Available in Brown Bonded Leather with Thumb Indexing. When faith is under fire, The Apologetics Study Bible helps modern Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in this age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism. Includes extensive study material from today's leading apologists.
El tamaño de Biblia más popular, por combinar un diseño legible con un tamaño práctico. El tipo de letra, creado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es estético y cómodo para el lector. Las referencias y ayudas adicionales son el complemento perfecto al texto de la Reina Valera 1960, la versión preferida en español. Con esta Biblia podrá llevar la Palabra consigo y atesorarla en su corazón. The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart.
El tamaño de Biblia más popular, por combinar un diseño legible con un tamaño práctico. El tipo de letra, creado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es estético y cómodo para el lector. Las referencias y ayudas adicionales son el complemento perfecto al texto de la Reina Valera 1960, la versión preferida en español. Con esta Biblia podrá llevar la Palabra consigo y atesorarla en su corazón. The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart.
La Biblia de letra súper gigante es nuestra edición más fácil de leer. Es ideal para la lectura o estudio sin esfuerzo. El tamaño de letra de 17 puntos, diseñado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es el doble del tamaño promedio de otras Biblias. The Super Giant Print Bible is our easiest to read. It is ideal for an effortless Bible reading or study. The typeface, exclusively designed for Biblias Holman, is twice the average size of other Bibles.
La Biblia de letra súper gigante es nuestra edición más fácil de leer. Es ideal para la lectura o estudio sin esfuerzo. El tamaño de letra de 17 puntos, diseñado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es el doble del tamaño promedio de otras Biblias. The Super Giant Print Bible is our easiest to read. It is ideal for an effortless Bible reading or study. The typeface, exclusively designed for Biblias Holman, is twice the average size of other Bibles.
Born out of the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women who Raechel and Amanda have walked alongside as they walk with the Lord, She Reads Truth is the message that will help you understand the place of God's Word in your life.
La Biblia de letra súper gigante es nuestra edición más fácil de leer. Es ideal para la lectura o estudio sin esfuerzo. El tamaño de letra de 17 puntos, diseñado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es el doble del tamaño promedio de otras Biblias. The Super Giant Print Bible is our easiest to read. It is ideal for an effortless Bible reading or study. The typeface, exclusively designed for Biblias Holman, is twice the average size of other Bibles.
La Biblia de letra súper gigante es nuestra edición más fácil de leer. Es ideal para la lectura o estudio sin esfuerzo. El tamaño de letra de 17 puntos, diseñado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es el doble del tamaño promedio de otras Biblias. The Super Giant Print Bible is our easiest to read. It is ideal for an effortless Bible reading or study. The typeface, exclusively designed for Biblias Holman, is twice the average size of other Bibles.
El tamaño de Biblia más popular, por combinar un diseño legible con un tamaño práctico. El tipo de letra, creado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es estético y cómodo para el lector. Las referencias y ayudas adicionales son el complemento perfecto al texto de la Reina Valera 1960, la versión preferida en español. Con esta Biblia podrá llevar la Palabra consigo y atesorarla en su corazón. The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart.
Charles Spurgeon has been called the "Prince of Preachers." He preached to over 10 million people in his lifetime, and his written sermons have impacted millions more. The CSB Spurgeon Study Bible features thousands of excerpts from Spurgeon's sermons, chosen and edited by Alistair Begg in order to bring the richness of the Prince of Preachers' insights into your daily study of God's Word. Features include: Introductory Biography of Charles Spurgeon, Study notes crafted from Spurgeon's sermons, Extracted sermon illustrations placed on the same page as the associated biblical text, Sermon notes and outlines in Spurgeon's own handwriting, "Spurgeon Quotables" inserted throughout the Bible, Book introductions with book overviews in Spurgeon's own words, Topical subheadings, Two-column text, Concordance, Smyth-sewn binding, Presentation Page, and Full-color maps. The KJV Spurgeon Study Bible features the authorized version of the King James translation (KJV). The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God's Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.