The world of Kyunas, beings capable of manipulate amazing powers, existed together with the planet Earth connected by a bridge named Victoury. However for unknown reasons the bridge disappeared, now many years later, our protagonist Tess Daragon will embark on a mission to uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of the Victoury.
Everyone has a HERO or two in their life. I consider the women in the book my Sheros because they have all contributed to my journey of becoming a Woman of God. I am forever grateful for the areas of my life that they have touched, taught and tamed. I know that because of each of them I am a better woman today.
This book is a refreshment to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and Chocolate for A Woman's Soul, by going beyond mind and spirit nurturing to the wonderful experience of nurturing in water.As an aquatics fitness instructor and therapist for over twenty years, Juliana Larson has observed water's unmistakable power to foster bonds between women. Perhaps because water has been an archetypal female symbol for thousands of years, women find great nurturing potential in a shared aquatic environment.Water is a gentle healer, and can consequently provide significant mental, spiritual, and physical benefits as one moves one's body within it. As Larson demonstrates through this collection of true stories, a pool of water can improve one's well-being, body image, and overall fitness while working to provoke positive life change. Water Dance opens all women, young and old, to entirely new ways of nurturing themselves and one another, improving their lives in the process.
This book is a compilation of short articles, sharing personal experiences and opportunities, as well as helpful ways to become a better person. Showing gratitude, getting to know yourself better and having faith and belief in yourself are a few of the topics highlighted. Additionally, there are articles guiding you on how to relate to your children, being a good mother, father and parent, as well as building strength during challenging times. In every case, it lets you know that you are not alone in your journey to becoming a better version of you.
This book provides a path for women to return home to their deepest desires and values, to create meaning, and to share their gifts with the world. It is an invitation to become the Shero of your own life.