Sabbathum Veteris Et Novi Testamenti: Or The True Doctrine of the Sabbath, Held and Practised of the Church of God, Both Before, and Vnder the Law; and in the Time of the Gospell; Plainly Laid Foorth and Soundly Prooued by Testimonies Both of Holie Scripture, and Also of Old and New Ecclesiasticall Writers: Fathers and Councels, and Lawes of All Sorts, Both Ciuill, Canon, and Common. Declaring First from what Things God Would Haue Vs Straitly to Rest Vpon the Lords Day ... Diuided Into Two Books by Nicholas Bownd ...

Sabbathum Veteris Et Novi Testamenti: Or The True Doctrine of the Sabbath, Held and Practised of the Church of God, Both Before, and Vnder the Law; and in the Time of the Gospell; Plainly Laid Foorth and Soundly Prooued by Testimonies Both of Holie Scripture, and Also of Old and New Ecclesiasticall Writers: Fathers and Councels, and Lawes of All Sorts, Both Ciuill, Canon, and Common. Declaring First from what Things God Would Haue Vs Straitly to Rest Vpon the Lords Day ... Diuided Into Two Books by Nicholas Bownd ...



Published: 1606

Total Pages: 195
