A Compendium of the Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

A Compendium of the Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Publisher: Sai Towers Publishing

Published: 2004

Total Pages: 792

ISBN-13: 8178990423


This Book Is A Compilation Of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Significant Statements On Individual Subjects. More Than 1100 Such Subjects Have Been Identified And The Definitive Statements Of Sri Sathya Sai Baba Are Quoted With Relevant Documentation Of Their Sources. The Special Merit Of The Compilation Is That Recently Published Statements Are Preferred. The Subjects Are Presented In Alphabetical Order To Facilitate Easy Reference. A Sanskrittoenglish Glossary Is Also Appended. This Is An Invaluable Resource Book Of Baba'S Teachings Placed At The Service Of The Students, Teachers, Research Scholars, Study Groups And Casual Readers.

Life Is A Dream, Realize It!

Life Is A Dream, Realize It!

Author: Joy Thomas

Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division

Published: 2014-01-24

Total Pages: 263

ISBN-13: 9350691833


'Life Is A Dream, Realize It!' is the third in the series of books written by the authoress, Ms. Joy Thomas, based on Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's four maxims on life. She has written all these books based on her experiences and the teachings of Bhagawan as also from her interactions with devotees. In this book, she writes about various types of dreams and finally concludes that life itself is a dream from which everyone must awaken and get realisation of the true self. She has discussed sin and repentance, cleansing of mind and service, practising the teachings of Bhagawan in life in order to get His grace, what is true wisdom, what is meant by 'living in God', etc. among other subjects. There is an interesting incident involving the author and Prof. N. Kasturi. She has written about the doubt of a Balvikas student about the purpose of life and how she dealt with it. For the benefit of readers, she has included 108 sayings of Bhagawan Baba kept for daily practice by her husband for helping him to follow His teachings. There is a chapter on the parable 'Return Of The Prodigal Son' in which the author stresses on keeping the sense of discrimination pure without any prejudice. The author also describes in detail the five sheaths that cover the human body. This book is an illustration of the author's efforts to awaken from the dream of what one is not and how to attain full realisation of what one really is, and of the impact of Bhagawan's teachings and the power of His presence to transform the life of anyone who chooses to follow His teachings. She has cited a number of sayings of Bhagawan Baba and also that of Jesus Christ, to back her views on the different subjects that she has dealt with in this book.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Author: Bill Aitken

Publisher: Penguin Books India

Published: 2006-07

Total Pages: 292

ISBN-13: 9780144000616


Acclaimed travel writer and self-described 'spiritual nomad', Bill Aitken tells us why so many - royalty, wealthy industrialists, influential politicians, as well as the poor - flock to Puttaparthi. Sai Baba's message, he reveals, can be summed up in one word: love. It is as simple as it is profound, not unlike how his devotees see the Sai himself - the embodiment of deep spirituality wedded to simplicity, elegance and grace. Yet, the Sai phenomenon is less about producing vibhuti from thin air and more about modern-day miracles - miracles like free schools and universities, super-speciality hospitals which provide free treatment to all and revolutionary projects like the one which has brought drinking water to a million villagers in drought-prone Rayalseema. Aitken's study is neither a hagiographic exercise in myth-making nor a dry, objective account of the Sai's life. While never shy of expressing his deep love and reverence for Sai Baba, he squarely confronts the controversies and criticisms which inevitably dog those who claim acquaintance with the holy.

Sathya Sai Vahini

Sathya Sai Vahini

Author: Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division

Published: 2014-07-09

Total Pages: 231

ISBN-13: 9350690888


Bhagawan has announced Himself as the Divine Teacher of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. By precept and example, through His writings and discourses, letters and conversations, He has been instilling the supreme wisdom and instructing all mankind to translate it into righteous living, inner peace, and universal love. When the Ramakatha Rasavahini, the uniquely authentic, nectarine stream of the Rama’s story, was serialised in full in the Sanathana Sarathi, Bhagawan blessed readers with a new series, which He named Bharatiya Paramartha Vahini (The Stream of Indian Spiritual Values). While these precious essays, on the basic truths that foster and feed Indian culture since ages before history began, were being published, Bhagawan decided to continue the flow of illumination and instruction under a more comprehensive and meaningful name, Sathya Sai Vahini - the Ganga from the Lotus Feet of the Lord - “The Flow of Divine Sai Grace”. This book, therefore, contains the two Vahinis that have merged in one master stream. Inaugurating these series, Bhagawan wrote for publication in the Sanathana Sarathi, “Moved by the urge to cool the heat of conflict and to quench the agonising thirst for ‘knowledge about yourself’ that you are afflicted with, see, here it comes, the Sathya Sai Vahini, wave behind wave, with the Sanathana Sarathi as the medium between you and Me.” With infinite compassion, this Sathya Sai incarnation of the Omniwill is giving millions of persons in all lands freedom from disease, distress, and despair, narcotics, narcissism, and nihilism. He is encouraging those, who suffer gloom through wilful blindness, to light the Lamp of Love in order to see the world and the Lamp of Wisdom to see themselves. “This is a tantalising, true-false world. Its apparent diversity is an illusion. It is One, but is cognised by the maimed, multiple vision of humans as Many,” says Bhagawan. This book is the twin Lamp He has devised for us.

Nectarine Leelas of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Nectarine Leelas of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Author: R. Balapattabi

Publisher: Sai Towers Publishing

Published: 2006-08

Total Pages: 147

ISBN-13: 8178990091


Balapattabi Visits Sai Baba Reluctantly. In A Soul-Transforming Meeting However, The Businessman Turns His Ardent Devotee. This Was In 1944. In Those Days Baba Moved Freely With His Devotees, Delighting Them With His Breath-Taking Miracles, Tantalizing Them With Ever A New Facet Of His Exuberant Divinity. Baba'S Grace Helps Balapattabi, To Square Up To Life, Overcome Temptation, Surmount Trouble. Balapattabi Lives The Agony And The Ecstasy Of Devotion. His Story Will Fascinate, Inspire And Mellow You.

Vidya Vahini

Vidya Vahini

Author: Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division

Published: 2014-07-09

Total Pages: 111

ISBN-13: 935069087X


Baba has clarified that the word Vidya used for this Vahini (Stream of Thought), means (Ya) that which (Vid) “illumines.” It is this sense that is highlighted in expressions like Atma Vidya, Brahma Vidya, etc., or even the name Vidyagiri given to the campus of Prasanthi Nilayam, which comprises the Institute of Higher Learning. Baba makes us aware of the comparatively less beneficial lower learning, which deals with theories, inferences, concepts, conjectures, and constructions. The Higher Learning hastens and expands the universal urge to know and become Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram. Baba has come as Man among men on a self-imposed mission, to correct the wrongs inflicted on mankind through the fanatically blind pursuit of lower learning. The human race has to voyage on an even keel; it is leaning too alarmingly towards the briny grave; the lower learning is lowering it into the bottomless pit. Vidya alone is the remedy. From His childhood days, Baba has stood forth as an educator, a Guru as the villagers loved to address Him. He warned, without hesitation, elders at Puttaparthi, teachers in the schools, and headmen of castes against cruelty to animals and exploitation of labour, usury and gambling, pedantry and illiteracy, hypocrisy and pomp. Through gulps and jests, parody and satire, songs and plays, the young, teenager Teacher ridiculed and reformed the society, which honoured or tolerated such evils. Through Bhajans sung in chorus by groups of men and women, He reminded them of the universal, human values of Truth, Morality, Peace, Love, and Non-violence as early as 1943, when he was barely seventeen. These were the basic acquisitions that Vidya, the Higher Learning, can confer on votaries. As Lord Krishna, He said to Arjuna, “Adhyatma Vidya, Vidyanaam.” “Among all the Vidyas, I am Atma Vidya,” the search for Atmic Truth. The world can be saved from suicide only through this Vidya. The search for Truth and Totality, for Unity and Purity is the means; the Awareness of the One is the consummation of the process. This Message is the sum and substance of every Discourse of His, during the last five decades. This precious book provides us the chance to peruse nineteen essays He wrote, in answer to appeals for the elucidation of the principles, which must guide us while rehabilitating education as an effective instrument for establishing peace and freedom, in us and on Earth.

Loving God

Loving God

Author: N. Kasturi

Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division

Published: 2014-07-30

Total Pages: 499

ISBN-13: 9350690934


This is the biography of Professor N. Kasturi, the chosen biographer of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This book is his autobiography, his story, his journey to the feet of the Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In his own words, "Each of us has to live the volume of biography, which we bring with us, as often as we are born, page after page, chapter after chapter, howsoever punctuated with dots and dashes, interrogations and exclamations, commas and colons, until the sentence ends ultimately with a Full Stop. But, luckily, I have as my inseparable companion and counsel, Bhagawan Himself; He dots the i’s and crosses the t’s as I live the lines on every page. He has made the Book of Life, my biography – momentous and meaningful for me. I must, however, confess that I do not deserve this book on me, by me. There are, I know, millions, who are absorbing the Love of the Living Loving God much deeper, who can, therefore, stand forth as messengers of His Love. They can lead the unloved and the unloving with surer and firmer steps, to the Presence of the Redeemer, the Comforter, the Saviour, the Avatar, the Sai. Nevertheless, when Bhagawan manifested a faint, favourable interest, when someone ventured to whisper to me in His Presence, that a bunch of my reminiscences may be welcomed by many, I was promoted by that smile to embark on this audacious adventure. My memory assumed the role of Chief Editor and hence, the chronicle suffers from imperfect chronology. Since the four parts of “Sathyam Sivam Sundram” relate most of that I have yearned to communicate, this book has become a personal testament, often perhaps too personal to be tolerated, for which act of indiscretion, I ask for pardon. Flattery is the food of fools, say those, who are denied that pabulum. I dare not deny my taste, for I have been fooled by flatterers, who threw appellations like poet, scholar, linguist, humourist, philosopher, and even ant-hill sage! Please dear reader, remember that I am struggling my best to eliminate the poison of the ego and sympathise with me, whenever you find the reptile raising its hood between the lines of this book. A few ‘old students’ of my classes at the University, my grandson, his wife, and a few brothers at Prasanthi Nilayam demanded that I should not give up the work and insisted on the completion of the book. As a result, this book, ‘Loving God’ is now placed at the Feet of the Lord and on the palms of those, who live in the Love of the Lord. Jai Sai Ram."

Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 1

Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 1

Author: Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division

Published: 2015-07-02

Total Pages: 240

ISBN-13: 9350693097


The auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami, in 1953, opened a golden chapter in the history of mankind, for that was the day chosen by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for His first ever divine discourse in public. The flow of divine discourses, which started on that auspicious day out of His immense compassion for the well-being and harmony of humanity, has continued unabated even after five decades. During this period, Bhagawan has delivered hundreds of discourses in various places, to a variety of audiences. His benevolent acts for the humanity at large are also unparalleled. His noble mother made three requests to Him, namely to provide drinking water, a school, and a hospital for the village of Puttaparthi. Bhagawan has commissioned mammoth drinking water projects, benefitting hundreds of villages, towns, and even the city of Chennai. He has also built schools, colleges, super specialty hospitals, and even an outstanding university, and constructed thousands of houses to cyclone-hit people. This priceless inaugural volume in Sathya Sai Speaks contains thirty three divine discourses, of which five are for the students and authorities, giving invaluable guidance. There are also five discourses addressed to the residents of different villages, advising them on the value of unity and brotherhood.