Pour une 6e République écologique

Pour une 6e République écologique

Author: Dominique Bourg

Publisher: Odile Jacob

Published: 2011-10-27

Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 2738184634


Alors que l’ampleur de la crise écologique impose une nouvelle ambition pour l’humanité, nos démocraties n’avancent qu’à petits pas. Or les dégradations en cours de la biosphère menacent nos conditions de vie et exigent un changement de cap rapide. Face à la nécessité d’anticiper et de réagir vigoureusement, certains s’interrogent sur l’efficacité de la démocratie, suggérant qu’un gouvernement autoritaire permettrait de relever plus aisément le défi. Notre ambition est au contraire de parier sur la démocratie, de l’approfondir et de la renouveler. Pour ce faire, il s’agit d’avancer des propositions concrètes permettant d’engager tous ensemble l’indispensable transition écologique. Ce livre refuse, ainsi, de choisir entre démocratie et environnement et ne propose rien de moins qu’une architecture institutionnelle nouvelle : une république écologique. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’une réflexion collective et transdisciplinaire conduite au sein de la Fondation pour la nature et l’homme. Sous la direction de Dominique BourgAvec : J. Bétaille, L. Blondiaux, M.-A. Cohendet, J.-M. Fourniau, B. François, P. Marzolf, Y. Sintomer.


Publisher: Odile Jacob


Total Pages: 208

ISBN-13: 2738184626




Author: Corine Pelluchon

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Published: 2019-02-21

Total Pages: 417

ISBN-13: 1350073903


In her new book, Corine Pelluchon argues that the dichotomy between nature and culture privileges the latter. She laments that the political system protects the sovereignty of the human and leaves them immune to impending environmental disaster. Using the phenomenological writings of French philosophers like Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida, and Paul Ricœur, Pelluchon contends that human beings have to recognise humanity's dependence upon the natural world for survival and adopt a new philosophy of existence that advocates for animal welfare and ecological preservation. In an extension of Heidegger's ontology of concern, Pelluchon declares that this dependence is not negative or a sign of weakness. She argues instead, that we are nourished by the natural world and that the very idea of nourishment contains an element of pleasure. This sustenance comforts humans and gives their lives taste. Pelluchon's new philosophy claims then, that eating has an affective, social and cultural dimension, but that most importantly it is a political act. It solidifies the eternal link between human beings and animals, and warns that the human consumption of animals and other natural resources impacts upon humanity's future.

Innovation for Sustainable Development

Innovation for Sustainable Development

Author: Jean-Yves Grosclaude

Publisher: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Published: 2014-02-20

Total Pages: 306

ISBN-13: 8179935566


Innovation has become the new buzzword across the globe. International organisations, governments, corporates, academia and society see it as the answer to the major economic, social and environmental transformations challenging the models of the 20th century. Innovations are occurring worldwide and alternative solutions to the existing problems are emerging in all sectors: electric cars, organic farming, renewable energy and e-learning are good examples. These alternatives can be ascribed with qualities such as decentralized frugal, flexible, smart and democratic, virtues that are lacking in conventional models. They are attributed with the potential to meet the overall global challenges such as climate change and the growing inequalities between and within countries. What is the real potential of innovation? Does the rapid deployment of innovations lead towards a more sustainable and inclusive society? Can innovations and the emerging alternatives replace conventional models? Beyond technologies, what institutional innovations are required to support sustainable development? A Planet for Life 2014 aims to answer these questions and explore innovation in all its aspects, through a series of texts written by international experts. The objective of this book is to analyse experiences from across the world and the role of innovation in a variety of areas of development such as urbanization, agriculture and food, the mobility of people and freight, education and the provision of water and energy to all.

Creating Political Presence

Creating Political Presence

Author: Dario Castiglione

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Published: 2018-12-28

Total Pages: 363

ISBN-13: 022658867X


For at least two centuries, democratic representation has been at the center of debate. Should elected representatives express the views of the majority, or do they have the discretion to interpret their constituents’ interests? How can representatives balance the desires of their parties and their electors? What should be done to strengthen the representation of groups that have been excluded from the political system? Representative democracy itself remains frequently contested, regarded as incapable of reflecting the will of the masses, or inadequate for today’s global governance. Recently, however, this view of democratic representation has been under attack for its failure to capture the performative and constructive elements of the process of representation, and a new literature more attentive to these aspects of the relationship between representatives and the represented has arisen. In Creating Political Presence, a diverse and international group of scholars explores the implications of such a turn. Two broad, overlapping perspectives emerge. In the first section, the contributions investigate how political representation relates to empowerment, either facilitating or interfering with the capacity of citizens to develop autonomous judgment in collective decision making. Contributions in the second section look at representation from the perspective of inclusion, focusing on how representative relationships and claims articulate the demands of those who are excluded or have no voice. The final section examines political representation from a more systemic perspective, exploring its broader environmental conditions and the way it acquires democratic legitimacy.

Ocean in the Earth System

Ocean in the Earth System

Author: Patrick Prouzet

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2014-12-15

Total Pages: 290

ISBN-13: 1848217013


Complexity is an intrinsic property of natural systems. In the oceanic system, it is linked to many interactions with the atmosphere, geosphere and biosphere with which it exchanges energy and matter. Complexity of the ocean system has, at different spatial and temporal scales, hydrodynamic mechanisms of these exchanges and dynamics of elements and compounds, they are involved in biogeochemical cycles or used as tracers. By its pedagogical approach, it defines the terms, methods, techniques and analytical tools used. Then, it analyzes the consequences of climate change, future projections, human impact and the concept introduced with planktonic pelagic ecosystem component.

Brill's Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy

Brill's Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy


Publisher: BRILL

Published: 2020-11-04

Total Pages: 554

ISBN-13: 9004443002


Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy delivers a fresh and wide-ranging analysis of the uses and reinterpretations of ancient Greek democracy from the late Middle Ages to the XXI century, offering a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to this important topic.

Legislature by Lot

Legislature by Lot

Author: John Gastil

Publisher: Verso Books

Published: 2019-04-09

Total Pages: 449

ISBN-13: 1788736087


Democracy means rule by the people, but in practice even the most robust democracies delegate most rule making to a political class The gap between the public and its representatives might seem unbridgeable in the modern world, but Legislature by Lot examines an inspiring solution: a legislature chosen through “sortition”—the random selection of lay citizens. It’s a concept that has come to the attention of democratic reformers across the globe. Proposals for such bodies are being debated in Australia, Belgium, Iceland, the United Kingdom, and many other countries. Sortition promises to reduce corruption and create a truly representative legislature in one fell swoop. In Legislature by Lot, John Gastil and Erik Olin Wright make the case for pairing a sortition body with an elected chamber within a bicameral legislature. Gastil is a leading deliberative democracy scholar, and Wright a distinguished sociologist and editor of the Real Utopias series, of which this is a part. In this volume, they bring together critics and advocates of sortition who have studied ancient Athens, deliberative polling, political theory, social movements, and civic innovation. Without obscuring its limitations, the contributors offer a wide variety of ideas for how to implement sortition and examine its potential for reshaping modern politics. Legislature by Lot includes sixteen essays that respond to Gastil and Wright’s detailed proposal. Essays comparing sortition to contemporary reforms see it as a dramatic extension of deliberative “minipublics,” which gather random samples of citizens to weigh public policy dilemmas without being empowered to enact legislation. Another set of essays explores the democratic principles underlying sortition and elections and considers, for example, how a sortition body holds itself accountable to a public that did not elect it. The third set of essays considers alternative paths to democratic reform, which limit the powers of a sortition chamber or more quickly establish a pure sortition body. With contributions by Arash Abizadeh, Tom Arnold, Terrill Bouricius, Deven Burks, Lyn Carson, Dimitri Courant, Donatella della Porta, David M. Farrell, Andrea Felicetti, James S. Fishkin, Brett Hennig, Vincent Jacquet, Raphaël Kies, Tom Malleson, Jane Mansbridge, Christoph Niessen, David Owen, John Pitseys, Min Reuchamps, Yves Sintomer, Graham Smith, Jane Suiter, and Pierre-Étienne Vandamme.



Author: Rene Letolle

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 383

ISBN-13: 2817809106


O krn soo KAZAKHSTAN N I Fig. L 1. Carte generale du bassin de l'Aral. Noter les altitudes extremes, de -132 m ~ 7495 m sovi~tiques publient peu, ont ~W trequemment elliptiques dans leurs descriptions, par caractere ou par obligation. Beaucoup de donn~ originelles sont resWes in & lites et donc inaccessibles. D'autres sont contradictoires : en particulier, les statistiques economiques publires sont sou vent controuvees. On en verra des exemples. De sorte que des recoupements d'infonnations partielles ont ~W n~ssaires, aboutissant ~ une mosatque dont l'agencement n'a pas ~W ai~. Cette monographie ~ peu pres complete de la region de l'Aral (fig. L 1), accessible au plus grand nombre sans cependant sacrifier Ie contenu scientifique pour tous ceux qui souhaitent aller plus au fond du probleme, tente de conserver l' ~uilibre entre un livre trop technique qui serait rebarbatif et un ouvrage de vulgarisation qui c~rait ~ la faciliw. Des ouvrages g~mux sur I'URSS et Ie Turkestan ont apporW des renseignements utiles, outre une bibliographie abondante qui n'a pas ~W reproduite ici.