The Armor of God - Bible Study Book

The Armor of God - Bible Study Book

Author: Priscilla Shirer

Publisher: Lifeway Church Resources

Published: 2015-08

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781430040279


The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

Author: Sister Emmanuel

Publisher: Children of Medjugorje. Inc

Published: 2021-02-10

Total Pages: 60

ISBN-13: 1736330829


Finally, Sister Emmanuel's new book on Spiritual Warfare is out! Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God is a much-needed exhortation for us to wholeheartedly seize the weapon of prayer in our life. We have been given all the tools we need to fend off the attacks of Satan. Now, more than ever, we need to pick up these weapons and use them in our daily spiritual battles. This book looks at what spiritual warfare is—a battle against evil—and encourages us to be on our guard against it. It describes with real examples how cunning the Evil One is, and how easily we fall into his snares without realizing it. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph 6:11-12)

The Glory Now Revealed

The Glory Now Revealed

Author: Andrew M. Davis

Publisher: Baker Books

Published: 2021-10-19

Total Pages: 204

ISBN-13: 1493430270


Believers know that when we die we enter heaven and will spend eternity there with God and the saints who have gone before us. But what actually happens in heaven? What are we going to be doing there? Won't it get boring at some point? According to Scripture, a large part of our experience of heaven will be a continual revealing of God's glory. Not just his glory in the moment, but during all of time. The mysteries of providence, the hidden movements of God throughout history, and the forgotten and unnoted works of even the most obscure of God's people will be unveiled so that we can see how wise, loving, gracious, and powerful our God is. And though we will experience perfection in heaven, we will never be omniscient, which means we will always be learning more about God's glory, inspiring us to return joyful praise and thanksgiving. If your vision of heaven has been limited to clouds and harps and angels, it's time to expand that view with the truth found in this biblically based look at the afterlife.

A Voyage with God

A Voyage with God

Author: Phillip Blair

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2016-01-07

Total Pages: 188

ISBN-13: 9781511675505


With evil mounting around the world, God's plan for the Church begins. World-wide persecution of Christianity grows, but a clarion call sounds for the Army of God to rise up from the ashes and unite within the body of Christ as one spiritual force against the approaching storm. The Lord raises up young men and women with solemn faces and heavy hearts-battle-arrayed and ready for war. Their swords are sharp and their arrows pierce the darkness and bring forth light into all dark places. He pours His Spirit upon the old and the young, and they quickly come up. They bind together and look toward Heaven. As one, they kneel before the altar and unleash thunderous supplication before the throne room of God. They are of a multitude of all races, nationalities, and beliefs but Jesus Christ, their Lord, binds them together. Their differences do not matter. They are spirit-filled and move of one accord. The darkness shall not touch them. Their lights shine forth into the darkness, and the darkness cowers before the name of Jesus Christ on their lips. The darkness seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but the Army of God prepares to die-there is power in death-and there is no other choice. The time is now. In nearly every book on end-time prophecy to date, the story begins with the rapture and tells of God's plan for the end-after Christians have been taken up into Heaven. What if the plan started before the rapture? God calls His believers to the front lines in preparation of the approaching spiritual storm. Christians are living in one of the most pivotal times in human history-at the climax of the story for God's plan for the Church! With revelations and personal prophecies backed by scripture, A Voyage with God calls God's followers to rise up in fulfillment of biblical prophecy as the race toward the end begins.

Spiritual Warfare Through Christian Unity

Spiritual Warfare Through Christian Unity

Author: Bill McCracken

Publisher: Trilogy Christian Publishing

Published: 2023-05-16

Total Pages: 0



When the cover for Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit by Jesus was being designed, we decided to show a church that was cracked and splintered because there are 38,000 different denominations of Christianity worldwide and 1,500 in the USA. Matthew 12:25, "And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them. Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: " United we stand. Divided we fall. God never, never, never, never designed His church to be divided; First Corinthians 12:12-14, 25-27, "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many... That there should be no schism [schisma - break, divide, division, rent] in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." Colossians 1:18-19, "And He [Jesus] is the Head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell." We are committing spiritual suicide as Christians as we continue to divide the church along denominational, racial, and nationality lines. Every new denomination was created through a misunderstanding of God's Word that caused the division. Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit by Jesus was designed, by divine revelation, to unite the Church so we can come together and begin to fight our one and only enemy on this earth, satan and his demons. We are constantly looking at people as our problem instead of realizing that our "problem" is a spiritual battle with satan and his demons. Through the Armor of God, we begin to realize the authority we have in the spiritual realm to defeat the evil spirits causing the division in our cities, counties, states, countries and world governments. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tell us we are all invisible, immortal spirits living in a body of flesh. Our spirit beings are created by God and placed in our body to become a living soul in our mother's womb when we are conceived, and then begins our journey to fulfill God's plan for our lives. When we determine to do things God's way and are born again, and Colossians 1:13 tells us God has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son, and then God gives us a starter kit through Jesus of truth, righteousness, sanctification, justification, glorification, holiness, remission, redemption, mercy, grace, and peace with God, we can take that "starter kit' and become wise, righteous, sanctified, just, trustworthy, holy, redeemed, merciful, compassionate peacemakers and be able to take the Shield of Faith and quench ALL the "fiery darts of the wicked" as Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us about our spiritual battle and the "Armor of God." God's Blessings, Bill McCracken

Power Encounter in Spiritual Warfare

Power Encounter in Spiritual Warfare

Author: Charles H. Kraft

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2017-05-18

Total Pages: 98

ISBN-13: 1498241603


Acceptance of Christianity in Southern Polynesia during the eighteenth century proceeded rapidly without missionary activity. This fact attracted the attention of Alan Tippett, who served for twenty years as an Australian missionary to the Fiji Islands. What he found was that the key to their conversion lay in the fact that, without missionary presence, the south sea islanders responded to demonstrations of what Tippett learned to call "power encounters." These were contests, some staged, some not staged, in which there was a power encounter between the true God and the gods of the islanders in which the traditional gods were defeated. Kraft here discusses the fact that this power principle applies much more widely.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Author: Mark I. Bubeck

Publisher: Moody Publishers

Published: 2013-05-01

Total Pages: 21

ISBN-13: 0802484220


"Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1). During Jesus' earthly ministry, the disciples made this request of Him. He answered them with what has become known as the Lord's Prayer. Today, nearly 2,000 years later, do we as followers of Jesus Christ have a passion for prayer? Do we desire to speak with our heavenly Father? And are the prayers we utter effective? In this handy pamphlet, perfectly sized to slide into your Bible or notebook, Mark Bubeck offers twenty prayers, rich in doctrine, to help Christians triumph in their spiritual battles. Model prayers include those for revival, repentance, intercession, protection from the Enemy, unity in the Body, and wearing the Armor of God. Learn to pray like the disciples did—by example.

Renewing Christian Unity

Renewing Christian Unity

Author: Mark G. Toulouse

Publisher: ACU Press

Published: 2015-06

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9780891125433


In Renewing Christian Unity, scholars Mark G. Toulouse, Gary Holloway, and Douglas A. Foster collaborate to provide an overview of the history of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that will serve all readers by giving a brief, authoritative introduction to this important American denomination. Throughout its history, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has been known for its commitment to Christian unity. The context for unity in the twenty-first century, however, is considerably different than it was in the nineteenth century. Renewing Christian Unityprovides a brief history of the Disciples and their unwavering but ever-adapting commitment to the unity of the church. Their story is one of both continuity and change. Disciples remain as those who are uncomfortable with denominationalism. They still prefer simply to be known as Christians. But over the course of two centuries, the Disciples' understanding of Christian witness and of the "one church" has taken note of the changing times, and changed right along with them. This is partly because Disciples have always believed that human history is meaningful. God has entered human time to make a difference. Disciples celebrate this fact at the communion table and in the baptismal waters, through their active engagement with the world as they seek to embody both God's love and justice, and in their insistence that the church is one. Alexander Campbell once declared, "We . . . should hang our Sectarian trumpets in the hall and study ecclesiastic wars no more." Disciples have not always succeeded in meeting that expectation, but they do possess a history marked by an earnest desire to seek a renewal of Christian unity in the life of the church. In this book, readers will learn more about this significant group of churches, which has shaped the landscape of American Christianity.

Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit by Jesus

Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit by Jesus

Author: William McCracken

Publisher: Xulon Press

Published: 2012-05

Total Pages: 172

ISBN-13: 1622301293


"Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit By Jesus" was written by Bill McCracken from the perspective of a layman that determined in his heart to do things God's way on October 18, 1983 and after about a year of peace found himself in a battle he wasn't prepared for by his church. This is the story of what God has taught him through the eyes of the Bible, our window to the spiritual realm. He found that through God's riches in Christ Jesus that God had given him a "Starter Kit" of truth, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, justification, glorification, holiness, remission, redemption, mercy, grace and peace with God, so we can take that "Starter Kit" and become wise, righteous, sanctified, just, trustworthy, holy, washed in His Word, redeemed, merciful, compassionate peacemakers so that he could go into spiritual warfare knowing who he is in Christ Jesus. Bill also found that we as Christians are all one in Christ Jesus according to Galatians 3:26-28 and that God's Word says that God wants no divisions among his people in First Corinthians 1:10 plus other scriptures that tell us to be in one accord, likeminded, of one mind, that we all speak the same thing, that we be perfectly joined together and that we should all come together in the unity of the faith. Sadly, Bill found that Christianity is deeply divided and splintered with over 38,000 different denominations worldwide and 1,500 in the United States alone. We must come together as one and defeat our one and only enemy, satan and his demons. Fortunately, when Bill came to God he literally did not know an epistle from an apostle and God could take that empty vessel and fill it with the truth from God's Word. He received the baptism of the Holy Ghost on November 26, 1983 and then could could begin to teach him through ministering to others, failure or experience (the fire), books and tapes, preaching and it's amazing what you learn when you look up a word in a Bible concordance and learn the definition from the Greek dictionary. You know the definition, and then see how God teaches it in the Bible and it really isn't that difficult. Learn about God's Starter Kit by Jesus, born again, repentance, baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire and the armor of God. Learn what a "fiery dart" is and how to defeat the "fiery darts of the wicked" and the story of satan and God's plan through Christ Jesus that defeated him. Learn about the covenant God has made with His children through His Son and then the authority He has given Christians in the spiritual realm in the Name of Jesus. Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus-The Word of God), and by the word of their testimony." Our testimony is very important to help others overcome the works of the devil when we combine it with the works of the cross and the Word of God. First John 3:8, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." God's blessings-Bill McCracken



Author: Jack Hayford


Published: 2014-07-01

Total Pages: 252

ISBN-13: 9781941746028


Unity - Awakening the One New Man reveals: Since the beginning, our Lord planned to single out the Nation of Israel. Then, after Messiah comes, to reunify Israel and the other Nations. The appointed time has arrived. This is the hour for Unity. Unity - Awakening the One New Man confirms: Yeshua's sacrifice as the Passover Lamb satisfies all of God's requirements for redemption and restoration to reunify the Kingdom of God. Yeshua has become our peace. This is God's plan for Unity. Unity - Awakening the One New Man explores: God's sovereign alliance between Jews and Gentiles will reunify believers. These 12 noteworthy authors, Messianic Jews and Christians, show us that understanding this vital connection fulfills the call to Unity. Grasp our True Identity in Unity - Awakening the One New Man: One New Man is the Identity Given to Us by God Recognize the Lord's Calling on My Life Understand God's Plan to Build His Kingdom Allow the Spirit to Refocus My Identity One New Man is the Harbinger to Messiah's Bride