Cuando las familias llegan a nuestro centro de psicología, nos dicen, con cierta resignación e ironía: " ¡Es que los niños no vienen con manual de instrucciones! No sabemos cómo actuar ante muchas situaciones, si lo hacemos bien o mal ", o " Lo hemos probado todo, pero nada funciona ". Con este libro buscamos mejorar la calidad de vida en el día a día de las familias, que sepan cómo enfocar y resolver los problemas de sus hijos, mediante un asesoramiento claro y concreto, fruto de nuestra experiencia profesional, y que tanto padres como hijos se sientan mejor y sean más felices. Por eso hemos ido recogiendo, en orden cronológico, las situaciones a las que se enfrentarán desde el nacimiento del niño o la niña hasta los seis años, haciendo especial hincapié en trasmitirles valores como la tolerancia, el perdón, el esfuerzo, la compasión, el agradecimiento, el trabajo diario y la constancia... Entonces serán más felices. Silvia Álava es una excepcional psicóloga y una de las mejores especialistas en psicología infantil. Cada año ve en su consulta a cientos de niños que presentan cuadros tan diferentes como problemas de conducta, dificultades de aprendizaje, trastornos por déficit de atención, hiperactividad, miedos, inseguridades, apatía, desmotivación, tiranía y manipulación hacia los adultos, trastorno límite de la personalidad... Se ha convertido en un referente, con un trabajo muy sólido que consigue desbloquear infinidad de casos que habían fracasado en tratamientos previos. M.a Jesús Álava Reyes. (De su prólogo)
¿Sientes que los conflictos y las rabietas están acabando con la tranquilidad de tu hogar? ¿Te gustaría disciplinar a tu hijo sin gritos, castigos ni frustraciones? ¡Esta guía es la respuesta que estabas buscando! En solo 3 simples pasos, aprenderás a establecer una disciplina eficaz, basada en el respeto y el amor, que no solo corregirá el comportamiento de tu hijo, sino que también fortalecerá el vínculo entre ambos. En este libro descubrirás cómo: Establecer límites claros y coherentes que tu hijo entienda y acepte, promoviendo un comportamiento positivo y responsable. Reducir el estrés y los conflictos en casa con herramientas sencillas y prácticas que eliminan las luchas de poder. Fomentar la cooperación y el respeto dentro de la familia, creando un ambiente armonioso y lleno de colaboración. Nutrir la inteligencia emocional de tu hijo, ayudándole a comprender y gestionar sus emociones de manera saludable, fomentando su autoestima y seguridad. Esta guía va más allá de las técnicas de disciplina tradicionales. Se centra en construir una relación sólida y respetuosa entre padres e hijos, ayudándote a criar a un niño emocionalmente inteligente, seguro de sí mismo y capaz de enfrentar los desafíos de la vida con resiliencia. Si eres un padre ocupado, este libro es tu solución rápida y eficaz. Sus métodos han sido diseñados para adaptarse fácilmente a tu rutina diaria y ofrecerte resultados visibles en poco tiempo, sin comprometer el amor ni el respeto hacia tu hijo. ¡Di adiós a los conflictos diarios y disfruta de una crianza más tranquila y feliz! Transforma esos momentos difíciles en oportunidades para conectar, crecer y aprender juntos. Con esta guía, disciplinar a tu hijo nunca ha sido tan sencillo, efectivo y amoroso.
This book identifies five problem areas in parenting that, if left unchecked, will produce problems in adolescence. They are: a) Isolation b) Unrestrainedness c) no boundaries d) poor parental accessibility e) shame The antidote for all five are connection, self-control, good boundaries, accessibility to the parents, and the parents’ ability to mitigate shame in their children’s lives. One of the primary differences between families who enjoy each other and families who do not enjoy each other is the way they approach conflict. Reactive families do not possess the skills to resolve conflict, while responsive families do. All around us are adolescents who are isolated, with little self-control over their emotions. They easily get into trouble because of poor parental boundaries and subsequently experience shame. They do not have accessibility to their parents and do not know how to resolve their conflicts and confusion. Young parents can avoid these deadly pitfalls beginning at the toddler stage by parenting in a responsive way. They will raise children who know how to interact with others, control their emotions, respect and accept good boundaries, enjoy accessibility with their parents, and know how to mitigate shame when it occurs in their lives. The reactive family is literally going in circles. Their cyclical, reactive patterns include inattentiveness, misunderstanding, put downs, rejection, shame, and isolation. They can be disconnected, angry, and resentful. They are on an emotional merry-go-round and do not know how to get off. On the other hand, the responsive family has learned how to stop the cycle. They have employed listening, understanding, and clarification. When they apologize--it means something. When they forgive, they do not bring it up again. Instead of being rigid, they have learned to be flexible. They are connected and forgiving. As a result, they are emotionally strong and respectful of each other. They enjoy spontaneous moments in a mutually satisfying way. This book helps the reader identify deadly patterns that are draining the life out of their relationships and presents change as a real possibility. With the use of metaphors and word pictures, the reader can see both kinds of families, but also learn how to introduce change into their family--the kind of change that is not easy but is transformative. Parenting is a daunting task, especially if you’re young and inexperienced. Today many parents find themselves disconnected from their children and overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness. There are two basic approaches to parenting that can be used--reactive parenting and responsive parenting. Reactive parenting, so prevalent in today’s society, is done in reaction to something, whether a whining child or a parent’s own anxiety. It is impulsive and produces poor results. As more and more young people reach adulthood without an adequate model of self-regulation and conflict resolution, the more visible this problem becomes. On the other hand, Responsive Parenting, as described in Boyd’s book, is a principled approach to parenting. It emphasizes the importance of preparing children for adulthood. Responsive parenting is thoughtful and is in response to the child’s best interests. It takes the long view. It listens and clarifies. It apologizes and forgives. It is flexible and extends freedom with responsibility. It is accepting and affirming while being connected and supportive. Boyd Brooks shows readers through easy to understand biblical principles how to build self-esteem and confidence in their children and help them discover who they were meant to be.
'The country's living national treasure ... The stories overflow with the kind of insights that only maturity brings. They are also painfully topical ... Fuentes keeps his finger on modern Mexico's pulse' - Ángel Gurría-Quintana, Financial Times 'Fuentes, now 80, is still masterful in evoking the lives of damaged characters ... beautifully observed ... a book seething with timeless rancour' - Independent _____________________ A choral novel on the hopes, disillusionments and betrayals of family life in Mexico. _____________________ A rich Catholic rancher wants his four sons to become priests, while the boys themselves have other plans; a bereaved mother explains her daughter's life to the man who killed her; three daughters meet up around their father's coffin for the first time in ten years; a middle-aged couple meet by chance on a cruise-ship and wonder if they were once young lovers. The result is a picture of contemporary Mexico seen through a violently fragmented narrative, not unlike the internationally successful film Amores Perros. The stories are punctuated by a chorus, commenting as if in a Greek tragedy, crudely and unsentimentally on the underbelly of modern Mexican life, offering a raw but richly textured glimpse of the inequalities of that society - street children, junkies, dead rock icons, the ideal wife, a honeymoon gone wrong, a child suicide, a man faking his death and beginning a new life - that throw the middle-class dramas of the linked stories into harsh relief. Happy Families is a dramatic polyphony of the many conflicting strands of Latin America and the modern urban world.
Resumen: con este libro buscamos mejorar la calidad de vida en el día a día de las familias, que sepan cómo enfocar y resolver los problemas de sus hijos, mediante un asesoramiento claro y concreto, fruto de nuestra experiencia profesional, y que tanto padres como hijos se sientan y sean más felices. Por eso hemos ido recogiendo, en orden cronológico, las situaciones a las que se enfrentarán desde el nacimiento del niño o la niña hasta los seis años, haciendo especial hincapié en transmitir a los niños valores como la tolerancia, el perdón, el esfuerzo, la compasión, el agradecimiento, el trabajo diario y la constancia... Entonces serán más felices.
How to be Good is Nick Hornby's hilarious bestselling novel on life, love and charity 'I am in a car park in Leeds when I tell my husband I don't want to be married to him any more. . . ' London GP Katie Carr always thought she was a good person. With her husband David making a living as 'The Angriest Man in Holloway', she figured she could put up with anything. Until, that is, David meets DJ Goodnews and becomes a good person too. A far-too-good person who starts committing crimes of charity like taking in the homeless and giving their kids' toys away. Suddenly Katie's feeling very bad about herself, and thinking that if charity begins at home, then maybe its time to move. . . This laugh-out-loud novel, from the bestselling author of About a Boy and High Fidelity, will have you gripped from start to finish and will appeal to fans of David Nicholls and Jonathan Coe, as well as readers in need of a moral compass everywhere. 'Pins you in your armchair ad won't let go . . . How to be Good? How to be bloody marvellous, more like' Mail on Sunday 'It does exactly what it says on the cover. Hornby's prose is artful and effortless, his spiky wit as razored as a number-two cut' Independent 'The writing is so funny, and the set-pieces so brilliant...Hornby's best book since Fever Pitch' Lynn Truss, The Times
Mi fin de esta conversación contigo , es tratar de lograr que logres ver la vida de una mejor perspectiva, de una manera sencilla y practica, puedes lograr conseguir que la vida que has decidido vivir, que hayas escogido sea el de ser feliz o hayas decido quedarte donde estas por miedo a salirte de ahí ya sea por comodidad, o falta de atreverte a dar el paso mas allá, puedes encontrar tu sobrevivencia positiva , que logres tener una mejor calidad de vida estés donde estés, o poder ayudarte a que te encuentres las herramientas en ti mismo para lograr la felicidad, que al voltear a ver a tu alrededor tu enfoque a la vida sea positivo y aprendas lo fácil que es disfrutar la vida y así aprender a VIVIR!. Y si logramos hacerlo juntos, tu aras lo mismo con los que tienes junto a ti y así iremos poniendo nuestro granito de arena en el mundo y sera tu mundo mucho mejor..."no podemos cambiar el mundo, pero si podemos cambiar el nuestro y el de quien este alrededor de uno". Gracias, por esa oportunidad
How do we build resilient children who can handle life's challenges? As parents today, we often feel that our role is to protect our children from the world: to cushion them when they fall, to lift them over obstacles, and to remove sharp rocks from their path. But controling a child’s entire environment and keeping all pain at bay isn’t feasible—we can’t prepare the world for our children, so instead we should focus on preparing our children for the world. “The solution is not removing impediments from our children’s lives,” writes Krissy Pozatek, “it is compassionately encouraging them to be brave.” We need to show our kids how to navigate their own terrain. If our kids face small hurdles, small pains, at a young age and learn to overcome these obstacles, they will be much better equipped to face larger trouble later in life. Early lessons in problem solving teach self-confidence and self-reliance—and show us that our kids are tougher than we think. Krissy draws her lessons from her experience guiding children in wilderness therapy and from her Buddhist practice—showing us that all life is as unpredictable as mountain weather, that impermanence is the only constant, and that the most loving act a parent can do is fearlessly ready their child to face the wilderness. For parents of children of all ages.