This book identifies the major factors responsible for effective transfer of information and human expertise from an advanced country or a multinational corporation to the developing world.
Could information and communication technology (ICT) become the transformative tool for a new style of global development? Could ICT promote knowledge-based, innovation-driven, and smart, adaptive, participatory development? As countries seek a way out of the present period of economic contraction, they are trying to weave ICT into their development strategies, in the same way organizations have learned to use ICT to transform their business models and strategies. This integration offers a new path to development that is responsive to the challenges of our times. In e-Transformation, Nagy Hanna identifies the key ingredients for the strategic integration of ICT into national development, with examples from around the world. He draws on his rich experience of over 35 years at the World Bank and other aid agencies to outline the strategic options involved in using ICT to maximize developmental impact—transforming public service institutions, networking businesses for innovation and competitiveness, and empowering communities for social inclusion and poverty reduction. He identifies the key interdependencies in e-transformation and offers a holistic framework to tap network effects and synergies across all elements of the process, including leadership, cyber policies, institutions, human resources, technological competencies, information infrastructure, and ICT uses for government, business, and society. Integrating analytical insights and practical applications across the fields of development, political economy, public administration, entrepreneurship, and technology management, the author candidly argues that e-transformation, like all bold ideas, faces implementation challenges. In particular, the aspiration-reality gap needs to be systematically addressed if ICT-enabled innovation and transformation is to become a development practice. E-transformation is first and foremost about thinking strategically and creatively about the options made possible by the information technology revolution in the context of globalization. To this end, the author provides tools and best practices designed to nurture innovation, select entry points, prioritize among competing demands, and sequence and scale up. He outlines the roles of all participants—political, managerial, entrepreneurial, social and technical—whose leadership is essential for successful innovation.
This study in technology transfer uses company-specific examples to enrich an exploration of the complex and dynamic issues involved. Focusing on the experience of companies in Algeria, it describes technology transfer as more than the hand-over of new technology hardware.
Technology and globalization are threatening manufacturing’s traditional ability to deliver both productivity and jobs at a large scale for unskilled workers. Concerns about widening inequality within and across countries are raising questions about whether interventions are needed and how effective they could be. Trouble in the Making? The Future of Manufacturing-Led Development addresses three questions: - How has the global manufacturing landscape changed and why does this matter for development opportunities? - How are emerging trends in technology and globalization likely to shape the feasibility and desirability of manufacturing-led development in the future? - If low wages are going to be less important in defining competitiveness, how can less industrialized countries make the most of new opportunities that shifting technologies and globalization patterns may bring? The book examines the impacts of new technologies (i.e., the Internet of Things, 3-D printing, and advanced robotics), rising international competition, and increased servicification on manufacturing productivity and employment. The aim is to inform policy choices for countries currently producing and for those seeking to enter new manufacturing markets. Increased polarization is a risk, but the book analyzes ways to go beyond focusing on potential disruptions to position workers, firms, and locations for new opportunities.
Originally published in 1995, this book follows the preceding 4 volumes (Aisa, Africa, Latin America and Developed Countries) and discusses technological transformation in development history. It looks back on two centuries of history of the emergence of developed countries and examines the various aspects determining the speed, size and shape of the historical process of transformation in developed countries after World War 2.
The technological revolution has reached around the world, with important consequences for business, government, and the labor market. Computer-aided design, telecommunications, and other developments are allowing small players to compete with traditional giants in manufacturing and other fields. In this volume, 16 engineering and industrial experts representing eight countries discuss the growth of technological advances and their impact on specific industries and regions of the world. From various perspectives, these distinguished commentators describe the practical aspects of technology's reach into business and trade.
Nagy Hanna presents a systematic approach to integrate ICT into development policies and programs across sectors of economy and society. This book bridges the current disconnect between the ICT specialists and their development counterparts in various sectors so as to harness the ongoing ICT revolution to maximize development impact.
Strategies for the Sustainable Transformation of Developing Countries attempts a holistic-solution approach through sustainable development concepts and principles to address challenges in developing countries. In fact, the book is the application of sustainable development, and thus it offers strategies that could be applied to the development and transformation of social, economical, and environmental dimensions of society using the example of Nigeria, a developing country in West Africa. The book is divided into five parts, coveringcritical subjects of development which include education, government and good governance, community security, leadership, and community development. It provides answers to how sustainable development can bring change and benefits to these subject matters within the context of developing countries, using Nigeria as an example. This book is very different from many other book written on the challenges of development, particularly on African countries, in the sense that it gives priority to solutions and mapping them out in a feasible, sustainable, and practical way. The cornerstone of the book is the emphatic suggestion of a national transition initiative programme and Sustainable Community development Programme to drive sustainable development from the top and the bottom of society respectively.