Teachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of a New Multi-measure Teacher Evaluation System in One Large Urban School District in Texas

Teachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of a New Multi-measure Teacher Evaluation System in One Large Urban School District in Texas

Author: Gladys Smith Moton


Published: 2015

Total Pages:



The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, and Obama‘s Race to the Top (2009) policy charged districts with increasing academic achievement by improving teacher quality. The problem of teacher quality has plagued the public school system for decades. Stronge and Hindman (2005) suggest, we can greatly improve student achievement if we come to an understanding of what constitutes an effective teacher and then seek out those qualities and behaviors (p. 49). Districts are now compelled to take a closer look at teacher evaluation systems in order to measure teacher quality and effectiveness. Evaluation systems provide the impetus for informing teacher practice, as well as, potentially driving future staff development (Education, 2009). Many states are now requiring teacher ratings to be based on multiple measures of performance, with many states and districts electing to establish performance pay incentive parameters for meeting specific goals (Doherty & Jacobs, 2013). In the backdrop of this transitional educational landscape, at least one large urban school district in Texas embarked upon a project to improve its teacher evaluation system. The 2012-2013 school year marked the deployment of this district‘s newly implemented teacher evaluation system. This newly implemented teacher evaluation system aimed to address both teacher effectiveness and student growth. The purpose of this program evaluation was to: 1) examine teachers‘ and administrators‘ perceptions of the newly implemented teacher evaluation system within a large urban school district and its influence on instructional planning, classroom instruction and professional practice; 2) examine teachers‘ and administrators‘ perceptions regarding the training they received with the newly implemented evaluation system; and, 3) explore teachers‘ and administrators‘ perceptions regarding the newly implemented teacher evaluation system being tied to performance pay. A purposeful sampling of sixteen teachers and five principals from low-performing and high-performing elementary, middle, and high schools within one large urban school district were selected as participants for this study to gain multiple perspectives from teachers and administrators across various contexts. Participants were part of one of the district‘s feeder pattern schools who participated in the pilot year of implementation. Three teacher focus groups were conducted, and each of the five principals were interviewed one-on-one using semi-structured interviews. Transcribed audio recordings from principal interviews and teacher focus groups were coded inductively (Creswell, 2002) and analyzed for emerging themes using the constant comparison method (Glaser and Strauss,1967). Findings revealed teachers and administrators perceived the newly implemented teacher evaluation system to positively influence instructional planning by providing the focus and structure embedded in the Danielson‘s Framework for Teaching and assisting teachers in refining pedagogy. Additionally, both teachers and administrators reported the evaluation system influenced classroom instruction by promoting increased levels of student engagement and moving teachers from teacher-directed instruction to student-driven learning. Findings also revealed the evaluation system provides teachers and administrators opportunities for reflective practice through increased dialog and strengthened relationships. The teachers and administrators perceived some of the training to be overwhelming and confusing due to the large amount of content given at once. Lastly, findings revealed teachers and administrators question the fairness of tying student growth measures to teacher performance pay, and they are unclear about the process for determining teacher performance pay. Implications and recommendations for districts planning to implement new evaluation systems are included in this study. The recommendations include: developing a clear set of teaching standards rooted in best practices for effective teaching when adopting a new teacher evaluation system; assuring the evaluation process encourages frequent observations, goal setting, action planning, and teacher and administrator reflections to promote reflective and improved practice, increased dialog, and strengthened relationships; assuring district leadership across all levels are well-informed regarding the newly implemented teacher evaluation system and are equipped to explain processes and address concerns; forming a district-wide core training team to deliver district-wide professional development rather than relying solely on campus administrators to deliver turn-around training to teachers and other campus level administrators; and, scaffolding training in smaller segments to allow adult learners to synthesis and process information more deeply.

Meaningful Impact

Meaningful Impact

Author: Abigail Ramage Taylor


Published: 2021

Total Pages: 436



Effective teachers lead students to improved academic outcomes; therefore, it is critical for the field to understand best practices related to measuring teacher effectiveness. Increasing teacher capacity to positively affect student learning leads to school improvement (Stronge, 2010). When a teacher evaluation system builds teacher efficacy through systematic and rigorous feedback, the evaluation system can contribute to overall school improvement. Current trends support the use of multiple measures of teacher effectiveness (Adnot, Dee, Katz, & Wyckoff, 2017; Darling-Hammond, Amrein-Beardsley, Haertel, & Rothstein, 2012; Jacob, 2012; Phillips & Weingarten, 2013; Rockoff & Speroni, 2010; Steinberg & Kraft, 2017; Steinberg & Sartain, 2015). Multiple-measure teacher evaluation systems are worthy of study because they examine teacher effectiveness, and effective teachers improve students' learning outcomes. Understanding the effective implementation of multiple-measure teacher evaluation systems within Texas is of particular interest due to the 2019 passage of House Bill 3 (HB 3). HB 3 established the Teacher Incentive Allotment, creating a pathway for Texas teachers to earn a six-figure salary (Texas Education Agency, 2019). As Texas districts have been incentivized to implement multiple-measure teacher evaluation systems, understanding the effective implementation of these systems within the state is necessary. This study examined the effectiveness of a multiple-measure teacher evaluation system in an urban school district. Using mixed methods, this study examined The Teacher Appraisal Model (TAM), a multiple-measure teacher evaluation system implemented in a Texas school district, South Independent School District (SISD). Surveys, focus groups, and existing administrative data were used in this study. The epistemological origin of this study is subjectivism, found within the philosophy of interpretivism, as meaning is created from something applied to the object by another source (Crotty, 1998). Process theory (Maxwell, 2013) influenced the interpretation of data and findings. Findings indicate that TAM can help to improve instructional effectiveness when well-implemented. Gaps in perception between teachers and appraisers result from inequitable application of Instructional Domain ratings and diverse views on the value of feedback. Teachers' ratings in the Instructional Domain are greater than their ratings in the Student Outcomes Domain, resulting in misalignment between domain ratings

Investigating a Teacher Evaluation System

Investigating a Teacher Evaluation System

Author: Noelle A. Paufler


Published: 2014

Total Pages: 255



Increasing public criticism of traditional teacher evaluation systems based largely on classroom observations has spurred an unprecedented shift in the debate surrounding educational accountability policies, specifically about the purposes for and measures used to evaluate teachers. In response to growing public demand and associated federal mandates, states have been prompted to design and implement teacher evaluation systems that use increasingly available, statistically complex models (i.e., value-added) intended to isolate and measure the effects of individual teachers on student academic growth over time. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of school administrators and teachers within one of the largest school districts in the state of Arizona with regards to the design and implementation of a federally-supported, state policy-directed teacher evaluation system based on professional practice and value-added measures. While much research has been conducted on teacher evaluation, few studies have examined teacher evaluation systems in context to better understand the standards of effectiveness used by school administrators and teachers to measure system effectiveness. The perceptions of school administrators and teachers, considering their lived experiences as the subjects of the nation's new and improved teacher evaluation systems in context, must be better understood if state and federal policymakers are to also better recognize and understand the consequences (intended and unintended) associated with the design and implementation of these systems in practice.

Educators' Perceptions of a New Teacher Evaluation System in One School District

Educators' Perceptions of a New Teacher Evaluation System in One School District

Author: Dyanne L. Kerecman


Published: 2006

Total Pages: 242



This case study investigated the impact of a new system of teacher supervision and evaluation in one suburban PK-12 school district. The study was conducted in two phases to analyze the perceptions of teachers and supervisors regarding the implementation of the new differentiated system and its impact on professional growth and the improvement of instruction.

Implementing a Standards-based Teacher Evaluation System

Implementing a Standards-based Teacher Evaluation System

Author: Chris Canelake


Published: 2012

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781267252890


Policymakers at the national level have recently initiated K-12 education reforms focused on teacher quality and teacher evaluation. Far-reaching legislation was subsequently enacted in the state of Arizona requiring schools to adopt standards-based teacher evaluation systems and link them to student outcomes. The end product is to result in annual summative measures of teacher effectiveness. Because of this, Arizona school administrators have become concerned about rapidly becoming experts in high-stakes teacher evaluation. Principals rarely have time to come together to talk about teacher evaluation, and consider the reliability of their evaluations and how to use teacher evaluation to help teachers improve their practice. This action research study focused on a group of nine administrators in a small urban district grappling with a more complex and high-stakes teacher evaluation system. An existing community of practice was engaged to help administrators become more effective, fair, and consistent evaluators. Activities were designed to engage the group in dynamic, contextualized learning. Participants interacted in small groups to interpret the meaning of newly adopted evaluation instruments and professional teaching standards, share practical knowledge, and compare teacher evaluation experiences in classrooms. Data were gathered with mixed methods. Prior to, and immediately after engaging in this 20-week innovation, principals and district administrators were given two surveys and interviewed about teacher evaluation. Additionally, a detailed record of this project was kept in the form of meeting records and a research journal. Quantitative and qualitative data were triangulated to validate findings. Results identified concerns and understandings of administrators as they attempted to come to a shared consensus regarding teacher evaluation, increase inter-rater reliability, and use teacher evaluation to improve professional practice. As a result of working and learning together administrators lowered their concerns about inter-rater reliability. Other concerns, however, remained and grew. Administrators found the process of gaining a common understanding of teacher evaluation to be complex and far more time-consuming than anticipated. Intense concerns about alignment of the evaluation system with other reforms led these administrators to consider modifications in their evaluation system. Implications from this study can be used to help other administrators grappling with common concerns.

Improving Instruction Through Teacher Evaluation

Improving Instruction Through Teacher Evaluation

Author: Christopher Clark


Published: 2019

Total Pages: 215



In recent decades, changes to federal and state accountability policy and related teacher evaluation systems occurred in the United States with minimal input from two of the largest groups of stakeholders impacted: principals and teachers. For this case study, I explored principals' and teachers' perceptions of their experiences with the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS), specifically the role of leadership practices and use of the evaluation rubric as a policy tool within an evaluation process. The study took place at one elementary school. Teachers perceived the evaluation process as carrying out its intended purpose of improving instruction through professional growth. Principals and teachers viewed the teacher evaluation system and the teacher evaluation rubric, a policy tool designed to facilitate and inform the processes and practices used to improve instruction in their districts and schools, as effective. Important district-level decisions also impacted how principals and teachers perceived the T-TESS. District-level decisions included policy related to frequency of required observations, methods of including student performance data, decisions related whether to issue a single rating or multiple ratings, and evaluation of specialized teachers. School-based leadership behaviors and practices were also found to influence teachers' perceptions related to the effectiveness of teacher evaluation which included a focus on school culture, leadership style employed, evaluation training, and use of the evaluation rubric. The findings of this study have implications for policy decisions, district-leadership decisions, and school-based leadership practice related to teacher evaluation, both in Texas as well as the nation.

Teacher Evaluation in Practice

Teacher Evaluation in Practice

Author: Susan E. Sporte


Published: 2013-10-24

Total Pages: 44

ISBN-13: 9789856819820


This report finds that the overwhelming majority of teachers and principals in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) believe the overhaul of the district's teacher evaluation system has promoted teacher growth and instructional improvement; however, teachers also voiced concerns about some elements of the evaluation system, particularly the use of student test scores as a factor in teacher ratings. "Challenges clearly remain for CPS, which must improve communication and training around teacher evaluation and also grapple with teacher's concerns around the fairness of their ratings," said Sue Sporte, the lead author of the report. "Nevertheless, it is promising that teachers and administrators believe the system has the potential to improve instruction, particularly considering that the 2012-13 school year began with the first teacher strike in CPS in over 25 years, and teacher evaluation was a major point of contention." The report is part of a joint study by UChicago CCSR in collaboration with CPS and the Chicago Teachers Union of REACH (Recognizing Educators Advancing CHicago) Students - CPS's teacher evaluation system implemented during the 2012-2013 school year. Chicago, the largest district in the nation to put in place a rigorous new system for measuring teacher effectiveness, has become a national test case for revamping teacher evaluation. More than 40 states, including Illinois, have passed legislation in the last few years mandating the evaluation of teachers based on a combination of student performance and the close examination of teacher practice. States and districts have adopted these new systems in response to a number of factors, including a growing body of research on the importance of teacher quality and incentives from the U.S. Department of Education. This report, the first in a series of reports about REACH, uses survey data and interviews to focus on the perceptions and experiences of teachers and administrators during the first year of REACH implementation. These experiences can be helpful to CPS and to other districts across the country as they work to restructure and transform teacher evaluation. The study of REACH was generously funded by the Joyce Foundation, which supports the development of policies that both improve the quality of life for people in the Great Lakes region and serve as models for the rest of the country.

An Examination of Teachers' Perceptions of the Difficulty in Teaching the Texas Essessential Knowledges and Skills and the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Test Results

An Examination of Teachers' Perceptions of the Difficulty in Teaching the Texas Essessential Knowledges and Skills and the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Test Results

Author: Christina Gomez


Published: 2014

Total Pages:



This study focused on teacher effectiveness. This research investigation attempted to determine if a teacher's perceived ability to teach the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) affected student achievement as measured on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) for third and fourth grade reading and math. By examining teachers' perceptions regarding their perceived preparedness to teach the TEKS and achievement of their students as measured on STAAR, school leaders can design a script for academic interventions. Significant numbers of economically disadvantaged students have low academic achievement in reading and math performance as measured by state assessments, such as the STAAR. Research participants in this study were limited to one elementary school located in a large urban school district in Southeast Texas. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze archival data of the 2012-2013 third and fourth grade STAAR math and reading results by investigating whether teacher perceptions affected student achievement. A quantitative method was utilized to see if patterns existed between teacher perceptions of their perceived preparedness to teach the TEKS with the achievement of their students on STAAR. A qualitative method was used to document the responses to interview questions that third and fourth grade teachers reported regarding their perceptions of the TEKS and its affect on their students' achievement. By gaining a better understanding of teacher perceptions, school leaders may support student learning by first supporting teacher learning. In addition to supporting teacher and student growth through data-driven professional development activities, this research may also have implications for measuring the effectiveness of school leaders, teacher education programs, and mentor programs. In this study, the professional development, ongoing teacher support and the many other continuous interventions affected the overall results of the study, and therefore this study was inconclusive and the researcher is unable to determine if teacher perceptions of the Student Expectations impact student achievement.