Research in Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics . Progress Report

Research in Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics . Progress Report



Published: 1997

Total Pages: 5



Sergei Ananyan has completed one nice piece of nuclear physics on ''Electroweak Processes Involving (00) Excitations in Nuclei'' and has written this work up for publication. He is well into his main thesis problem on weak axial vector exchange currents and already has some very interesting new results. Bryan Barmore is now finishing numerical calculations on the problem of radiating meson fields in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Gary Prezeau has just started on the problem of chiral QHD with vector mesons. Gary should finish his Ph. D. in 1998. A PC has been purchased for the group through CEBAF and they are now tied into the CEBAF computer system., They have organized a Nuclear Theory Study Group in the Department and last year they worked through the books on ''Computational Nuclear Physics.'' Next year they will run a series on effective field theories and chiral perturbation theory. Tod Bachman just completed a senior thesis on relativistic Hartree calculations of the newly-found doubly magic nuclei 1°°Sn and 132Sn. The book on ''Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics'' has now been published by Oxford Press. Also included here is the proposal for renewal of the contract.

Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics. Three Year Progress Report and Final Report

Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics. Three Year Progress Report and Final Report



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 13



In 1995 the DOE grant in Nuclear theory with Professors Rubin H. Landau and Victor A. Madsen as co-principal investigators ended. Their research was carried out in collaboration with graduate students in Corvallis, and with scientists at LLNL-Livermore, Los Alamos, TRIUMF, KFA-Julich, Hamburg University, Melbourne University, The Thinking Machine Corporation and IBM Research. Activities in nuclear and particle physics at Oregon State University (OSU) were diverse and active. Madsens̀ work concentrated on the relation of reactions to the nuclear structure, and Landaus̀ work concentrated on intermediate energy physics, few-body problems, and computational physics. The Landau group had a weekly meeting of students and visitors. There was a weekly nuclear seminar with experimental and theoretical colleagues, and a weekly departmental colloquium. The DOE support had permitted the group to run Unix workstations networked to other computers in the Physics Department and the University. Since 1990 OSU has been using IBM RISC System 6000/model 530 with console and four X-stations. The equipment was purchased and is maintained with yearly DOE funding of the group.

Research in Theoretical Nuclear Physics . Annual Progress Report, July 1992--June 1993

Research in Theoretical Nuclear Physics . Annual Progress Report, July 1992--June 1993



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 21



The main subject of research was the physics of matter at energy densities greater than 0.15 GeV/fm3. Theory encompasses the relativistic many-body/quantum field theory aspects of QCD and the electroweak interactions at these high energy densities, both in and out of thermal equilibrium. Applications range from neutron stars/pulsars to QCD and electroweak phase transitions in the early universe, from baryon number violation in cosmology to the description of nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN and at Brookhaven. Recent activity to understand the properties of matter at energy densities where the electroweak W and Z boson degrees of freedom are important is reported. This problem has applications to cosmology and has the potential to explain the baryon asymmetry produced in the big bang at energies where the particle degrees of freedom will soon be experimentally, probed. This problem is interesting for nuclear physics because of the techniques used in many-body, physics of nuclei and the quark-gluon plasma may be extended to this new problem. The was also interested in problems related to multiparticle production. This includes work on production of particles in heavy-ion collisions, the small x part, of the nuclear and hadron wave function, and multiparticle production induced by instantons in weakly coupled theories. These problems have applications in the heavy ion program at RHIC and the deep inelastic scattering experiments at HERA.

Theoretical Studies in High Energy Nuclear Physics. Progress Report

Theoretical Studies in High Energy Nuclear Physics. Progress Report



Published: 2001

Total Pages:



This paper is a progress report for the period 1-1-93 to 6-30-95 on a project primarily directed at the application of high energy physics techniques to nuclear structure studies, and the ability to study hadron dynamics through interactions with nuclear targets. This work has included the first legitimate QCD calculations of hard coherent diffractive processes off nucleon (nuclear) targets which established novel features of color transparency phenomenon not anticipated in the previous intuitive or QCD inspired model calculations and predicted the fast increase of the cross section for electroproduction of[rho]-mesons with increase of the energy, which was confirmed very recently by the first HERA data on this reaction. First theoretical demonstration that color transparency phenomenon for the hard diffractive processes follow from QCD in the kinematics when both x[yields]0 and Q[sup 2][yields][infinity]. Establishing the pattern of color (cross section) fluctuations in hadrons. Confirmed by the FNAL inelastic diffraction data. Finding that in realistic quark, skyrmion models of a hadron large momentum transfer elastic lepton-hadron scattering occurs through formation of small spatial size configurations. Discovering a novel class of color transparency sensitive double interaction processes which is complementary to quasielastic reactions originally suggested by S. Brodsky and A. Mueller. Adopting ideas suggested elsewhere for hadron initiated reactions they developed a method for taking into account nuclear correlations in (e, e[prime]p) reactions. Such an approach gives practical possibility to overcome ambiguities of optical model approximation used before and to reliably interpret color transparency effects at intermediate Q[sup 2].

Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics. Progress Report, 1 May 1991--30 April 1992

Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics. Progress Report, 1 May 1991--30 April 1992



Published: 1992

Total Pages: 28



Work in nuclear structure and reaction theory, specifically, the relation of reactions to the nuclear structure. Other work was in intermediate energy physics, few-body problems, and computational physics that heavy ions can be used to measure simultaneously both neutron and proton multipole matrix elements of the target nucleus has added new interest to this area of nuclear structure. Considerable attention to the is therefore paid to the to the methods for calculating multiple matrix elements.