The results of a detailed experimental investigation of the compressible turbulent boundary layer in a zero-pressure-gradient flow are presented for zero, moderate and severe heat-transfer conditions. The studies were conducted on a flat nozzle wall for a nominal Mach number of 4.9, at momentum thickness Reynolds numbers from 7,000. to 58,000. and at wall-to-adiabatic-wall temperature ratios of 1.0, 0.8 and 0.25. Complete profile measurements were taken with Pitot pressure probes and conical-equilibrium and fine-wire temperature probes. Furthermore, the wall shear and surface heat transfer were measured directly with a skin-friction balance and a heat-transfer gage, respectively. (Author Modified Abstract).
A selection of annotated references to unclassified reports and journal articles that were introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system and announced in Scientific and technical aerospace reports (STAR) and International aerospace abstracts (IAA).