Recent years have witnessed dramatic success in the development of semiconductor materials and related quantum structures for applications in electronics and optoelectronics. Progress has also been made in manufacturable (low cost, high volume) growth and processing of semiconductor materials for such device structures. Novel approaches have been proposed to integrate compound semiconductor devices with conventional silicon processing. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the progress on growth, properties and processing of semiconductor materials and quantum structures, as well to underscore the progress on devices such as transistors, light sources, detectors and modulators. Brought to maturity, these devices will likely see widespread application in infrared imaging, chemical and biological sensing, surveillance, short links, space-based applications, solar cells, high-bandwidth communications, and more. Topics include: electronic devices; Si/Ge devices and technology; zinc oxide and related compounds; emitters, lasers and photovoltaics; nanostructures; innovative materials and devices; detectors; and III-nitride materials and devices.
This book from the Materials Research Society emphasizes the broad scientific and technological interest in applications of organic materials to optoelectronics and optics. Materials synthesis, modification, and characterization from the nanoscale to the mesoscale to the macroscale are discussed. Approaches for modeling and theoretical analysis of these materials are highlighted. Also featured in the volume are a keynote talk from Professor Alan Heeger, 2000 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, as well as five papers from the Microphotonics symposium that address photonic crystals involving organic materials. Additional topics include: metal/organic interfaces - electronic structure and charge injection; photonic/nonlinear optical materials and devices; design and synthesis of electroluminescent materials; applications in displays; electrochromic polymers/sensors; organic transistors; photovoltaics and photodetectors - transport in bulk organic materials and novel patterning schemes.
This volume combines the proceedings of Symposium K, Materials and Devices for Optoelectronics and Photonics, and Symposium L, Photonic Crystals--From Materials to Devices, both from the 2002 MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco. The two symposia served as a unique meeting place where a community of materials scientists and device-oriented engineers could present their latest results. Papers from Symposium K concentrate on materials for solid-state lighting, with particular emphasis on nitrides and other high-bandgap semiconductors and quantum dots, as well as materials for optical waveguides and interconnects. Presentations from Symposium L discuss theoretical methods and materials and fabrication techniques for 2D and 3D photonic crystals, with special emphasis on tunability of photonic crystals.
This book focuses on the deliberate introduction and manipulation of defects and impurities in order to engineer desired properties in semiconductor materials and devices. In view of current exciting developments in wide-bandgap semiconductors like GaN for blue light emission, as well as high-speed and high-temperature electronics, dopant and defect issues relevant to these materials are addressed. Also featured are semiconductor nanocavities and nano-structures, with emphasis on the formation and impact of vacancy-type defects. Defect reaction problems pertaining to impurity gettering, precipitation and hydrogen passivation are specific examples of defect engineering that improve the electronic quality of the material. A number of papers also deal with characterization techniques needed to study and to identify defects in materials and device structures. Finally, papers also address issues such as interface control and passivation, application of ion implantation, plasma treatment and rapid thermal processing for creating/activating/suppressing trap levels, and device applications.