As we enter a "Mundus Urbano", urban issues become even more central to many professions related to planning. This situation not only reinforces long identified challenges but also generates new ones for which planners from all different fields of inquiry have to re-think their own practice. This book gathers works that reflect recent challenges examined by the fresh eyes of young professionals brought together to stretch conventions towards an innovative approach to urban studies. The reader will find world-wide as well as more localised study cases in four chapters that embed the most up-to-date questions permeating the field: sociocultural production and urban space, urban governance and social challenges, contemporary planning and cooperating in the south and sustainable urban infrastructure. Each of these chapters is introduced by prominent authors such as Prof. Amos Rapoport, PhD. Jaqueline Britto Pólvora, Prof. Guiqing Yang and Cor Dijkgraaf, who have been of great importance during the course of this advanced Master studies.
As we enter a Mundus Urbano, urban issues become even more central to many professions related to planning. This situation not only reinforces long identified challenges but also generates new ones for which planners from all different fields of inquiry have to re-think their own practice. This book gathers works that reflect recent challenges examined by the fresh eyes of young professionals brought together to stretch conventions towards an innovative approach to urban studies. The reader will find world-wide as well as more localised study cases in four chapters that embed the most up-to-date questions permeating the field: sociocultural production and urban space, urban governance and social challenges, contemporary planning and cooperating in the south and sustainable urban infrastructure. Each of these chapters is introduced by prominent authors such as Prof. Amos Rapoport, PhD. Jaqueline Britto Polvora, Prof. Guiqing Yang and Cor Dijkgraaf, who have been of great importance during the course of this advanced Master."
The Smart City paradigm aims at resource efficient urban development by means of ICT implementation. Cities where we work and conduct our research are building Smart City strategies and that research institutions increasingly fund research into the development of smart infrastructure and. Smart Cities are considered a radical paradigm shift and motors of technological innovation: economic growth, higher quality of life, efficiency and risk control in the face of shrinking resources and impending climate change. This smartification is contrasted by increasing calls by civil society and urban social movements for more encompassing inclusion in decision-making. New urban actors are acquiring agency through situated knowledge, local expertise, social networking, and cooperation and collaboration skills. Behind these movements a seemingly parallel discourse to the “Smart City” paradigm is gaining ground – the discourse of the commons. Commons are defined as the combination of resources, people and practices: resources which are defined and managed by a group of people – of commoners – and a practice of commoning that looks after, takes care for and fosters this resource without exhausting it. Commoning is a practice that seems closer than any other practice to a sustainable way of life. Are these two discourses – the discourse on the Smart City and the discourse on the urban commons – irreconcilable antagonists or do they share a common ground which needs to be uncovered, developed and advocated. This question is by no means merely theoretical. It is also a very practical question which pertains to the management and distribution of the resources we depend on. It is a very political question as it demands negotiation and the taking of sides. And it is an ethical question in that it relates to how we respect and stand up for each other – our fellow human beings and also the non-human nature for which we are responsible. The essays and transcripts of the symposium “Beware of Smart People!” want to make a first contribution and stimulate future research in the field. Das Paradigma der Smart City ist Ausdruck der Ambition, Stadtentwicklung durch die Anwendung von IKT effizient und Ressourcen schonend zu gestalten. Städte in denen wir arbeiten und über die wir forschen entwickeln Smart City Strategien und Forschungsförderung spezialisiert sich zunehmend auf die Entwicklung „smarter“ Infrastrukturen und Steuerungsmechanismen. Smart Cities werden als radikaler Paradigmenwechsel gelesen und als Motoren technologischer Entwicklung: ökonomisches Wachstum, höhere Lebensqualität, Effizienz und Risikokontrolle angesichts abnehmender Ressourcen und drohenden Klimawandels. Dieser „Smartifizierung“ stehen die zunehmenden Forderungen zivilgesellschaftlicher Gruppen und sozialer Bewegungen für mehr und umfassendere Einbindung in Entscheidungsprozesse entgegen. Neue urbane Akteure werden zu Agenten, indem sie ihre Erfahrungswissen, ihre lokalen Kenntnisse, ihre sozialen Netzwerke und Fähigkeiten zur Kooperation und Kollaboration einbringen. Hintergrund diese Bewegungen ist ein augenscheinlich paralleler Diskurs zur „Smart City“ welcher sich zunehmend Gehör verschafft – der Diskurs über die Gemeingüter, die Commons. Commons werden definiert als das Zusammenspiel von Ressourcen, Menschen und Praktiken: Ressourcen, die von einer Gemeinschaft – den Commonern - definiert und verwaltet werden, und eine Praxis des Commoning, welche die Ressource schonend bewirtschaftet ohne sie zu verbrauchen. In diesem Sinne scheint Commoning eine Praxis, die einer nachhaltigen Lebensweise am nächsten kommt. Sind diese zwei Diskurse – der Diskurs über die Smart City und jener über die urbanen Gemeingüter – unvereinbare Antagonisten oder teilen sie Gemeinsamkeiten, welche offen gelegt, weiter entwickelt und verfechtet werden sollten? Diese Frage ist keineswegs eine rein theoretische. Sie ist eine sehr praktische Frage, da sie auf das die Verteilung und das Management lebenswichtiger Ressourcen zielt. Sie ist eine politische Frage, da sie Auseinandersetzung und Parteinahme einfordert. Und sie ist eine ethische Frage, denn sie fordert gegenseitigen Respekt und Einsatz ein – für unsere Mitmenschen sowie für die nichtmenschliche Natur für die wir Verantwortung tragen. Die Texte und Aufzeichnungen des Symposiums „Beware of Smart People!“ wollen hierzu einen Beitrag leisten und zukünftige Forschungsvorhaben stimulieren.
Solid waste management affects every person in the world. By 2050, the world is expected to increase waste generation by 70 percent, from 2.01 billion tonnes of waste in 2016 to 3.40 billion tonnes of waste annually. Individuals and governments make decisions about consumption and waste management that affect the daily health, productivity, and cleanliness of communities. Poorly managed waste is contaminating the world’s oceans, clogging drains and causing flooding, transmitting diseases, increasing respiratory problems, harming animals that consume waste unknowingly, and affecting economic development. Unmanaged and improperly managed waste from decades of economic growth requires urgent action at all levels of society. What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 aggregates extensive solid aste data at the national and urban levels. It estimates and projects waste generation to 2030 and 2050. Beyond the core data metrics from waste generation to disposal, the report provides information on waste management costs, revenues, and tariffs; special wastes; regulations; public communication; administrative and operational models; and the informal sector. Solid waste management accounts for approximately 20 percent of municipal budgets in low-income countries and 10 percent of municipal budgets in middle-income countries, on average. Waste management is often under the jurisdiction of local authorities facing competing priorities and limited resources and capacities in planning, contract management, and operational monitoring. These factors make sustainable waste management a complicated proposition; most low- and middle-income countries, and their respective cities, are struggling to address these challenges. Waste management data are critical to creating policy and planning for local contexts. Understanding how much waste is generated—especially with rapid urbanization and population growth—as well as the types of waste generated helps local governments to select appropriate management methods and plan for future demand. It allows governments to design a system with a suitable number of vehicles, establish efficient routes, set targets for diversion of waste, track progress, and adapt as consumption patterns change. With accurate data, governments can realistically allocate resources, assess relevant technologies, and consider strategic partners for service provision, such as the private sector or nongovernmental organizations. What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 provides the most up-to-date information available to empower citizens and governments around the world to effectively address the pressing global crisis of waste. Additional information is available at
Globally, Smart Cities initiatives are pursued which reproduce the interests of capital and neoliberal government, rather than wider public good. This book explores smart urbanism and 'the right to the city', examining citizenship, social justice, commoning, civic participation, and co-creation to imagine a different kind of Smart City.
This book examines planning education provision and approaches globally, through a comparative and longitudinal perspective. It explores the emergence of planning education in the 20th century, with its rich variation and yet a remarkable degree of cross-fertilization. Each of the sections of the book is framed by an overview essay which has been prepared by the editors to provide the reader with a critical exposure to relevant scholarship drawing on the detailed case studies and exploratory essays on key issues in planning education. The first part of this volume focuses on the emergence of planning education programs in the twentieth century as a way to understand the current planning education environment. Then we explore how education in urban, regional and spatial planning has developed in different ways in different countries and continents. The final part of this volume aims to envision how planning can adapt and develop to remain relevant to the development of human environments in the 21st century. Urban planning education has become a pervasive practice throughout the world as urbanization and development pressures have increased over the past half century, and as demand increased for professional trained experts to guide those processes. The approaches vary widely, based in part upon the discipline from which the planning program developed as well as the context-specific challenges within the country or region where the program resides.
With a population of more than eighteen million people, Mexico City is a major metropolitan area where the effects of urban development on air quality are of immediate concern. Air pollution exposures and effects on forests in the Mexico City Air Basin are in many respects similar to those reported in the Los Angeles, California Air Basin. Studies of air pollution impacts on forests in these two regions may serve as models for urban areas all over the world. Although scientists have studied air pollution and its effects on forests and vegetation in the Mexico City Air Basin for years, this book reviews and synthesizes this body of work for the first time. This synthesis is particularly valuable as air pollution increases at an alarming rate along with global urbanization. A thorough discussion of regional geology, climate and hydrology, historical natural resource utilization, and sociological factors provide the context for evaluating air pollution impacts on the highly valued forests surrounding this megacity. The environmental and ecological consequences of chronic exposure to biologically important pollutants are considered in various case studies. Finally, the editors discuss the state of air pollution research in the Mexico City Air Basin and the outlook for the health and sustainability of forests within the Basin.
Vernacular architecture represents a great resource that has considerable potential to define principles for sustainable design and contemporary architecture. This publication is the result of an overall aim to produce a valuable tool for analysis regarding vernacular heritage through different assessments, in order to define principles to consider for sustainable development. This was possible through a comprehensive reflection on the principles established and the strategies to recognise in different world contexts. The present publication was the result of an in-depth approach by 46 authors from 12 countries, concerned with the analysis and critical assessment of vernacular heritage and its sustainable perspective. The book presents 8 chapters addressing operational definitions and synopses advances, regarding the main areas of vernacular heritage contribution to sustainable architecture. It also presents 15 chapters and 53 case studies of vernacular and contemporary approaches in all the 5 continents, regarding urban, architectural, technical and constructive strategies and solutions. VERSUS, HERITAGE FOR TOMORROW: Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture is the result of a common effort undertaken by the partners ESG | Escola Superior Gallaecia, Portugal, as Project leader; CRAterre | École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble, France; DIDA | Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy; DICAAR | Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy; and UPV | Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. This is the final outcome of VerSus, an European project developed from 2012 to 2014, in the framework of the Culture 2007-2013 programme.
SENSORIVM publishes the first results of a collective investigation into how Roman rituals smelled, sounded, felt and struck the eye. It brings Roman religious experience into the realm of the senses.
This book represents the first multidisciplinary scientific work on a deep volcanic maar lake in comparison with other similar temperate lakes. The syntheses of the main characteristics of Lake Pavin are, for the first time, set in a firmer footing comparative approach, encompassing regional, national, European and international aquatic science contexts. It is a unique lake because of its permanently anoxic monimolimnion, and furthermore, because of its small surface area, its substantially low human influence, and by the fact that it does not have a river inflow. The book reflects the scientific research done on the general limnology, history, origin, volcanology and geological environment as well as on the geochemistry and biogeochemical cycles. Other chapters focus on the biology and microbial ecology whereas the sedimentology and paleolimnology are also given attention. This volume will be of special interest to researchers and advanced students, primarily in the fields of limnology, biogeochemistry, and aquatic ecology.