Selection Progress and Cost Benefit Analysis of Iris Yellow Spot Resistance in Onions

Selection Progress and Cost Benefit Analysis of Iris Yellow Spot Resistance in Onions

Author: Neel Kamal


Published: 2016

Total Pages: 300



Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci L.) and Iris yellow spot (IYS) disease caused by thrips-vectored Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) are significant dangers to the viability of onion production worldwide. The absence of cultivars resistant/ tolerant to thrips and IYS, increased thrips resistance, and limited efficacy restrict growers' options for effective thrips control and reducing the spread of IYSV. The objective of this study were to measure selection progress for reduced/delayed IYS symptom expression after two selection cycles and to estimate the costs and benefits of IYS and/or thrips resistant germplasm. Plants from the original and selected populations along with a susceptible check, 'Rumba', were evaluated for thrips number and IYS disease severity and incidence from 2011 to 2014. First generation selections, NMSU 10-776, 10-807, and 10-813 tested in 2011 and 2012, and second generation selections, NMSU 12-239 and 12-243 tested in 2013 and 2014 had fewer thrips per plant, and lower disease severity and incidence than their original breeding lines on at least one occurrence. In some instances, an improvement in delayed symptom expression was observed with each selection cycle, such as with NMSU 12-243 (2nd), 10-813 (1st), and 07-53-1 (original). While for others, selection progress was not observed until the second selection cycle. Data on onion yield, bulb grades, and acreage were used from the Onion Variety Trails at the Malheur Experiment Station in Ontario, OR and the USDA annual vegetable summaries to estimate average losses under varied levels of thrips and IYS pressure. Average reduction in marketable bulb yield was estimated to be 4%, 10% and 20%, while gross returns were reduced by 4%, 10%, and 21% when 10, 25, and 50 percent of the bulbs in different market grades were reduced to the next lower market grade, respectively. A reduction of one insecticide spray application can increase net returns by $56 to $91 on a per acre basis depending upon the type of chemistry used. Overall, progress was observed in the selected material for reduced and delayed IYS symptom expression with the selection method used and further improvement might be achievable with additional cycles of selection.

Onion Thrips

Onion Thrips

Author: Tim D. Waters


Published: 2014

Total Pages: 4



"The onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, is the most destructive insect pest of onions in Washington State. This publication looks at how Thrips can damage onion plants, cause the production of smaller onion bulbs, and result in reduced crop yields. The onion thrips is also an important vector for the iris yellow spot virus (IYSV). IYSV is a tospovirus that causes iris yellow spot disease. This disease has caused significant economic losses involving both onion seed and bulb crops produced in Washington. Cultural, biological, and chemical methods are available to control onion thrips. Usually a combination of these methods is best. Controlling thrips also reduces the number of thrips functioning as a virus vector, thus reducing the incidence of iris yellow spot disease."--Abstract.

Identifying Weed Species Hosts for Onion Thrips (Thrips Tabaci Lindeman) and Their Potential as Sources of Iris Yellow Spot Virus (Bunyaviridae: Tospovirus) in New York Onion Fields

Identifying Weed Species Hosts for Onion Thrips (Thrips Tabaci Lindeman) and Their Potential as Sources of Iris Yellow Spot Virus (Bunyaviridae: Tospovirus) in New York Onion Fields

Author: Erik A. Smith


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 0



Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is a pest of onion crops and other Allium spp. worldwide and is the only known vector of Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) (Bunyaviridae: Tospovirus), a yieldreducing pathogen infecting onion. IYSV was first detected in New York onion fields in 2006 and has since been found throughout all of the major onion producing regions in the state. Recent studies in New York have shown that IYSV can reduce bulb size, suggesting that this disease may cause serious economic losses for the onion industry. Sources of IYSV in New York onion fields have only recently become better understood. IYSV may be annually introduced via transplanted onions imported from AZ, where the virus is established. IYSV also may be established in New York and bridge seasons through volunteer onion p lants and winter-annual, biennial and perennial weeds near onion fields. However, weed species that may be important in the epidemiology of IYSV in onion fields are not known. T. tabaci can only acquire IYSV as first instars. Therefore, a weed can only be a source for IYSV if it is also a host for immature T. tabaci. Because weed hosts that would support larval populations of T. tabaci were not known for the Great Lakes region of North America including New York, the main purpose of this research was to identify weed species that supported populations of T. tabaci larvae. In 2008 and 2009, common weed species and T. tabaci larvae were sampled from spring through early fall in the Elba Muck onion-growing region in western New York, the second largest onion growing region in the state. Ninety-eight weed species were sampled and 30 had at least one T. tabaci larva. A total of 2,121 T. tabaci larvae were found on weeds sampled in 2008 and 2009; 17% of the weed species were members of Asteraceae and 20% were in the Brassicaceae. Most of the larvae (90%) were found on species of these two families. Because IYSV is thought to be non-transmissible by seed, winterannual, biennial and perennial weed species have the ability to act as overwintering reservoirs for IYSV in onion cropping systems. Thus, these types of weed species may likely be the most important sources for this virus. Of the 30 weed species hosting T. tabaci larvae, 25 were winter-annual, biennial and perennial weeds. Of these, only four are confirmed hosts of IYSV: common burdock, Arctium minus, chicory, Cichorium intybus, curly dock, Rumex crispus, and dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. Among these four species, plant densities and populations of T. tabaci larvae were highest on common burdock and dandelion, suggesting that these weed species may have the greatest potential to impact the epidemiology of IYSV in New York onion fields. Densities of T. tabaci larvae were estimated to be 3,536 and 3,851 larvae per hectare on common burdock in 2008 and 2009, respectively, whereas densities were estimated to be 4,720 and 24,964 larvae per hectare on dandelion in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Larvae were only observed on curly dock in 2008 (3 larvae per hectare) and on chicory in 2009 (143 larvae per hectare). In a separate field survey in the fall of 2009, populations of T. tabaci larvae were highest on common burdock and dandelion plants adjacent to onion fields (0-50 m), whereas no larvae were observed on these weed species farther than 5 km from onion fields. Samples of common burdock and dandelion did not test positive for IYSV; however, the relative localization of T. tabaci populations suggests that management of these weed species near onion fields in an effort to reduce the number of viruliferous T. tabaci that may colonize onion fields warrants further investigation. In addition to IYSV, there are other important viruses of vegetable crops grown in muck soils. Survey results covering the presence of these weed species in the Elba Muck are presented and discussed.

Population Dynamics and Insecticide Resistance of Onion Thrips, Thrips Tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Onions

Population Dynamics and Insecticide Resistance of Onion Thrips, Thrips Tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Onions

Author: Jody Lynn Gangloff


Published: 1999

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 9780599413269


The onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a worldwide pest of onions and other crops. In New York it is an annual threat to the commercial onion industry where populations are managed with regular applications of insecticides. Two peaks of flight activity occurred during the period when T. tabaci infest onions in New York. These flights were composed of both female and males of this species, as well as a smaller number of other species. On-plant populations consisted of both female and male T. tabaci but no other species of thrips. Numbers of thrips on onion plants increased steadily through the growing season, exceeding the economic threshold of three thrips per leaf by mid to late summer in most fields. During the period of population increase, and especially during peaks of flight activity, airborne thrips were captured in equal numbers on traps placed throughout onion fields. Peaks of flight activity and proportions of T. tabaci of all thrips captured in onions did not correspond with peaks, harvest or ratio of thrips captured in neighboring field and forage crops, although T. tabaci was found to be a dominant species in areas outside onion fields. Sexually reproducing strains of T. tabaci were collected from onion fields. These were found to be highly resistant to pyrethroids, including l -cyhalothrin. By contrast, T. tabaci collected in areas adjacent to onions, such as alfalfa fields, reproduced asexually and had low resistance to l -cyhalothrin. It was concluded that neighboring field and forage crops are not the most significant source of T. tabaci that invade onion fields each year and become hard to manage in New York. High levels of insecticide resistance indicate that a resistance management plan and the promotion of integrated pest management in New York's onion industry should be high priorities in the near future.

Genetic, Biochemical, Spectroscopic and Phenotypic Studies of Epicuticular Waxes of Onion Towards Thrips Resistance

Genetic, Biochemical, Spectroscopic and Phenotypic Studies of Epicuticular Waxes of Onion Towards Thrips Resistance

Author: Eduardo Dominguez-Munaiz


Published: 2018

Total Pages: 0



Epicuticular waxes are important for plant defense against pathogens and insects. In onion (Allium cepa L.), the insect onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindenman) is the most important pest and can cause 50% yield loss. T. tabaci is also the principal vector of Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) which can cause over 40% yield loss. Lower amounts of epicuticular waxes on onion leaves has been associated with fewer thrips, less feeding damage, and lower incidence of IYSV. The goals of this project were: 1) document wax profiles across phenotypically different onion accessions and its relationship with thrips damage; 2) develop a genetic model for wax accumulation to better understand the glossy phenotype; and 3) develop of a model to estimate concentrations of the chemical wax constituents on living leaves using chemometrics. Natural variation for amounts and types of waxes was revealed among accessions. Hentriacontanone-16 (H16) and Octacosanol-1, the most prevalent waxes in wild-type onions, were significantly lower in semi glossy (SG) types. Glossy phenotypes possessed the lowest amount of H16 but can possess larger amounts of other waxes. The proportion of H16 to total wax varied from 72% in waxy phenotypes to 43% in the glossy inbred. There were semi glossy accessions with larger total wax amounts than waxy phenotypes, due to lower quantities of H16. Broad sense heritabilities were high for H16, Octacosanol-1 and Triacontanol-1 at 0.93, 0.72, and 0.87, respectively. Pearson correlations across environments were high averaging 0.82 for H16 and lower for the fatty alcohols, probably due to relatively lower amounts of these waxes. Glossy and semi-glossy phenotypes supported fewer thrips and lower damage relative to waxy phenotypes. Foliage glossiness in two segregating families (B9885 x B5351 and B9885 x B8667) revealed a QTL on chromosome 8. Visual glossiness in the cross of glossy B9885 by waxy B8667 was associated with a region on chromosome 8, and this same region had the largest effect on H16 accumulation in the glossy (B885) by semi glossy (B5351) cross. It can be concluded that a glossy locus is located on chromosome 8. In the cross B9885 x B5351, three QTL accounted for 41 % of the phenotypic variation with LOD score 22.4. The allele substitution effect on chromosome 8 from the semi glossy parent B5351 increased H16 amounts. However, the region on chromosome 5 from the semi glossy parent reduced the amounts of H16. For H16, epistasis was detected between regions on chromosomes 1 and 8, and higher amounts of H16 were conditioned by the homozygous genotype on chromosome 1 from the semi glossy parent and homozygous recessive on chromosome 1 from the glossy parent. Fatty alcohol amounts revealed a single QTL on chromosome 1 at 0.0 cM explaining a large proportion of the phenotypic variation in the greenhouse and under field. Spectral measurements on fresh leaves revealed major absorption features for wax constituents. Wavelengths in the visible, near infrared and short-wave infrared (SWIR) were associated with H16, Octacosanol-1 and Triacontanol-1. The fingerprint of each wax constituent was also due to an additive effect of multiple spectral features.

Patterns of Dispersal Activity of Onion Thrips, Thrips Tabaci Lindeman, in Onion Ecosystems

Patterns of Dispersal Activity of Onion Thrips, Thrips Tabaci Lindeman, in Onion Ecosystems

Author: Erik A Smith


Published: 2016

Total Pages: 145



Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, is an important agricultural pest worldwide. T. tabaci damages crops by feeding on leaves and by transmitting plant pathogens, including Iris yellow spot virus (Bunyaviridae: Tospovirus) (IYSV). T. tabaci and IYSV are perennial problems for New York's onion industry, and research is needed to improve our understanding about T. tabaci biology, ecology and IYSV epidemiology for developing better management programs. This dissertation examines the patterns of T. tabaci dispersal and colonization of onion crops. Clear sticky card traps and trap-equipped unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were used to monitor the seasonal dispersal patterns of T. tabaci and IYSV. Most T. tabaci were captured below 2 m, while an average of 4% were captured above 2 m. Viruliferous T. tabaci were captured with both card traps and UAVs, and proportions increased through the growing season each year. T. tabaci dispersal activity below 6 m was observed to effectively cease at nightfall, while highest densities were observed during the evening crepuscular period. T. tabaci dispersal activity and temperature tended to be positively correlated, while negative correlations were observed with wind speed. Commercial onion fields were sampled in three onion growing regions to identify the effect of adjacent habitat on patterns of T. tabaci colonization of onion fields. Early-season densities of adult T. tabaci were not affected by adjacent habitat in 7 of 9 cases, while edge effects were observed in 4 of 9 cases. Late-season densities were greater in onion fields adjacent to senescing onion fields, and densities in these fields were observed to decrease with increasing distance into the onion fields. These results strongly suggest that T. tabaci engage in both short- and longrange dispersal during the onion growing season, and that late-season dispersal likely contributes to the spread of IYSV. Abiotic factors such as daylight, diel cycle, temperature, wind speed and atmospheric pressure determine when T. tabaci flight is likely to occur. Early-season colonization of onion fields occurs relatively uniformly in onion crops, while senescing crops are likely the source of adult T. tabaci colonizing adjacent, non-senescing fields late in the season, prior to harvest.