Un guide pratique pour tout savoir sur les huiles essentielles : vertus, secrets de préparation, usages et synergies. 75 huiles essentielles et 60 synergies expliquées pour soigner vos maux ! Apprenez également à utiliser les bonnes huiles essentielles lors de vos rituels spirituels.
Eucalyptus, a genus of over 800 species, is a multiproduct crop par excellence. Not only is it grown for timber, pulp and fuelwood, but, as the Aborigines discovered thousands of years ago, it has numerous medicinal and aromatic properties. Since the first commercial distillation of eucalyptus oil 150 years ago, a vast array of eucalyptus-based pro
Soulager les maux du quotidien et améliorer votre bien-être avec les huiles essentielles. Les solutions au naturel pour soulager les maux les plus courants : rhume, mal de dos, acné, fatigue... Les conseils et précautions d’emploi. Un répertoire des 50 huiles essentielles les plus utiles. LA RÉFÉRENCE À PORTÉE DE TOUS.
À l'heure où le retour au naturel est plébiscité tant par les professionnels que par les amateurs, il est nécessaire de bien connaître les propriétés, les bienfaits mais aussi les précautions d'usage des huiles essentielles, des hydrolats/eaux florales et des huiles végétales, pour les utiliser en toute confiance. Tel est le défi relevé par un collectif de spécialistes, tous amoureux de ces beaux ingrédients. Ils ont sélectionné pour vous 152 produits incontournables, présentés dans ce livre sous forme de fiches synthétiques et magnifiquement illustrées. Chacune rassemble : • des informations géographiques et botaniques sur les plantes ; • des données techniques et réglementaires sur les conditions d'utilisation, les bénéfices de chaque ingrédient mais aussi les précautions à prendre ; • des exemples et des recettes de professionnels pour des préparations en cosmétique, parfumerie, santé, bien-être et cuisine ; • des témoignages et des conseils de spécialistes reconnus.Ce livre se distingue par l'expertise de tous ses contributeurs, par la dimension humaine des témoignages et par une volonté affirmée d'expliquer avec clarté et de rendre plus accessible le monde de la phytothérapie, de la cosmétique et des extraits naturels. Une passion communicative. Un univers fascinant, maintenant à votre portée !
Building an Emergency Plan provides a step-by-step guide that a cultural institution can follow to develop its own emergency preparedness and response strategy. This workbook is divided into three parts that address the three groups generally responsible for developing and implementing emergency procedures—institution directors, emergency preparedness managers, and departmental team leaders—and discuss the role each should play in devising and maintaining an effective emergency plan. Several chapters detail the practical aspects of communication, training, and forming teams to handle the safety of staff and visitors, collections, buildings, and records. Emergencies covered include natural events such as earthquakes or floods, as well as human-caused emergencies, such as fires that occur during renovation. Examples from the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, the Museo de Arte Popular Americano in Chile, the Mystic Seaport Museum in Connecticut, and the Seattle Art Museum show how cultural institutions have prepared for emergencies relevant to their sites, collections, and regions.
Elizabeth Martin explores the impact of globalization on the language of French advertising, showing that English and global imagery play an important role in tailoring global campaigns to the French market, with media companies undeterred by the attempts through legislation to curb language mixing in the media.
Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing forms of alternative medicine in the UK and USA. Essential oils are now sold in pharmacies and aromatherapy is increasingly being used in hospitals and primary care settings.This unique book takes an analytical and scientific approach to aromatherapy practices and principles based on the scientific evidence to date.The monographs cover commonly used essential oils and their therapeutic uses, details of toxicity, bioactivity, contraindications and clinical studies. This book provides pharmacists, GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals with reliable scientifically based information on this growing discipline.
Ecology and distribution; Breeding; Reproduction; Maintenance and growth; Pregnancy; Lactation of suckling ewes and does; Nutritional diseases; Infectious diseases of sheep and goats; Internal parasites of sheep and goats; External parasites of sheep and goats; Growth and characteristics of wool and hair; Wiik grading and marketing; Livestock and meat marketing and grading; Carcase and meat qualities; Milk production in sheep and goats; Systems, biological and economic efficiencies; Very extensive systems; Extensive grazing systems; Intensive grassland systems; Intensive arable systems; Very intensive systems; Government controlled systems; Migratory (Transhumance) systems; Nomadic systems; Village and smallholder systems; List of contributors.
In medicine the understanding and interpretation of the complex reality of illness currently refers either to an organismic approach that focuses on the physical or to a 'holistic' approach that takes into account the patient's human sociocultural involvement. Yet as the papers of this collection show, the suffering human person refers ultimately to his/her existential sphere. Hence, praxis is supplemented by still other perspectives for valuation and interpretation: ethical, spiritual, and religious. Can medicine ignore these considerations or push them to the side as being subjective and arbitrary? Phenomenology/philosophy-of-life recognizes all of the above approaches to be essential facets of the Human Condition (Tymieniecka). This approach holds that all the facets of the Human Condition have equal objectivity and legitimacy. It completes the accepted medical outlook and points the way toward a new `medical humanism'.