Peripheral Labour

Peripheral Labour

Author: Shahid Amin

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 1997-05-13

Total Pages: 185

ISBN-13: 0521589002


Takes an alternative look at the notion of 'wage-workers' and contributes to the development of a non-Eurocentric historiography.

Labour, Mobility and Informal Practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe

Labour, Mobility and Informal Practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe

Author: Rano Turaeva

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2021-05-26

Total Pages: 194

ISBN-13: 1000393267


This book explores the daily survival strategies of people within the context of failed states, flourishing informal economies, legal uncertainty, increased mobility, and globalization, where many people, who are forced by the circumstances to be innovative and transnational, have found their niches outside formal processes and structures. The book provides a thorough theoretical introduction to the link between labour mobility and informality and comprises convincing case studies from a wide range of post-socialist countries. Overall, it highlights the importance of trust, transnational networks, and digital technologies in settings where the rules governing economic and social activities of mobile workers are often unclear and flexible.

Further Discussions on Labour Mobility in the EU

Further Discussions on Labour Mobility in the EU

Author: Mojca Vah Jevšnik

Publisher: Založba ZRC

Published: 2023

Total Pages: 182

ISBN-13: 9610508014


Knjiga je nadaljevanje leta 2018 izdane knjige Labour Mobility in the EU, ki je skozi prizmo različnih poklicev mobilnih delavcev ponudila vpogled v obstoječe in prihodnje izzive na področju mobilnosti delovne sile v Evropski uniji (EU). Knjiga z zbirko esejev, ki pokrivajo različne teme, perspektive in geografske kontekste, konceptualno sledi svoji predhodnici. Vendarle pa drugi del po vsebini presega prvega, saj vključuje razmišljanja, perspektive in kritične analize priznanih tujih raziskovalcev, ki naslavljajo nekatera najbolj ključna vprašanja v preseku med dinamiko trga dela v EU in vzorci čezmejne delovne mobilnosti. Deset avtorjev, ki so prispevali sedem poglavij knjige, prihaja iz štirih držav EU. Čeprav izhajajo iz različnih akademskih disciplin, so del trdno povezanega in raziskovanju predanega omrežja raziskovalcev migracij, mobilnosti in (transnacionalne) socialne zaščite v EU. Knjiga ni namenjena samo akademski publiki, ampak si želi pritegniti pozornost širšega občinstva, predvsem pa spodbuditi k poglobljenim in navdihujočim razpravam o izzivih delovne mobilnosti v EU.

Labour Mobility

Labour Mobility

Author: Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research

Publisher: I. B. Tauris

Published: 2013-11-26

Total Pages: 304

ISBN-13: 9789948147350


With the rise of attention paid to the subject of migrant workers in the Gulf and controversy surrounding the conditions in which these migrants work and live, labor mobility has become a significant aspect of GCC economic development. The region is host to around 15 million expatriate workers who generate around $80 billion in annual remittances each year and support an estimated 150 million dependents in their various home countries. This book provides a variety of approaches to the subject of labor mobility as an enabler for human, economic and social development. It explores migration policy and governance in the GCC states, the potential for research collaboration between migrant-sending and -receiving countries. Containing research concerning the relationship between remittances and economic cycles in home and host countries and the implications of labor mobility for families and households, this book offers vital research for those in economic development and the study of labor in the Middle East.

Labour Mobility in the EU

Labour Mobility in the EU

Author: Kristina Toplak

Publisher: Založba ZRC

Published: 2018-09-01

Total Pages: 162

ISBN-13: 9610500528


V šestih prispevkih monografije so analizirani obstoječi in porajajoči se izzivi na področju delovne mobilnosti v Evropski uniji, pri čemer jih avtorji obravnavajo skozi prizmo mobilnih delavcev v različnih poklicih. Z večdisciplinarnim pristopom in uporabo različnih metodoloških prijemov so avtorji ustvarili ogrodje za analitične diskusije o učinkih mobilnosti v EU, učinkovitosti in pravičnosti prostega pretoka oseb znotraj EU ter večplastnosti posledic za posameznike, države članice in nacionalne politike. Prvi prispevek je teoretski uvod v tematiko, ki mobilnost izčrpno predstavi kot teoretski koncept, politično agendo in temeljno evropsko vrednoto. Kompleksni preplet mnogoterih učinkov delovne mobilnosti, ki se pojavljajo na več ravneh, je v nadaljevanju obravnavan v petih študijah primera. Le-te osvetljujejo dileme, paradokse, učinke in posledice notranje mobilnosti v EU na primerih mobilnih zdravstvenih delavcev, umetnikov in kulturnih delavcev, napotenih delavcev, skrbstvenih delavk in visoko izobraženih delavcev. Vsi predstavljeni primeri so rezultat večletnih znanstvenoraziskovalnih prizadevanj in aktivnega delovanja avtorjev v različnih projektih s področja mobilnosti.

Let Their People Come

Let Their People Come

Author: Lant Pritchett

Publisher: Brookings Institution Press

Published: 2006-09-15

Total Pages: 116

ISBN-13: 1944691065


In Let Their People Come, Lant Pritchett discusses five "irresistible forces" of global labor migration, and the "immovable ideas" that form a political backlash against it. Increasing wage gaps, different demographic futures, "everything but labor" globalization, and the continued employment growth in low skilled, labor intensive industries all contribute to the forces compelling labor to migrate across national borders. Pritchett analyzes the fifth irresistible force of "ghosts and zombies," or the rapid and massive shifts in desired populations of countries, and says that this aspect has been neglected in the discussion of global labor mobility. Let Their People Come provides six policy recommendations for unskilled immigration policy that seek to reconcile the irresistible force of migration with the immovable ideas in rich countries that keep this force in check. In clear, accessible prose, this volume explores ways to regulate migration flows so that they are a benefit to both the global North and global South.