Probing Femtosecond and Attosecond Electronic and Chiral Dynamics

Probing Femtosecond and Attosecond Electronic and Chiral Dynamics

Author: Samuel Beaulieu


Published: 2018

Total Pages: 0



This thesis manuscript is articulated around the investigation of the interaction between ultrashort light pulses and gas-phase atoms, polyatomic and chiral molecules. Using the toolboxes developed in attosecond and strong-field physics as well as in femtochemistry, our general goal is to reach a better understanding of subtle effects underlying ultrafast light-induced dynamics in matter.To do so, we developed cutting-edge near-infrared and mid-infrared few-cycle light sources, which were used to build a water-window soft-X-ray source based on high order harmonic generation (HHG), as well as to study new HHG channels involving highly-excited (Rydberg) states. The latter study revealed a delayed HHG emission from the ionization of Rydberg states and radiative recombination onto the electronicground state, triggering our interest in the role of Rydberg states in strong-field physics. This led us to investigate the laser-induced XUV Free Induced Decay from electronic wave packets as a new background-free 2D spectroscopic technique.More over, we have found out that strong-field interaction with a well prepared coherent superposition of electronic states led to the generation of hyper-Ramanlines concomitant with standard high-order harmonics. These spectral features were predicted in the early-days theoretical calculations of HHG but had never been reported experimentally.After these experiments in rare gas atoms, we moved to molecular targets, in whichlight-induced electronic excitation can trigger nuclear dynamics. Using simple benchmark molecules, we have studied dynamics involving the participation of both nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom: first, we studied the ultrafast non adiabatic photoisomerization of the acetylene cation into vinylidene cation, andsecond, we investigated the coherent control of electron localization during molecular photodissociation of H2+. The simplicity of these molecular targets enabled the comparison of the experimental results with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations,revealing the importance of the coupling between nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom in photoinduced molecular dynamics.The other major pillar of this thesis is the study of ionization of chiral molecules usingchiral light pulses. It has been known since the 70s that the ionization from an ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules, using circularly polarized light pulse,leads to a strong forward-backward asymmetry in the number of emitted photoelectrons, along the light propagation axis (Photoelectron Circular Dichroism,PECD). Prior to this thesis, PECD was widely studied at synchrotron facilities (single photonionization) and had recently been demonstrated using table-top lasers in resonant-enhanced multiphoton ionization schemes. In this thesis, we have shownthat PECD is a universal effect, i.e. that it emerges in all ionization regimes, from single photon ionization, to few-photon ionization, to above-threshold ionization, up to the tunneling ionization regime. This bridges the gap between chiral photoionizationand strong-field physics. Next, we have shown how the combination of standard femtochemistry approaches and PECD can be used to follow the dynamics of photoexcited chiral molecules using time-resolved PECD. Using similar experimental approaches, but by using pulse sequences with counter-intuitive polarization states,we have demonstrated a novel electric dipolar chiroptical effect, called Photoexcitation Circular Dichroism (PXCD), which emerges as a directional and chirosensitive electron current when multiple excited bound states of chiral molecules are coherently populated with chiral light. Last, we introduced a time-domain perspective on chiral photoionization by measuring the forward-backward asymmetry of photoionization delays in chiral molecules photoionized by chiral light pulses. Our work thus carried chiral-sensitive studies down to the femtosecond and attosecond ranges.

Attosecond Spectroscopy Probing Electron Correlation Dynamics

Attosecond Spectroscopy Probing Electron Correlation Dynamics

Author: Alexander Heinecke Winney


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 226



Electrons are the driving force behind every chemical reaction. The exchange, ionization, or even relaxation of electrons is behind every bond broken or formed. According to the Bohr model of the atom, it takes an electron 150 as to orbit a proton[6]. With this as a unit time scale for an electron, it is clear that a pulse duration of several femtoseconds will not be sufficient to understanding electron dynamics. Our work demonstrates both technical and scientific achievements that push the boundaries of attosecond dynamics. TDSE studies show that amplification the yield of high harmonic generation (HHG) may be possible with transverse confinement of the electron. XUV-pump-XUV-probe shows that the yield of APT train can be sufficient for 2-photon double ionization studies. A zero dead-time detection system allows for the measurement of state-resolved double ionization for the first time. Exploiting attosecond angular streaking[7] probes sequential and non-sequential double ionization via electron-electron correlations with attosecond time resolution. Finally, using recoil frame momentum correlation, the fast dissociation of CH3I reveals important orbital ionization dynamics of non-dissociative & dissociative, single & double ionization.

Attosecond Probing of Electron Dynamics in Atoms and Molecules Using Tunable Mid-infrared Drivers

Attosecond Probing of Electron Dynamics in Atoms and Molecules Using Tunable Mid-infrared Drivers

Author: Timothy Thomas Gorman


Published: 2018

Total Pages: 192



Using high-harmonic spectroscopy, the first measurements fully characterizing the spectral intensity and phase of the methyl chloride molecular Cooper minimum (CM) were performed. These experiments revealed that the CM of methyl chloride is located at ≈43 eV and is accompanied by a ≈-120 as group delay minimum. The key to accurately identifying this resonance was the development of an in-house algorithm that was able to accurately calculate attochirp contributions present in the measurements. Also using high-harmonic spectroscopy, the spectral intensity and phase of two-center interferences in CO2, OCS, and N2O were studied in the molecular frame. These measurements determined that the phase jump associated with CO2 two-center interference is negative in sign, settling an existing discrepancy in the literature. This result is also in agreement with theory calculations performed using a time-dependent density functional theory framework. Additionally, the complex interplay of the OCS Cooper-like minimum (≈43 eV, ≈-140as) and the molecular structure of OCS in the recombination dipole matrix element of the highest occupied molecular orbital was explored and characterized. The careful understanding of such complex interferences is expected to serve as the foundation for future measurements studying attosecond electron correlations in molecules.

Chiral Matter - Proceedings Of The Nobel Symposium 167

Chiral Matter - Proceedings Of The Nobel Symposium 167

Author: Egor Babaev

Publisher: World Scientific

Published: 2023-02-13

Total Pages: 277

ISBN-13: 9811265070


A geometric figure has chirality, or handedness, if its mirror image cannot be brought to coincide with itself. The concept of chirality was instrumental in establishing the tetrahedral valences of the carbon atom, and has continued to play a key role in chemistry and molecular biology ever since.The fact that living organisms use only one of two mirror isomers of such molecules as amino acids and sugars, that is, the question of the origin of homochirality of the molecular basis of life, remains an unsolved problem of the same dignity as the origin of dark matter and dark energy.The increasing importance of chirality and topology in condensed matter physics and chemistry, and the production of new states of matter in heavy-ion collisions, have brought the concept of chirality into physics and cosmology in a tangible way while at the same time expanded the physics/chemistry interface. The book is the first to address all aspects of chirality in a single volume.

Ion-electron Coincidence Studies of Femtosecond Dynamics Triggered by Extreme Ultraviolet Photoionization of Atoms and Molecules

Ion-electron Coincidence Studies of Femtosecond Dynamics Triggered by Extreme Ultraviolet Photoionization of Atoms and Molecules

Author: Seyyed Javad Robatjazi


Published: 2021

Total Pages: 0



Photoelectron spectroscopy employing X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation is one of the most important experimental methods to study the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, and solids. Recent developments of XUV and X-ray sources with ultrashort pulse durations, like free-electron lasers (FELs) and high-order harmonics of infrared lasers, enabled combining this approach with a concept of a time-resolved measurement, where a pair of synchronized short light pulses is used to initiate and observe a physical or chemical process of interest. Among other advances, such combination turned out to be particularly useful for atomic physics and gas-phase femtochemistry, where femtosecond or even sub-femtosecond short-wavelength radiation can be used to trigger the dynamics in high-lying states previously inaccessible for time-resolved measurements and offers a variety of novel schemes to probe light-induced electronic and nuclear motion. One of the key challenges for time-domain studies employing short-pulsed radiation sources is that they are necessarily broadband and, thus, typically populate a broad range of atomic of molecular states. The main goal of this thesis is to develop an experimental approach that enables state-selective analysis of the dynamics induced by such broadband femtosecond pulses in the XUV domain, and to apply it to study several exemplary reactions in photoionized molecules. Since reducing the bandwidth of the XUV pulse would ultimately limit the achievable temporal resolution, in this work the challenge of state selectivity is addressed by employing photoelectron-photoion and photoion-photoion coincident measurements. In the experimental apparatus developed as a part of this thesis, a double-sided velocity map imaging (VMI) spectrometer for coincident detection of electrons and ions is combined with a femtosecond pump-probe setup that includes a near-infrared (NIR) laser and a fiber-based XUV source based on high-order harmonics generation. This instrument has been commissioned, characterized, and applied to several time-resolved experiments on atomic and molecular targets. More specifically, this thesis describes three different sets of experiments. First, a brief overview of several XUV-NIR pump-probe measurements addressing two-color single, double or triple ionization of atoms is presented. Here, the main focus is set on capturing generic characteristic features of the corresponding two-color signals, and on revealing physical mechanisms determining their "transient" or "steady" behavior with respect to the time delay between the XUV and NIR pulses. The second series of experiments focuses on exploring coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics in XUV-ionized CO2 molecule probed by the synchronized NIR pulse. This study, which constitutes the central part of the thesis, relies on the detection of the photoelectron that reveals which electronic state is initially populated, in coincidence with ionic fragments, which provide information on the specific dissociation channel of the molecular ion after the interaction with both pulses. Here, we observe signatures of an electron-hole wave packet motion near a conical intersection of two low-lying cationic states, trace rotational dynamics determined by the dependence of the state-specific XUV photoionization cross section on molecular orientation, and disentangle the contributions of individual states to different dissociation pathways. The third series of experiments aims at studying nuclear dynamics in XUV-ionized alcohol molecules, focusing on the channels involving ultrafast hydrogen motion. Here, ion mass spectrometry measurements on methanol and its deuterated isotopologue CH3OH and CD3OH show that, depending on a specific XUV wavelength, the formation of molecular hydrogen or trihydrogen cations can be either dominated by the channels combining the hydrogen from the oxygen site with one or two hydrogens from the methyl carbon, or by the ejections of all hydrogen atoms from the methyl group. Coincident electron spectra for specific ionic fragments enable linking these channels to the calculated dissociation pathways leading to H2+ or H3+ formation. Finally, we present the results of XUV-NIR pump-probe experiments on ethanol, where a transient enhancement of particular dissociation channels has been observed. The experimental methodology presented in this work can be readily extended to a broad range of molecular systems, including both, molecular ions and high-lying excited states of the neutral molecules. At the same time, highly-differential data on small polyatomic molecules like CO2, methanol, and ethanol presented here, can be used to benchmark theoretical models for XUV ionization of these prototypical systems, improving our general understanding of light-induced molecular dynamics.

High Precision X-Ray Measurements

High Precision X-Ray Measurements

Author: Alessandro Scordo

Publisher: MDPI

Published: 2019-08-26

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 3039213172


Since their discovery in 1895, the detection of X-rays has had a strong impact on and various applications in several fields of science and human life. Impressive efforts have been made to develop new types of detectors and new techniques, aiming to obtain higher precision both in terms of energy and position. Depending on the applications, solid state detectors, microcalorimeters, and various types of spectrometers currently serve as the best options for spectroscopic and imaging detectors. Recent advancements in micron and meV precision have opened the door for groundbreaking applications in fundamental physics, medical science, astrophysics, cultural heritage, and several other fields. The aim of this Special Issue is to compile an overview, from different communities and research fields, of the most recent developments in X-ray detection and their possible impacts in various sectors, such as in exotic atom measurements, quantum physics studies, XRF, XES, EXAFS, plasma emission spectroscopy, monochromators, synchrotron radiation, telescopes, and space engineering. All the papers included in this Special Issue contribute to emphasizing the importance of X-ray detection in a very broad range of physics topics; most of these topics are covered by the published works, and several others are mentioned in the paper references, providing an interesting and very useful synopsis, from a variety of different communities and research fields, of the most recent developments in X-ray detection and their impact in fundamental research and societal applications.

Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics

Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics

Author: Roberto Marquardt

Publisher: Elsevier

Published: 2020-09-18

Total Pages: 376

ISBN-13: 0128172355


Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics, an exciting new work edited by Professors Martin Quack and Roberto Marquardt, contains comprehensive information on the current state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical methods and techniques used to unravel ultra-fast phenomena in atoms, molecules and condensed matter, along with future perspectives on the field. Contains new insights into the quantum dynamics and spectroscopy of electronic and nuclear motion Presents the most recent developments in the detection and interpretation of ultra-fast phenomena Includes a discussion of the importance of these phenomena for the understanding of chemical reaction dynamics and kinetics in relation to molecular spectra and structure

Attosecond Molecular Dynamics

Attosecond Molecular Dynamics

Author: Marc J J Vrakking

Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Published: 2018-08-31

Total Pages: 512

ISBN-13: 1788015134


Attosecond science is a new and rapidly developing research area in which molecular dynamics are studied at the timescale of a few attoseconds. Within the past decade, attosecond pump–probe spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful experimental technique that permits electron dynamics to be followed on their natural timescales. With the development of this technology, physical chemists have been able to observe and control molecular dynamics on attosecond timescales. From these observations it has been suggested that attosecond to few-femtosecond timescale charge migration may induce what has been called “post-Born-Oppenheimer dynamics”, where the nuclei respond to rapidly time-dependent force fields resulting from transient localization of the electrons. These real-time observations have spurred exciting new advances in the theoretical work to both explain and predict these novel dynamics. This book presents an overview of current theoretical work relevant to attosecond science written by theoreticians who are presently at the forefront of its development. It is a valuable reference work for anyone working in the field of attosecond science as well as those studying the subject.

Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules

Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules

Author: Yan Cheng


Published: 2015

Total Pages: 150



One of the most fundamental goals of attosecond science is to observe and to control the dynamic evolutions of electrons in matter. The attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy is a powerful tool to utilize attosecond pulse to measure electron dynamics in quantum systems directly. In this work, isolated single attosecond pulses are used to probe electron dynamics in atoms and to study dynamics in hydrogen molecules using the attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy technique. The target atom/molecule is first pumped to excited states and then probed by a subsequent attosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulse or by a near infrared (NIR) laser pulse. By measuring the absorbed attosecond XUV pulse spectrum, the ultrafast electron correlation dynamics can be studied in real time. The quantum processes that can be studied using the attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy include the AC stark shift, multi-photon absorption, intermediate states of atoms, autoionizing states, and transitions of vibrational states in molecules. In all experiments, the absorption changes as a function of the time delay between the attosecond XUV probe pulse and the dressing NIR laser pulse, on a time scale of sub-cycle laser period, which reveals attosecond electron dynamics. These experiments demonstrate that the attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy can be performed to study and control electronic and nuclear dynamics in quantum systems with high temporal and spectral resolution, and it opens door for the study of electron dynamics in large molecules and other more complex systems.

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology

Author: Argenti

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2024

Total Pages: 227

ISBN-13: 3031479386


This open access volume brings together selected papers from the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology. The contributions within represent the latest advances in attosecond science, covering recent progress in ultrafast electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, solids, nanostructures and plasmas, as well as the generation of sub-femtosecond XUV and X-ray pulses, either through table-top laser setups or with X-ray free-electron lasers. In addition to highlighting key advances and outlining the state of the field, the conference and its proceedings serve to introduce junior researchers to the community, promote collaborations, and represent the global and topical diversity of the field.