With its unique focus on source-based writing and writing across the curriculum, The Academic Writer's Handbook contains all the features of a traditional handbook combined with the tools students need in order to read, write, and conduct research in the disciplines.
Students are motivated to improve their writing through the interaction with real-life writing situations and a visual pedagogy system that enables them to transfer familiar learning tactics to the instruction. Real-life writing situations with assignments pulled from college, work, and everyday life. Paragraph-to-essay level writing courses.
Along These Lines is a great, all-around introduction to paragraph and essay writing for first year and ESL students. Its accessible, workbook style presents a clear, step-by-step introduction to the stages of the writing process. The word lines in the title refers to these stages, which are called Thought Lines, Outlines, Rough Lines, and Final Lines, and serve as convenient prompts for each stage. The Fourth Canadian Edition features new readings, additional content on plagiarism, and an increased focus on reading and writing to help prepare students for essay writing. MyCanadianWritingLab is not included with the purchase of this product.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Mosaics illustrates how reading and writing are part of a interrelated process, and encourages students to discover how the “mosaics” of their own reading and writing processes work together to form a coherent whole.
Wake Up to the world around you. Wide Awake: Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically with MyWritingLab asks students to develop awareness of the world around them and to determine how they will participate in that world. Readings invite students to challenge accepted notions about key topics, pose complex questions about the world around them, reflect on their own experiences, and apply ideas they are learning to their everyday lives. Deliberateness and choice are emphasized in the writing processes. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students. Robust resources improve student writing and help instructors track results. MyWritingLab helps students measure how well they understand key concepts and faculty incorporate rubrics into assignments and analyze class performance. Instructional support helps students develop their own writing process. Eight short chapters on the writing process provide students with just enough advice without burdening them with long narratives of detail. Readings provide models for writing, material for response, and topics for research. 0321937597 / 9780321937599 Wide Awake, Books a la Carte Plus NEW MyWritingLab -- Access Card Package Package consists of 0321963806 / 9780321963802 Wide, Books a la Carte 0205869203 / 9780205869206 NEW MyWritingLab Generic -- Valuepack Access Card
Bridge from everyday writing to writing in any situation. College students write regularly in personal and social settings, but they often find it challenging to transition successfully to academic contexts. By building from their everyday writing experience, Writing Situations with MyWritingLab prepares students to analyze, navigate, and write effectively in any situation. Author Sid Dobrin presents a rhetorical situation both nuanced and practical, grounded not only in audience, purpose, and context but also impacted by medium, methodology, and relationships among stakeholders. Writing Situations provides a framework and a process for students to apply to any writing project and any situation. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students. Robust resources improve students' writing and allow instructors to track results. WithinMyWritingLab, students can measure how well they understand key concepts while faculty can incorporate rubrics into meaningful assignments, grade based on desired criteria, and analyze class performance through advanced reporting. Pedagogical support helps students develop their writing process. Each project chapter includes five visual features (Road to a Strong Thesis, Side by Side, Mapping Your Situation, Prepare and Respond, and Writing Process Guidelines) that help students analyze, navigate, and respond to diverse writing situations while building an effective writing process. A variety of writing assignments accommodate a range of teaching approaches. Formal assignments in each project chapter include a traditional academic essay, a project focused on using visuals, an online or digital variation, a research-based option, and a "radical revision/ translation" project to turn a print-based essay into a multimodal project. Next generation instructor support. Contextualized and integrated instructor support includes videos, screencasts, PowerPoints, downloads, handouts for each assignment chapter--organized by chapter and housed in one place -- http: //www.pearsonhighered.com/dobrin1einfo/ -- for instructor ease of use.
The authors of Strategies for Successful Writing: a Rhetoric, Research Guide, and Reader have strived to achieve the same steadfast goals that have motivated them from the beginning: create a rhetorically-organized writing guide that combines three books into one convenient and flexible teaching tool while offering students an exceptional value. By having at their disposal a comprehensive textbook that offers ample material for a full-year composition course, instructors teaching a one-termcourse can make various selections from Chapters 1-17, from whatever types of specialized writing suits the needs of their students, and from the appropriate essays in the reader. As well, because the authors believe strongly that an effective composition textbook should address students directly, they've aimed for a conversational yet clear style that invites students into the book, lessens their apprehensions about writing, and provides a model for their own prose. This style complements the authors'strong student-based approach to writing, and together they help create a text that genuinely meets student needs.