Power against the Mystery of Wickedness

Power against the Mystery of Wickedness

Author: DR. D. K. OLUKOYA

Publisher: The Battle Cry Christian Ministries

Published: 2014-06-30

Total Pages: 54

ISBN-13: 9784917866


Power Against the Mystery of Wickedness exposes the depth of darkness, highlights its wicked antics and and tackles its wicked agenda. This is a divine life line for victims of wicked demonic attacks. Each chapter is coated with fire that swallows wickedness.There are explosive prayer points vomited by the Holy Ghost to disgrace agents of wickedness. The illustrations are superb, while the scriptural expositions on the subject matter are thought-provoking.The book you hold in your hands will surely release powerful bullets which will arrest the tide of wickedness. This is your ladder to the mountain of victory.

Deliverance from Triangular Powers

Deliverance from Triangular Powers

Author: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Publisher: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

Published: 2013-12-22

Total Pages: 44

ISBN-13: 9784917408


Deliverance from Triangular Powers. A lot of people have prayed all kinds of prayers and gone through different forms of deliverance yet their case have remained hopeless. The reason is that they have remained powerless before the most wicked powers in the universe. Demons are house boys compared to these powers. When these powers are in charge of a case, nothing will happen until you deal with triangular powers. The book in your hand will teach you about the triangular powers, which can work either for you or against you if you know how to deal with them. This book exposes you to the highest form of deliverance. Welcome to total freedom.

O God Terminate the Joy of My Enemy

O God Terminate the Joy of My Enemy

Author: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Publisher: The Battle Cry Christian Ministries

Published: 2013-11-25

Total Pages: 41

ISBN-13: 9789200420


O God Terminate the Joy of my Enemy “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered. Let them that hate Him flee before Him.”(Psalm 66:1). If the scripture says that God has enemies, who are you , a living mortal not to have enemies? If you agree that you have enemies, then this is a book to read to put an end to the joy of your enemies

Deliverance through the Watches for Healing

Deliverance through the Watches for Healing

Author: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Publisher: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

Published: 2016-02-24

Total Pages: 106

ISBN-13: 9788424813


Deliverance through the watches for healing is a program that runs through the whole day in three hours interval. Turn the battle to the gates of time! Get the secret in this book.

30 Prophetic Arrows from Heaven

30 Prophetic Arrows from Heaven

Author: DR. D. K. OLUKOYA

Publisher: The Battle Cry Christian Ministries

Published: 2014-06-30

Total Pages: 46

ISBN-13: 9788424074


In this era of increased spiritual hostilities, you need uncommon weapons of victory. The arrows of God's deliverance are one mysterious weapon taht will always paralyze the emissaries of darkness and make evil diviners mad. Thirty Prophetic Arrows from Heaven is a systematic prophetic guide which can be used on daily basis to frustrate the agenda of wicked powers militating against your destiny. Each prophetic arrow has been divinely programmed to deal with specific problems You have in your hands an array of prophetic arrows that are spiritually empowered to make eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood to go into a mission of self destruction. These prophetic arrows will provoke fresh testimonies.

Battle against the Wasters

Battle against the Wasters

Author: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Publisher: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

Published: 2016-05-02

Total Pages: 56

ISBN-13: 9784917319


Anyone who is not working according to God’s timetable for his life will end up a failure. Are you afraid you may never be able to achieve your goal in life the way things are going for you? Are you getting discouraged because your dream is being dashed? Are you confused and do not know where to turn? Are you losing your self-esteem because you are not living up to expectations? Have you developed self-hatred because all your efforts to make it in life have yielded no result? If your answers to these questions are yes, then the wasters are already at work in your life. This book will teach you how to overcome the wasters so that you can rise to the top where God wants you to be.

Your Uzziah Must Die!

Your Uzziah Must Die!

Author: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Publisher: The Battle Cry Christian Ministries

Published: 2016-04-15

Total Pages: 56



If you ask three people, Mr.AA, Mr.BB and Mr.CC to tell you what is contained in an empty glass, AA may say there is nothing inside it, BB may say there is air while CC may see and list the chemical components of air. This is an analogy of the fact that your spiritual insight is a function or reflection of your knowledge. The author has worked to deepen your spiritual knowledge in this book using the tools of the kingdom.

Power of Brokenness

Power of Brokenness

Author: DR. D. K. OLUKOYA

Publisher: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

Published: 2014-07-17

Total Pages: 48

ISBN-13: 9788424465


The Power of Brokenness is an eye opener on the link between godly virtues and divine blessings. It addresses a forgotten truth which is needed by believers who desire spiritual survival in this generation. The essence of brokenness is described severally in every chapter. Symptoms of lack of brokenness are enumerated regardless of whose ox gored. This book will ignite in your heart the fire of fresh passion for inner holiness. The prayer points will also extract from your life the dregs of carnality. You will discover a wave of righteousness.

The Mystery of Dark Markets

The Mystery of Dark Markets

Author: DR. D. K. OLUKOYA

Publisher: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries/ The Battle Cry Christian Ministries

Published: 2014-10-15

Total Pages: 35

ISBN-13: 9789201087


There are dark places of the earth where cruelty and the highest forms of wickedness are the order of the day. There are evil markets where human beings are the commodity. Souls of men are being traded in these markets. This book gives us the divine prescription to overpower these evil merchants and remain whole.

The Militant Christian

The Militant Christian

Author: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Publisher: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

Published: 2013-12-22

Total Pages: 38

ISBN-13: 9784917416


The Militant Christian. It is worrisome how some present-day believers are being boxed to a corner by unbelievers. Many are denied their rights because they lack power. Many are being destroyed by the powers of darkness and their obituaries are advertised in the newspapers. A lot cannot exercise their authority and as a result , they are being ruled by their enemies. The reason for these spiritual failure, which also leads to physical failure, can be traced to powerlessness. If you are a Christian without a voice in your family or wherever you find yourself or you are oppressed and afflicted although you are a Christian, this book is for you. It will enable you to rise from spiritual paralysis to a spiritual giant. In addition you will be able to exercise your authority in Christ Jesus.