El presente texto constituye el cuerpo principal del trabajo fin de Máster de Carmen Baena González, presentado en la Universidad de Salamanca. Se presenta una revisión exhaustiva de los tratamientos más actuales utilizados en la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Developed nations are experiencing enormous increases in the number of elderly people in the population. Ageing is a universal complex multifaceted process that profoundly affects mind and brain of all individuals. Important discoveries are being made at different levels of research on cognitive aging: from the molecular/genetic level, to the cell, the network, and the processing of information at the cognitive level. The aim of this special issue is to examine new breakthroughs of the aging mind and brain and how to use this knowledge to promote interdisciplinary research in normal and pathological aging.
Practicing neuropsychologists and students in clinical neuropsychology must increas ingly cross disciplinary boundaries to understand and appreciate the neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neuropharmacological bases of cognition and behavior, cur rent cognitive theory in many different domains of functioning, and the nature and tools of clinical assessment. Although the cognitive functions and abilities of interest are often the same, each of these fields has grappled with them from sometimes very different perspectives. Terminology is often specific to a particular discipline or ap proach, methods are diverse, and the goals or outcomes of study or investigation are usually very different. This book poises itself to provide a largely missing link between traditional approaches to assessment and the growing area of cognitive neuropsy chology. Historically, neuropsychology had as its central core the consideration of evidence from clinical cases. It was the early work of neurologists such as Broca, Wernicke, Hughlings-Jackson, and Liepmann, who evaluated and described the behavioral cor relates of prescribed lesions in individual patients and focused investigation on the lateralization and localization of cognitive abilities in humans. An outgrowth of those approaches was the systematic development of experimental tasks that could be used to elucidate the nature of cognitive changes in individuals with well-described brain lesions.
This book is the first of a new series which will present the proceedings of the newly established Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Series: Clinical & Performance Programme aimed at adult nutrition. Undernutrition is a common phenomenon in elderly people, and malnutrition reaches significant levels in those being in hospital, nursing homes or home care programs. Consequences of malnutrition often go unrecognised owing to the lack of specific validated instruments to assess nutritional status in frail elderly persons. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) provides a single, rapid assessment of nutritional status in the elderly of different degrees of independence, allowing the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition to be determined and to evaluate the efficacy of nutritional intervention and strategies. Easy, quick and economical to perform, it enables staff to check the nutritional status of elderly people when they enter hospitals or institutions and to monitor changes occurring during their stay. Moreover, the MNA is predictive of the cost of care and length of stay in hospital. This publication will be of immense assistance to heads of geriatric teaching units, teachers in nutrition, clinicians general practitioners and dieticians, enabling them to better detect, recognise and start treatment of malnutrition in the elderly.
When confronted with a neurological or psychiatric disorder in an elderly individual, a clinician or researcher is likely to ask how the processes of ageing have influenced the aetiology and presentation of the disorder, and will impact on its efficient management. There are many urban myths about ageing, and some of these apply to the brain. The reviews included in this book are an attempt to flush out some of these myths, and arm the clinician and general researcher with the empirical facts that can be mustered to substantiate claims about ageing. There are many salient questions: is cognitive change to be expected in an elderly individual? Is this change progressive, relentless and unselective, or is it focal and constrained? Would every person who lived long enough develop Alzheimer’s disease? Do our neurones die as we get old? What happens to the size of the brain and its metabolic activity? How do our hormones change with age? Can anti-oxidants slow or even stop the process of ageing? Are genes important in the ageing brain or is it all in the environment? How much of what we are is due to what we eat? The contributors to this book, each an expert in their field, have addressed some of these questions in a language simple enough for a general reader to understand. The book also deals with some of the most prominent brain disorders of old age - Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, vascular dementia, and depression. The focus is on the impact of ageing on these disorders. The discussions lay out a broad map for the clinician dealing with neuropsychiatric disorders, and the future researcher of brain ageing. In a field in which the developments are too numerous for any one individual to keep pace with, this book presents up-to-date summaries that can be a useful starting point. The field of brain ageing abounds in tabloid science. This book counters this by providing a strong empirical grounding and considered synthesis of the research.
The field of psychological assessment has been undergoing rapid change. The second edition of this Handbook, published in 1990, appeared at the beginning of a decade marked by extensive advances in assessment in essentially all of its specialized areas. There are many new tests, new applications of established tests, and new test systems. Major revisions have appeared of established tests, notably the Wechsler intelligence scales. The time seemed right for a third edition, since even over the relatively brief period of ten years, many tests described in the second edition have been replaced, and are no longer commonly used. Furthermore, much new research in such areas as neuropsychology, cognitive science, and psychopathology have made major impacts on how many tests and other assessment procedures are used and interpreted. This third edition represents an effort to give the reader an overview of the many new developments in assessment, while still maintaining material on basic psychometric concepts in order for it to continue to serve as a comprehensive handbook for the student and professional.
Addiction Recovery Management: Theory, Research, and Practice is the first book on the recovery management approach to addiction treatment and post-treatment support services. Distinctive in combining theory, research, and practice within the same text, this ground-breaking title includes authors who are the major theoreticians, researchers, systems administrators, clinicians and recovery advocates who have developed the model. State-of-the art and the definitive text on the topic, Addiction Recovery Management: Theory, Research, and Practice is mandatory reading for clinicians and all professionals who work with patients in recovery or who are interested in the field.