The fourth in a series of NASA-AEC Liquid-Metals Corrosion Meetings, held October Z-3, 1963, was devoted to discussion of the mechanisms of liquid-metal corrosion, the results of compatibility tests with alkali metals, and the problems related to compatibility testing with alkali metals.
The fourth in a series of NASA-AEC Liquid-Metals Corrosion Meeting held October 2-3, 1963, was devoted to discussion of the mechanisms of liquid-metal corrosion, the results of compatibility tests with alkali metals, and the problems related to compatibility testing with alkali metals. Previous meetings in this series dealt with a broader range of topics that include mercury corrosion, liquid-metal analytical chemistry, and liquid-metal properties. In the interest of comprehensive coverage, this meeting was restricted in scope. It was felt that topics not covered could be deferred to meetings under other auspices planned for the near future.
The Corrosion Resistant Metals Committee and the Nuclear Metallurgy Committee of the Institute of Metals Division of The Metallurgical Society of AlME sponsored a 2-1/2 day symposium on "Corrosion by Liquid Metals". The symposium was held in Philadelphia, October 13-15, 1969, during the 1969 Fall Meeting of the Metallurgical Society and the Materials Engineering Con gress of the American Society for Metals. Cosponsors included the American Society for Metals and the American Nuclear Society. The purpose of the symposium was to bring together the several aspects of the subject of corrosion by liquid metals, so that perspective could be provided on the entire subject, to help in dividuals dealing with liquid metal corrosion problems acquire a sound basis of understanding, and to provide an opportunity for discussion between those doing research in this field. An exposition of the subject is timely, in view of the in creasing development of liquid metal heat and power sources for special purposes, including heat-pipe systems, NASA's SNAP power systems, and the AEC's liquid metal fast breeder reactor system. This book contains the proceedings of the symposium divided into four separate topics: I. Corrosion of Steels by Sodium, II. Alkali-Refractory Metal Interactions, III. Corrosion by Non-Alkali Metals, and IV. Analysis of Solid-Liquid Metal Inter actions (two sessions).