The animated worlds of the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series featuring fan-favorite characters from both universes! Villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham and Batman seeks to track them down, but he discovers that they have left Gotham completely... and gone to the New York City of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Collects issues #1-6!
The all-ages action continues in "Dreamland!" In the future, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have become the Cyber Samurai Mutant Ninja Turtles. The brothers have new powers and new allies, and they're going to need them to face some new enemies in this time-hopping story from the world of tomorrow! Collects issues #62-66 of the Archie Comics series.
Something has escaped Stockgen labs and is hunting the Turtles. Its unrelenting and deadly force compel the Turtles to question how far they'll go to defend themselves... and stretch the brothers' bonds to the limit!
The all-ages action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures! Collects issues #55-57 of the Archie Comics series and the back-up Mutanimals comics.
Re-presenting classic TMNT stories from the Archie Comics run, these issues reflect the style made popular by the original '90s cartoon! The all-ages action continues in this collection of TMNT Adventures collecting issues #58-61 of the Archie Comics series.