Investigates complaints concerning Interior Dept administration of revested Oregon and California Railroad Co. grant lands in Oregon and reviews management of cooperative sustained-yield timberland agreements between the Federal government and private owners in the area. Hearings were held in Eugene, Oreg.
Although the majority of the world’s forest ecosystems are dominated by uneven-sized multi-species stands, forest management practice and theory has focused on the development of plantation monocultures to maximize the supply of timber at low cost. Societal expectations are changing, however, and uneven-aged multi-species ecosystems, selectively managed as Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF), are often believed to be superior to monocultures in addressing a wide range of expectations. This book presents methods which are relevant to CCF management and planning: analysing forest structures, silvicultural and planning, economic evaluation, based on examples in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America.
The use of wildlife for food and other human needs poses one of the greatest threats to the conservation of biodiversity. Wildlife exploitation is also critically important to many people from a variety of cultures for subsistence and commerce. This book brings together international experts to examine interactions between the biology of wildlife and the divergent goals of people involved in hunting, fishing, gathering and culling wildlife. Reviews of theory show how sustainable exploitation is tied to the study of population dynamics, with direct links to reproductive rates, life histories, behaviour and ecology. As such theory is rarely put into practice to achieve sustainable use and effective conservation, Conservation of Exploited Species explores the many reasons for this failure and considers remedies to tackle them, including scientific issues such as how to incorporate uncertainty into estimations, as well as social and political problems that stem from conflicting goals in exploitation.
Forest resources are an ideal starting point for economic analysis of sustainability. In this book, leading economists discuss key aspects of sustainability and sustainable forest management including complexity, ethical issues, consumer choice theory, intergenerational equity, non-convexities, and multiple equilibria. This systematic critique of neoclassical economic approaches is followed by a companion work, Institutions, Sustainability, and Natural Resources: Institutions for Sustainable Forest Management, Volume 2 in the series.
The Sustainable Forestry Handbook is widely considered to be the essential aid to understanding and implementing sustainable forest management. Providing a clear and concise guide to the practicalities of implementing international standards for sustainable forest management, this fully updated second edition covers new Forest Stewardship Council requirements, High Conservation Value Forests, clearer requirements on pesticides and developments in policy and forest governance. Aimed at forest managers, and employing extensive cross referencing and easy-to-understand illustrations, this highly practical handbook explains in clear terms what the standards require forest managers to do and how they might go about implementing them.
During its 200-year history the concept of sustainable forest ecosystem management has been the object of scientific and political discussion, with varying degrees of intensity - promoted with vehement fervour during periods of social or economic crisis, and less intensely during periods of stability. This volume, which forms part of the book series Managing Forest Ecosystems, presents state-of-the-art contributions presented by 9 leading authors from North America, Europe, Australia, and Southern Africa. If technical knowledge is a constraint to the implementation of sustainable management, this book contains a wealth of information which may be useful to students and practitioners alike. The specific target readership includes company management, the legal and policy environment, and forestry administrators. This book's unique feature is its holistic approach which includes ecological, socio-political, and timber supply issues.