Fabrication of Driver-fuel Elements for EBR-II.

Fabrication of Driver-fuel Elements for EBR-II.



Published: 1979

Total Pages: 66



Experimental Breeder Reactor No. II (EBR-II), initially designed, built, and operated as a demonstration fast-neutron power reactor with an integral fuel cycle facility, has been operated as an LMFBR irradiation test facility for approximately the past fourteen years. The initial core loading and subsequent fuel has been fabricated by Argonne National Laboratory and two commercial vendors. Fuel-fabrication techniques, equipment, and procedures currently in use were originally developed for the recycle of irradiated EBR-II fuel in the remotely operated ANL Fuel Cycle Facility. Fuel-element design has undergone several changes to obtain better performance and extended burnup. Correspondingly, fuel-fabrication techniques have been modified and refined, and the process has been placed in conformance with new administrative, safety, quality-assurance, and safeguards requirements.

Preparation of Alloy for First Core Loading of EBR-II

Preparation of Alloy for First Core Loading of EBR-II

Author: Donald C. Hampson


Published: 1961

Total Pages: 38



The alloy used for the fabrication of the fuel pins for the first core loading of the second Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-II) was prepared in the prototype equipment developed for the melt-refining processing of the irradiated EBR-II fuel. One hundred and twenty-five 10-kg ingots were made, of which 40 were un-enriched uranium-fissium alloy and 85 were enriched uranium-fissium alloy. In addition, nineteen 10-kg batches of un-enriched uranium-fissium scrap and forty- seven 10-kg batches of enriched uranium-fissium alloy scrap were melted for consolidation into ingots. The average yield for the alloy preparation runs was 96.5% and for the scrap remelt runs was 93%. The chemical and isotopic compositions of the ingots produced were all within specifications (95 plus or minus 1.0 wt% uranium, of which 48.1 plus or minus 1.2 wt% is U-235).