The first book to use object-oriented techniques for multidatabase problems. The authors show how to solve the problems of databases talking to each other using an object-oriented approach.
Object-oriented database management systems (OODBMSs) have generated significant excitement in the database community in the last decade. This interest stems from a real need for data management support for what are called "advanced application areas" that are not well-served by relational technology. The case for object-oriented technology has been made on three fronts. First is the data modeling requirements of the new applications. Some of the more important shortcomings of the relational systems in meeting the requirements of these applications include: 1. Relational systems deal with a single object type: a relation. A relation is used to model different real-world objects, but the semantics of this association is not part of the database. Furthermore, the attributes of a relation may come only from simple and fixed data type domains (numeric, character, and, sometimes, date types). Advanced applications require explicit storage and manipulation of more abstract types (e.g., images, design documents) and the ability for the users to define their own application-specific types. Therefore, a rich type system supporting user defined abstract types is required. 2. The relational model structures data in a relatively simple and flat manner. Non traditional applications require more complex object structures with nested objects (e.g., a vehicle object containing an engine object).
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applcations, DEXA 2003, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2003. The 91 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper and a position paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 236 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on XML, data modeling, spatial database systems, mobile computing, transactions, bioinformatics, information retrieval, multimedia databases, Web applications, ontologies, object-oriented databases, query optimization, workflow systems, knowledge engineering, and security.
This book focuses on recent developments in representational and processing aspects of complex data-intensive applications. Until recently, information systems have been designed around different business functions, such as accounts payable and inventory control. Object-oriented modeling, in contrast, structures systems around the data--the objects--that make up the various business functions. Because information about a particular function is limited to one place--to the object--the system is shielded from the effects of change. Object-oriented modeling also promotes better understanding of requirements, clear designs, and more easily maintainable systems. This book focuses on recent developments in representational and processing aspects of complex data-intensive applications. The chapters cover "hot" topics such as application behavior and consistency, reverse engineering, interoperability and collaboration between objects, and work-flow modeling. Each chapter contains a review of its subject, followed by object-oriented modeling techniques and methodologies that can be applied to real-life applications. Contributors F. Casati, S. Ceri, R. Cicchetti, L. M. L. Delcambre, E. F. Ecklund, D. W. Embley, G. Engels, J. M. Gagnon, R. Godin, M. Gogolla, L. Groenewegen, G. S. Jensen, G. Kappel, B. J. Krämer, S. W. Liddle, R. Missaoui, M. Norrie, M. P. Papazoglou, C. Parent, B. Perniei, P. Poncelet, G. Pozzi, M. Schreft, R. T. Snodgrass, S. Spaccapietra, M. Stumptner, M. Teisseire, W. J. van den Heuevel, S. N. Woodfield
The design of knowledge systems is finding myriad applications from corporate databases to general decision support in areas as diverse as engineering, manufacturing and other industrial processes, medicine, business, and economics. In engineering, for example, knowledge bases can be utilized for reliable electric power system operation. In medicine they support complex diagnoses, while in business they inform the process of strategic planning. Programmed securities trading and the defeat of chess champion Kasparov by IBM's Big Blue are two familiar examples of dedicated knowledge bases in combination with an expert system for decision-making.With volumes covering "Implementation," "Optimization," "Computer Techniques," and "Systems and Applications," this comprehensive set constitutes a unique reference source for students, practitioners, and researchers in computer science, engineering, and the broad range of applications areas for knowledge-based systems.
This proceedings volume contains 52 technical research papers on multidatabases, distributed DB, multimedia DB, object-oriented DB, real-time DB, temporal DB, deductive DB, and intelligent user interface. Some industrial papers are also included.
The proliferation of databases within organizations have made it imperative to allow effective sharing of information from these disparate database systems. In addition, it is desirable that the individual systems must maintain a certain degree of autonomy over their data in order to continue to provide for their existing applications and to support controlled access to their information. Thus it becomes necessary to develop new techniques and build new functionality to interoperate these autonomous database systems and to integrate them into an overall information system. Research into interoperable database systems has advanced substantially over recent years in response to this need.The papers presented in this volume cover a wide spectrum of both theoretical and pragmatic issues related to the semantics of interoperable database systems. Topics covered include techniques to support the translation between database schema and between database languages; object oriented frameworks for supporting interoperability of heterogeneous databases, knowledge base integration and techniques for overcoming schematic discrepancies in interoperable databases. In addition, there are papers addressing issues of security transaction processing, data modelling and object identification in interoperable database systems. It is hoped the publication will represent a valuable collective contribution to research and development in the field for database researchers, implementors, designers, application builders and users alike.
For more than 20 years, Network World has been the premier provider of information, intelligence and insight for network and IT executives responsible for the digital nervous systems of large organizations. Readers are responsible for designing, implementing and managing the voice, data and video systems their companies use to support everything from business critical applications to employee collaboration and electronic commerce.
Knowledge Base Systems are an integration of conventional database systems with Artificial Intelligence techniques. They provide inference capabilities to the database system by encapsulating the knowledge of the application domain within the database. Knowledge is the most valuable of all corporate resources that must be captured, stored, re-used and continuously improved, in much the same way as database systems were important in the previous decade. Flexible, extensible, and yet efficient Knowledge Base Systems are needed to capture the increasing demand for knowledge-based applications which will become a significant market in the next decade. Knowledge can be expressed in many static and dynamic forms; the most prominent being domain objects, their relationships, and their rules of evolution and transformation. It is important to express and seamlessly use all types of knowledge in a single Knowledge Base System. Parallel, Object-Oriented, and Active Knowledge Base Systems presents in detail features that a Knowledge Base System should have in order to fulfill the above requirements. Parallel, Object-Oriented, and Active Knowledge Base Systems covers in detail the following topics: Integration of deductive, production, and active rules in sequential database systems. Integration and inter-operation of multiple rule types into the same Knowledge Base System. Parallel rule matching and execution, for deductive, production, and active rules, in parallel Export, Knowledge Base, and Database Systems. In-depth description of a Parallel, Object-Oriented, and Active Knowledge Base System that integrates all rule paradigms into a single database system without hindering performance. Parallel, Object-Oriented, and Active Knowledge Base Systems is intended as a graduate-level text for a course on Knowledge Base Systems and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in the areas of database systems, knowledge base systems and Artificial Intelligence.
The conference on Object Oriented Information Systems (OOIS) is now an es- blished international conference where innovative ideas, research, applications, and experiences in the design, development, and use of object oriented infor- tionsystems,fromboththeacademicandindustrialenvironments,arepresented. The ninth OOIS conference was held at the University of Geneva, September 2–5, 2003. The main theme was the Evolution of Object Oriented Information Systems. The papers presented ideas and issues related to the evolution, ad- tability, restructuring, and ?exibility of OOIS. In the context of the conference, ?ve workshops and four tutorials were organized providing a discussion forum for new ideas and including in depth presentations on important “hot” subjects. The three invited speakers of the ninth OOIS conference provided an - ternative view on OOIS and their evolution. Prof. John Mylopoulos (Univ- sity of Toronto and VLDB president) gave the opening presentation entitled “Agent Oriented IS Development” , Dr. Richard Soley (OMG President and CEO) gave the closing presentation entitled “Model Driven Architecture: The Evolution of Object-Oriented Systems?” and Prof. Lina Al-Jadir (American U- versity of Beirut) gave the theme presentation entitled “Once Upon a Time a DTD Evolved into Another DTD...”.