ronald S. Stroud, University of California, Berkeley
Historical aerial photographs are an often overlooked source of information for archaeological, historical and landscape research. This monograph provides an overview and introduction to the collections which found their origin in the First World War and which are amongst the earliest systematic aerial collections. Along the Western Front from the end of 1915 onwards, aerial photo-reconnaissance units were sent out to record the outline of the enemy’s defences. The photographs were produced by an almost industrial process, brought together over four years, and survive in large quantities; archival collections are spread out across Europe, the United States and even Australia. The most important and interesting collections are discussed and dealt with, with a focus on their content, quantity, and geographic distribution. ------------------- Zgodovinske letalske fotografije so pri arheoloških, zgodovinskih in pokrajinskih študijah večkrat prezrt vir informacij. Monografija ponuja pregled nad kolekcijami, ki izhajajo iz prve svetovne vojne in sodijo med najzgodnejše sistematične zbirke fotografij posnetih iz zraka. Od leta 1915 naprej so vzdolž Zahodne fronte zračne opazovalne enote registrirale obrise sovražnikovih obrambnih položajev. Fotografije, ki so jih izdelovali v domala industrijskem obsegu in jih zbirali skozi širi leta, so se v velikem obsegu ohranile. Hranijo jih arhivi, ki so razprostranjeni po vsej Evropi, v Združenih državah Amerike in celo v Avstraliji. Opisane so najpomembnejše in najbolj zanimive zbirke letalskih fotografij Zahodne fronte, s posebnim poudarkom na njihovi vsebini, obsegu in geografski razprostranjenosti.