Anthology of student, alumni, faculty, and trustee stories from sixty years of Eckerd College, a small liberal arts college in St. Petersburg, Florida (
"Anchored in the College's founding and its first ten years, On Solid Rock is a history of a southern college born in the civil rights movement that became a leader in integrating higher education and college sports. It explains why Eckerd College is located in the City of St. Petersburg and how the College and the City have impacted each other. It is a story that tells us courage - it takes more than mission and vision - to create a lasting liberal arts college and curriculum." --Publisher
The distinctive group of forty colleges profiled here is a well-kept secret in a status industry. They outdo the Ivies and research universities in producing winners. And they work their magic on the B and C students as well as on the A students. Loren Pope, director of the College Placement Bureau, provides essential information on schools that he has chosen for their proven ability to develop potential, values, initiative, and risk-taking in a wide range of students. Inside you'll find evaluations of each school's program and personality to help you decide if it's a community that's right for you; interviews with students that offer an insider's perspective on each college; professors' and deans' viewpoints on their school, their students, and their mission; and information on what happens to the graduates and what they think of their college experience. Loren Pope encourages you to be a hard-nosed consumer when visiting a college, advises how to evaluate a school in terms of your own needs and strengths, and shows how the college experience can enrich the rest of your life.
Seit über 20 Jahren ist dies die erste umfassende Einstein-Biographie. Der anerkannte Autor Denis Brian untersucht die private, öffentliche und wissenschaftliche Seite der legendären Persönlichkeit dieses rätselhaften Mannes. Geschickt beleuchtet Brian Einsteins eigenartig-neugierigen Charakter, die Träume und Ereignisse, die den künftigen Wissenschaftler vorangetrieben haben auf seiner unglaublichen Reise zu den Gipfeln des Erfolges und weltweiter Anerkennung. Einsteins Lebenswerk veränderte schließlich die Sichtweise der Wissenschaft von der Welt, angefangen bei seinem ersten Entwurf der revolutionären Relativitätstheorie 1905 bis hin zur Entwicklung der Atombombe (und seiner umstrittenen Position als Gegner des nachfolgenden nuklearen Wettrüstens). Der Autor erforscht Einsteins überwältigendes Erbe in Gesprächen mit vielen Zeitgenossen. Auch lüftet Brian das Geheimnis der Formeln, Theorien und Experimente, damit wir ihre Bedeutung und Tragweite besser verstehen können. Mit Prägnanz und Liebe zum Detail entführt er uns in die Welt, in der Einstein arbeitete, zurückgezogen oder gemeinsam mit anderen; von seinen Assistenten wurde er verehrt und mit anderen Physikern seiner Zeit pflegte er freundschaftliche Beziehungen. (10/97)
The artificial intelligence (AI) landscape has evolved significantly from 1950 when Alan Turing first posed the question of whether machines can think. Today, AI is transforming societies and economies. It promises to generate productivity gains, improve well-being and help address global challenges, such as climate change, resource scarcity and health crises.
What does the Old Testament—especially the law—have to do with your Christian life? In this warm, accessible volume, Carmen Joy Imes takes readers back to Sinai, arguing that we've misunderstood the command about "taking the Lord's name in vain." Instead, Imes says that this command is really about "bearing God's name," a theme that continues throughout the rest of Scripture.
Updated Edition of a Best Seller! Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment presents a current and comprehensive examination of human behavior using a multidimensional framework. Author Elizabeth D. Hutchison explores the biological dimension and the social factors that affect human development and behavior, encouraging readers to connect their own personal experiences with social trends in order to recognize the unity of person and environment. Aligned with the 2015 curriculum guidelines set forth by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the substantially updated Sixth Edition includes a greater emphasis on culture and diversity, immigration, neuroscience, and the impact of technology. Twelve new case studies illustrate a balanced breadth and depth of coverage to help readers apply theory and general social work knowledge to unique practice situations. The companion volume, Dimensions of Human Behavior: The Changing Life Course, Sixth Edition, builds on the dimensions of person and environment with the dimension of time and demonstrates how they work together to produce patterns in life course journeys.
This book examines the search and selection process for college and university presidents in its variety and intricacy. Chapter I examines the question of the importance of presidents and searches. Chapter II describes the process of presidential succession at a private liberal arts college. Chapter III discusses the tasks required at the start of the search. Chapter IV illustrates the importance of confidentiality by presenting, in disguised form, the search process for a president of a flagship state university. In Chapter V the authors discuss conflicts over privacy and publicity in the search process and in American society generally. Chapter VI presents an account of the 1983 search at the University of Florida in the glare of Florida's open meeting and open records laws. Chapter VII examines the significance of disclosure laws. Chapter VIII describes the Winthrop College (South Carolina) search conducted with the help of a consultant. The following chapter goes on to explore the implications of consultants in search processes. Chapter X describes the Rice University (Texas) search process and illuminates the ways in which members of a search committee can court a candidate. Chapter XI examines the two-way process in which candidate and institution must each choose and be chosen. Over 250 references and an index are included. (JB)