Surrogate Measurements of Actinide (n, 2n) Cross Sections with NeutronSTARS.

Surrogate Measurements of Actinide (n, 2n) Cross Sections with NeutronSTARS.



Published: 2016

Total Pages: 21



Directly measuring (n,2n) cross sections on short-lived actinides presents a number of experimental challenges: scattered beam can produce neutron backgrounds in the detectors, fission can produce a substantial neutron background, and created a target with a short-lived isotope can be extremely difficult. To perform these surrogate (n,2n) cross section measurements, a silicon telescope array has been placed along a beam line at the Texas A & M University Cyclotron Institute, which is surrounded by a large tank of Gadolinium-doped liquid scintillator, which acts as a neutron detector. The combination of the charge-particle and neutron-detector arrays is referred to as NeutronSTARS. In the analysis procedure for calculating the (n,2n) cross section, the neutron detection efficiency and time structure plays an important role. Due to the lack of availability of isotropic, mono-energetic neutron sources, modeling is an important component in establishing this efficiency and time structure. This report describes the NeutronSTARS array, which was designed and commissioned during this project. It also describes the surrogate reaction technique, specifically referencing a 235U(n,2n) commissioning measurement that was fielded during the past year.

Cross Sections for Neutron-induced Reactions on Actinide Targets Extracted from Surrogate Experiments

Cross Sections for Neutron-induced Reactions on Actinide Targets Extracted from Surrogate Experiments



Published: 2009

Total Pages: 125



The Surrogate nuclear reactions method, an indirect approach for determining cross sections for compound-nuclear reactions involving difficult-to-measure targets, is reviewed. Focusing on cross sections for neutron-induced reactions on actinides, we review the successes of past and present applications of the method and assess its uncertainties and limitations. The approximations used in the analyses of most experiments work reasonably well for (n, f) cross sections for neutron energies above 1-2 MeV, but lead to discrepancies for low-energy (n, f) reactions, as well as for (n, [gamma]) applications. Correcting for some of the effects neglected in the approximate analyses leads to improved (n, f) results. We outline steps that will further improve the accuracy and reliability of the Surrogate method and extend its applicability to reactions that cannot be approached with the present implementation of the method.

Expansion of the Surrogate Method to Measure (n,xn) Cross Sections and Fission Neutron Multiplicity Distributions

Expansion of the Surrogate Method to Measure (n,xn) Cross Sections and Fission Neutron Multiplicity Distributions

Author: Oluwatomi Akindele


Published: 2018

Total Pages: 102



In addition to \textsuperscript{235,238}U and \textsuperscriptPu, \textsuperscriptPu is considered a major actinide in regards to nuclear fuel and systems. Despite contributing up to $\sim$10$\%$ of energy generated in nuclear reactors towards the end of a cycle, nuclear data for this isotope is limited. Due to its 14 year half-life, target manufacturing for this isotope is difficult, and as a result the (n,xn) cross section and fission neutron multiplicity as a function of incident neutron energy for $^$Pu does not exist in the published literature. Using the surrogate ratio method, experimental difficulties associated with target manufacturing can be circumvented in measuring n + $^$Pu reactions by using inelastic scattering of $\alpha$ particles incident on $^$Pu to create the same compound nucleus. The NeutronSTARS detection array in Cave 4 of the Texas A$\&$M Cyclotron was commissioned specifically for experiments of this nature. The target chamber consists of three large area silicon detectors: two serve as a silicon telescope to determine the energy of the scattered alpha particle, and one fission detector to gate on fission events by detecting fission fragments. A segmented cylindrical array consisting of ~2.2 tons of gadolinium doped liquid scintillator is used to detect emitted neutrons. By relating the detected recoiled alpha energy to an equivalent neutron energy, detecting fission fragments to separate neutron evaporation events from fission, and detecting emitted neutrons in close time coincidence; an attempt to measure the (n,xn) cross section and prompt fission multiplicity for $^$Pu was made. The prompt fission neutron multiplicity was fit to a skewed Gaussian distribution, while the average neutron multiplicity was recorded. Due to the large contribution of oxygen and carbon in the target, relatively low neutron detection efficiency, and inadequate background rejection for non-fission events; the (n,xn) cross section measurement was difficult to extract.

Neutron-Induced Partial Gamma-Ray Cross-Section Measurements on Uranium

Neutron-Induced Partial Gamma-Ray Cross-Section Measurements on Uranium

Author: Anthony Lloyd Hutcheson


Published: 2008

Total Pages:



Precision measurements of 238U(n, n'g) and 235,238U(n,2ng) partial cross sections have been performed at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) to improve crucial data for the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Stockpile Stewardship Program. Accurate neutron-induced reaction cross-section data are required for many practical applications, including nuclear energy and reactor technology, nuclear transmutation, and explosive nuclear devices. Due to the cessation of underground nuclear testing in the early 1990s, understanding of the performance of nuclear devices is increasingly dependent on precise model calculations which are, in turn, themselves reliant on accurate reaction data to serve as benchmarks for model codes. Direct measurement of (n, n') and (n,2n) reaction cross sections for uranium is extremely difficult due to large neutron background from fission and very close nuclear level spacing. Previous direct measurements of the cross sections are incomplete and/or discrepant over the energy range of interest. However, the (n, n'g) and (n,2ng) partial gamma-ray cross-section data obtained in the present work can be combined with model calculations to infer total (n, n') and (n,2n) reaction-channel cross sections. A pulsed and monoenergetic neutron beam was used in combination with high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy to measure these partial cross sections for incident neutron energies between 5 and 14 MeV. Gamma-ray yields were measured with high-purity germanium (HPGe) clover and planar detectors. Neutron fluxes were determined from the well-measured 2+ -> 0+ transition in 56Fe to be on the order of 10^4 n/cm^2/s. Detector efficiency and attenuation of gamma rays in the target were simulated using the MCNPX Monte-Carlo radiation transport code. Measured partial cross sections were compared with previous measurements and calculations from GNASH and TALYS Hauser-Feshbach statistical-model codes. Results are generally in good agreement with existing data and provide cross-section data for transitions in energy regions where none previously existed. Total reaction-channel cross sections are inferred from statistical-model calculations and compared with existing direct measurement data.

Total Cross Sections as a Surrogate for Neutron Capture

Total Cross Sections as a Surrogate for Neutron Capture



Published: 2014

Total Pages: 7



There are many (n,?) cross sections of great interest to radiochemical diagnostics and to nuclear astrophysics which are beyond the reach of current measurement techniques, and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. In contrast, total neutron cross sections currently are feasible for many of these nuclides and provide almost all the information needed to accurately calculate the (n,?) cross sections via the nuclear statistical model (NSM). I demonstrate this for the case of 151Sm; NSM calculations constrained using average resonance parameters obtained from total cross section measurements made in 1975, are in excellent agreement with recent 151Sm (n,?) measurements across a wide range of energy. Furthermore, I demonstrate through simulations that total cross section measurements can be made at the Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center for samples as small as 10?g. Samples of this size should be attainable for many nuclides of interest. Finally, I estimate that over half of the radionuclides identified 2̃0 years ago as having (n,?) cross sections of importance to s-process nucleosynthesis studies (24/43) and radiochemical diagnostics (11/19), almost none of which have been measured, can be constrained using this technique.

Total Cross Sections as a Surrogate for Neutron Capture

Total Cross Sections as a Surrogate for Neutron Capture



Published: 2014

Total Pages:



There are many (n, [gamma]) cross sections of great interest to radiochemical diagnostics and to nuclear astrophysics which are beyond the reach of current measurement techniques, and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. In contrast, total neutron cross sections currently are feasible for many of these nuclides and provide almost all the information needed to accurately calculate the (n, [gamma]) cross sections via the nuclear statistical model (NSM). I demonstrate this for the case of 151Sm; NSM calculations constrained using average resonance parameters obtained from total cross section measurements made in 1975, are in excellent agreement with recent 151Sm (n, [gamma]) measurements across a wide range of energy. Furthermore, I demonstrate through simulations that total cross section measurements can be made at the Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center for samples as small as 10[mu]g. Samples of this size should be attainable for many nuclides of interest. Finally, I estimate that over half of the radionuclides identified ~20 years ago as having (n, [gamma]) cross sections of importance to s-process nucleosynthesis studies (24/43) and radiochemical diagnostics (11/19), almost none of which have been measured, can be constrained using this technique.

Measurement of Actinide Neutron Cross Sections

Measurement of Actinide Neutron Cross Sections

Author: Ka-Ngo Leung


Published: 2003

Total Pages:



The maintenance of strong scientific expertise is criticalto the U.S. nuclear attribution community. It is particularly importantto train students in actinide chemistry and physics. Neutroncross-section data are vital components to strategies for detectingexplosives and fissile materials, and these measurements requireexpertise in chemical separations, actinide target preparation, nuclearspectroscopy, and analytical chemistry. At the University of California, Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory we have trainedstudents in actinide chemistry for many years. LBNL is a leader innuclear data and has published the Table of Isotopes for over 60 years. Recently, LBNL led an international collaboration to measure thermalneutron capture radiative cross sections and prepared the EvaluatedGamma-ray Activation File (EGAF) in collaboration with the IAEA. Thisfile of 35,000 prompt and delayed gamma ray cross-sections for allelements from Z=1-92 is essential for the neutron interrogation ofnuclear materials. LBNL has also developed new, high flux neutrongenerators and recently opened a 1010 n/s D+D neutron generatorexperimental facility.

Neutron-capture Cross Sections from Indirect Measurements

Neutron-capture Cross Sections from Indirect Measurements



Published: 2011

Total Pages: 14



Cross sections for compound-nuclear reactions play an important role in models of astrophysical environments and simulations of the nuclear fuel cycle. Providing reliable cross section data remains a formidable task, and direct measurements have to be complemented by theoretical predictions and indirect methods. The surrogate nuclear reactions method provides an indirect approach for determining cross sections for reactions on unstable isotopes, which are difficult or impossible to measure otherwise. Current implementations of the method provide useful cross sections for (n, f) reactions, but need to be improved upon for applications to capture reactions.

Nuclear Reaction Data from Surrogate Measurements

Nuclear Reaction Data from Surrogate Measurements



Published: 2007

Total Pages: 10



A brief summary of the Surrogate reaction method, an indirect approach for determining compound-nuclear reaction cross sections, is presented. The possibilities for obtaining accurate (n, f) cross sections from Surrogate measurements that are analyzed in the Weisskopf-Ewing and Ratio approximations are considered. Theoretical studies and benchmark experiments that provide new insights into the validity and limitations of the Surrogate approach, are discussed.