Supersymmetry is at an exciting stage of development. It extends the Standard Model of particle physics into a more powerful theory that both explains more and allows more questions to be addressed. Most important, it opens a window for studying and testing fundamental theories at the Planck scale. Experimentally we are finally entering the intensity and energy regions where superpartners are likely to be detected, and then studied. There has been progress in understanding the remarkable physics implications of supersymmetry, including the derivation of the Higgs mechanism, the unification of the Standard Model forces, cosmological connections such as a candidate for the cold dark matter of the universe and the scalar fields that drive inflation and their potential, the relationship to Planck scale theories, and more.While there are a number of reviews and books where the mathematical structure and uses of supersymmetry can be learned, there are few where the particle physics is the main focus. This book fills that gap. It begins with an excellent pedagogical introduction to the physics and methods and formalism of supersymmetry, by S Martin, which is accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of the Standard Model of particle physics. Next is an overview of open questions by K Dienes and C Kolda, followed by chapters on topics ranging from how to detect superpartners to connections with Planck scale theories, by leading experts.This invaluable book will allow any interested physicist to understand the coming experimental and theoretical progress in supersymmetry, and will also help students and workers to quickly learn new aspects of supersymmetry they want to pursue.
The Standard Model of electroweak and strong interactions contains a scalar field which permeates all of space and matter, and whose properties provide the explanation of the origin of the masses. Commonly referred to as the Higgs field, it assumes in the physical vacuum a non-vanishing classical expectation value to which the masses of not only the vector bosons, but all the other known fundamental particles (quarks and leptons) are proportional. This volume presents a concise summary of the phenomenological properties of the Higgs boson.
The Workshop on Radiative Corrections: Results and Perspectives was held at the University of Sussex in fine weather between July 9 and 14 1989. The Workshop was weIl timed: the day after its concluding session the first beam at LEP was circulated. The Original aims of the Workshop were twofold: first to review the existing theoretical work on electroweak radiative corrections in the light of the initial experiments at SLC and LEP, and to attempt to obtain a consensus on the best means of carrying out the calculations of the various processes. This aim became Working Group A on Renormalisation Schemes tor Electroweak Radiative Corrections. The second aim was to review the experimental implementation of radiative corrections and this became Working Group B. Here the problem was to obtain a consensus on the use of Monte Carlo event generators. At the time (March 1987) when Friedrich Dydak wrote to one of us (ND) to suggest a Workshop on the subject of electroweak radiative corrections to take place just before experiments at LEP were to begin, the main theoretical problem was that there was no agreement among theorists on the use of a specific renormalization scheme. Similarly, it was already becoming clear that it was going to be very difficult to compare the experimental results of different groups because they would use different event generators and experimental cuts of their data.
Standard Model & Beyond Proceedings Of The Xiii International School Of Theoretical Physics - Szczyrk, September 19-26 1989, University Of Silesia, Katowice
TASI is the premier U.S. summer school in theoretical elementary particle physics. This volume is a collection of lectures given at TASI 1994. These lectures provide an overview of many basic topics in the field, as well as specific discussions of the theme of this year's course, which involved the frontiers of the present Standard Model. The volume should be extremely useful to students and young researchers as it provides pedagogical presentations of important topics.
An introduction to symmetry breaking in the standard model / Edward Farhi -- Physics beyond the standard model / Jonathan A. Bagger -- Chiral effective Lagrangians / Heinrich Leutwyler -- Towards semi-classical string theory / Jeffrey A. Harvey -- Renormalization of electroweak gauge interactions / Dallas C. Kennedy -- Electroweak experiments at LEP / Alain Blondel -- The CKM matrix and CP violation / Yosef Nir -- Axion searches / Pierre Sikivie -- Lattice QCD / Andreas S. Kronfeld -- Introduction to perturbative QCD / George Sterman -- Heavy quark effective field theory / Howard Georgi -- Heavy flavor physics on the lattice / Estia Eichten -- Two lectures on neutrinos / Pierre Ramond
This volume includes discussion on new dynamical features in the light of (deconstruted/latticized) extra dimensions, holographic QCD, Moose/hidden local symmetry, and so on. New insights into the QCD as a prototype of strong coupling gauge theories as well as in its own right, particularly in hot and dense matter are included.
This volume includes discussion on new dynamical features in the light of (deconstruted/latticized) extra dimensions, holographic QCD, Moose/hidden local symmetry, and so on. New insights into the QCD as a prototype of strong coupling gauge theories as well as in its own right, particularly in hot and dense matter are included.