This reader-friendly second edition of Sheridan and Kratochwill’s important work offers innovative applications of CBC as an ecological, evidence-based approach. In this new edition, the authors combine best practices in consultation and problem-solving for interventions that promote and support children’s potential, teachers’ educational mission, and family members’ unique strengths. A step-by-step framework for developing and maintaining family/school partnerships takes readers from initial interviews through plan evaluation. Practical strategies illustrate working with diverse families and school personnel, improving family competence, promoting joint responsibility, and achieving other collaborative goals.
A new way of thinking about treatment planning to support children with autism spectrum disorders Grounded in solid theory, Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Individualized, Problem-Solving Approachhelps educators and therapists who work with children with autism spectrum disorders make sense of this confusing, often conflicting, and rapidly evolving clinical and research treatment landscape. Rooted in evidence-based practices, Chedd and Levine provide a 7-step dynamic treatment planning process. The book shows how a variety of current interventions and treatments can be incorporated into this process and includes applications of different approaches for tackling different problems. The nine illustrative case vignettes cover a wide variety of ages, developmental challenges, learning and social profiles, and school and family circumstances. With a firm commitment to and focus on the child’s best interests as well as family needs and preferences, Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders offers professionals new possibilities for enhancing the quality of life for children with ASDs.
The PEERS® Curriculum for School-Based Professionals brings UCLA's highly acclaimed and widely popular PEERS program into the school setting. This sixteen-week program, clinically proven to significantly improve social skills and social interactions among teens with autism spectrum disorder, is now customized for the needs of psychologists, counselors, speech pathologists, administrators, and teachers. The manual is broken down into clearly divided lesson plans, each of which have concrete rules and steps, corresponding homework assignments, plans for review, and unique, fun activities to ensure that teens are comfortable incorporating what they've learned. The curriculum also includes parent handouts, tips for preparing for each lesson, strategies for overcoming potential pitfalls, and the research underlying this transformative program.
Ce document, qui est le deuxième de la série “Visual Strategies” du même auteur, se présente comme une ressource permettant d'aider les parents, comme tous les intervenants, qui font face à des troubles du comportement de la part d'enfants autistes, ayant des troubles envahissants du développement ou des troubles importants de la communication. Il décrit tout d'abord les liens entre les comportements, la communication et les stratégies visuelles (Visual Strategies), en clarifiant la notion de comportement et leurs diverses causes, la notion de communication ainsi que celle des stratégies visuelles. Par la suite, il est question de l'évaluation des situations comportementales problématiques, des moyens pour favoriser une meilleure communication, enseigner des stratégies éducatives liées à la communication et alors faire le pont, par des stratégies visuelles, entre le soutien à la communication et la résolution des problèmes du comportement. Les stratégies visuelles sont surtout axées sur l'environnement, le milieu de vie de la personne autiste, la gestion du temps et les activités de la vie quotidienne, tout comme sur la sélection ou la liberté de choix, les relations interpersonnelles et sociales, le langage, l'auto-contrôle ainsi que la manière d'aborder les enfants ayant des besoins spécifiques: déficience multiple, visuelle etc.
Provide students the social skills instruction they need to succeed in school and in life! This practical resource provides evidence-based strategies for enhancing social skills of children and adolescents who have Asperger Disorder and other forms of high-functioning autism. Case studies, vignettes, classroom materials, checklists, and templates will help you: Deliver interventions that model desirable behaviors and provide opportunities for students to practice Support students in navigating social situations, forming relationships with peers and adults, and following rules and routines Develop, implement, and evaluate social skills intervention and support programs
Meeting a growing need for school-based practitioners, this book provides vital tools for improving the academic, behavioral, and social outcomes of students with high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome (HFA/AS). Research-based best practices are presented for conducting meaningful assessments; collaborating with teachers, students, and parents to prevent school difficulties and problem solve when they occur; and developing effective individualized education programs (IEPs). In a large-size format to facilitate photocopying, the book features a wealth of practical prevention and intervention strategies, illustrated with concrete examples. Over a dozen reproducibles include interview forms and observation sheets. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
This first-of-its-kind volume describes the cognitive and educational characteristics of people with autism. Leading experts in the field contribute papers to this book, explaining intervention techniques and strategies. Parents, researchers, professionals, and clinicians interested in educating people with autism will appreciate this volume.