Building a Low-carbon Economy

Building a Low-carbon Economy

Author: Great Britain. Committee on Climate Change

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 514

ISBN-13: 9780117039292


Climate change resulting from CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions poses a huge threat to human welfare. To contain that threat, the world needs to cut emissions by about 50 per cent by 2050, and to start cutting emissions now. A global agreement to take action is vital. A fair global deal will require the UK to cut emissions by at least 80 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050. In this report, the Committee on Climate Change explains why the UK should aim for an 80 per cent reduction by 2050 and how that is attainable, and then recommends the first three budgets that will define the path to 2022. But the path is attainable at manageable cost, and following it is essential if the UK is to play its fair part in avoiding the far higher costs of harmful climate change. Part 1 of the report addresses the 2050 target. The 80 per cent target should apply to the sum of all sectors of the UK economy, including international aviation and shipping. The costs to the UK from this level of emissions reduction can be made affordable - estimated at between 1-2 per cent of GDP in 2050. In part 2, the Committee sets out the first three carbon budgets covering the period 2008-22, and examines the feasible reductions possible in various sectors: decarbonising the power sector; energy use in buildings and industry; reducing domestic transport emissions; reducing emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases; economy wide emissions reductions to meet budgets. The third part of the report examines wider economic and social impacts from budgets including competitiveness, fuel poverty, security of supply, and differences in circumstances between the regions of the UK.

Green Jobs and Skills

Green Jobs and Skills

Author: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Environmental Audit Committee

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 40

ISBN-13: 9780215542724


The Government has missed a big opportunity to kick start a green-industrial revolution with its £3bn fiscal stimulus. Germany, the US, Japan and China have invested billions in their low-carbon industries. But only one sixth of the UK's Government's fiscal stimulus package was devoted to green industry. Many of the policies needed to cut carbon emissions will provide good opportunities to increase employment and could give the UK a competitive advantage in the coming decades. The UK has the potential to take a leading global role in a number of low carbon sectors. Creating a strong home market in off-shore wind could ensure UK companies are well placed to exploit export opportunities to other EU countries - or promising markets such as the US and China. Increasing the speed and scale of the programme to insulate UK homes could also sustain employment and kick start a market estimated to be worth between £3.5 - 6.5 billion a year. Business needs confidence that financial incentives and regulation designed to promote low carbon industries will be maintained. Although it is recognised that the UK government has made significant investment for delivery of its Low Carbon Industrial Strategy and its Low Carbon Transition Plan it is not sufficient to meet emissions targets or to provide the economic advantage needed. It is felt that the Low Carbon Industrial Strategy does not effectively address a transition across the whole economy. The Committee on Climate Change has identified key sectors in which energy savings must be made and the Government's strategy on green jobs must be directly linked to these sectoral targets and green industries developed to achieve these. The Committee also feels that, in particular, a 'quick win' street-by-street programme of energy saving measures for households that will boost employment and keep UK building firms in business should be developed as a priority. The market-based, demand-led approach to skills has not worked because employers are unable to effectively articulate their needs. The Government's new skills strategy must prioritise the skills needed to drive the economy through the low-carbon transition. A body to lead the green skills agenda must be found and low-carbon skills need to be integrated through the whole skills delivery system to encourage behavioural change across the entire economy

The UK low carbon transition plan

The UK low carbon transition plan

Author: Great Britain: Department of Energy and Climate Change

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Published: 2009-07-15

Total Pages: 228



This White Paper sets out the UK's transition plan to 2020 for becoming a low carbon country: cutting emissions, maintaining secure energy supply, maximising economic opportunities and protecting the most vulnerable. The plan will deliver emission cuts of 18 per cent on 2008 levels. Key steps include: all government departments to have carbon budgets; 40 per cent of energy from low carbon sources including 30 per cent of energy from renewables; funding of four demonstrations of capturing and storing emissions from coal power stations; new nuclear power stations. Home will be made greener by: £3.2 billion to help households become more energy efficient; rolling out smart meters to all homes by 2020; piloting "pay as you save" schemes; introducing clean energy cash-back schemes; a competition for 15 towns and villages to be pioneers in green innovation. Vulnerable sections of society will be helped by: mandated social price support; piloting a community-based approach to delivering green homes in low income areas, helping around 90,000 homes; increasing Warm Front grants. The greening of industry will be addressed through support for development and use of clean technologies, including £120 million in offshore wind and £60 million towards marine energy. Transport will be transformed: carbon dioxide emissions from new cars to be cut across the EU by 40 per cent on 2007 levels and increased support for electric cars; sourcing 10 per cent of UK transport energy from renewable sources. A framework for emissions from farming will be developed. Also published are "The UK renewable energy strategy" (Cm. 7686, ISBN 9780101768627) and "Low carbon transport" (Cm. 7682, ISBN 9780101768221).

House of Commons - Environmental Audit Office: Progress on Carbon Budgets - HC 60

House of Commons - Environmental Audit Office: Progress on Carbon Budgets - HC 60

Author: Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Environmental Audit Committee

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Published: 2013-10-08

Total Pages: 160

ISBN-13: 9780215062475


The UK's existing carbon budgets represent the minimum level of emissions reduction required to avoid a global 2 degrees temperature rise - regarded as a dangerous threshold - and the UK's leading climate scientists do not believe loosening the budgets is warranted. The current (2008-2012) and second (2013-2017) carbon budgets will be easily met because of the recession. But the UK is not on track to meet the third (2018-22) and fourth budgets (2023-2027), because not enough progress is being made in decarbonising transport, buildings and heat production. The Government's Carbon Plan - which set milestones for five key Government Departments to cut carbon - is out of date without any quarterly progress reports published yet. The Green Deal has also had low take-up rates so far. The Government should set a 2030 decarbonisation target for the power sector now, rather than in 2016 as the Energy Bill sets out. The Government should also reconsider placing a statutory duty on local authorities to produce low-carbon plans for their area. The current low-carbon price in the EU ETS - the result of the economic downturn of recent years and over-allocation of emissions permits - also means that that scheme will not deliver the emissions reductions envisaged when the fourth carbon budget was set. Without any tightening of the EU ETS increased pressure will therefore be placed on the non-traded sector, which will have to produce further emissions reductions to cover the emerging gap left by the traded sector

Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration

Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration

Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Publisher: National Academies Press

Published: 2019-04-08

Total Pages: 511

ISBN-13: 0309484529


To achieve goals for climate and economic growth, "negative emissions technologies" (NETs) that remove and sequester carbon dioxide from the air will need to play a significant role in mitigating climate change. Unlike carbon capture and storage technologies that remove carbon dioxide emissions directly from large point sources such as coal power plants, NETs remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or enhance natural carbon sinks. Storing the carbon dioxide from NETs has the same impact on the atmosphere and climate as simultaneously preventing an equal amount of carbon dioxide from being emitted. Recent analyses found that deploying NETs may be less expensive and less disruptive than reducing some emissions, such as a substantial portion of agricultural and land-use emissions and some transportation emissions. In 2015, the National Academies published Climate Intervention: Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration, which described and initially assessed NETs and sequestration technologies. This report acknowledged the relative paucity of research on NETs and recommended development of a research agenda that covers all aspects of NETs from fundamental science to full-scale deployment. To address this need, Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration: A Research Agenda assesses the benefits, risks, and "sustainable scale potential" for NETs and sequestration. This report also defines the essential components of a research and development program, including its estimated costs and potential impact.

Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050

Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050

Author: H. Herring

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2012-08-29

Total Pages: 239

ISBN-13: 1137264896


Combining theory, case studies and speculative fiction, a range of contributors, from leading UK academics to pioneering renewable activists, create a compelling picture of the potential perks and pitfalls of a low carbon future.

Climate Change 2014

Climate Change 2014

Author: Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat


Published: 2015

Total Pages: 151

ISBN-13: 9789291691432


Sustainable development in the Localism Bill

Sustainable development in the Localism Bill

Author: Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Environmental Audit Committee

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Published: 2011-03-22

Total Pages: 40

ISBN-13: 9780215557056


The Localism Bill will devolve powers to councils and neighbourhoods and aims to give local communities more control over housing and planning decisions. It includes measures to reform the planning system, the provision of housing and a range of local authority governance issues. The Bill will abolish Regional Spatial Strategies (which set a regional-level planning framework for England) and will establish neighbourhood plans and neighbourhood development orders, by which it is intended that communities will be able to influence council policies and development in their neighbourhoods. The Government intends to introduce a 'presumption in favour of sustainable development' as set out in the Conservative Party's 2010 Green Paper 'Open Source Planning' and then in the Coalition Agreement. The presumption does not feature in the Localism Bill, although it will be included in a new National Planning Policy Framework. Evidence taken by the Committee highlighted a number of potential risks with the proposed reforms. These included: fairness in influencing neighbourhood development; monitoring the cumulative impacts of locally determined planning decisions; and the application of sustainability and climate change duties to neighbourhood planning. The Committee feels that the Localism Bill must provide a statutory duty to apply the principles of sustainability in the planning system and other functions of local government and provide a commitment to define the term 'sustainable development' in the planning context. This would include in the Bill the five internationally recognised principles of sustainable development as set out in the 2005 Sustainable Development Strategy. This should then be developed for the National Planning Policy Framework

The Green Investment Bank

The Green Investment Bank

Author: Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Environmental Audit Committee

Publisher: The Stationery Office

Published: 2011-03-11

Total Pages: 226

ISBN-13: 9780215556813


This report warns that the UK could lose out on hundreds of billions of pounds of vital investment in green energy projects if the Government waters down its plans for a Green Investment Bank. The Coalition Agreement promised to establish a Green Investment Bank and the Chancellor pledged £1 billion to capitalise it in the Spending Review, plus unspecified proceeds from the sale of government assets. But there have been reports of disagreement within Government as to whether it should be a fully fledged investment 'bank' able to borrow money and raise further capital or simply a 'fund'. If the Office for National Statistics (ONS) classifies the Bank as 'public sector' its borrowing could appear on the Government's balance sheet and so undermine its deficit reduction strategy. Evidence presented to the Environmental Audit Committee by energy companies, NGOs and financial institutions suggests that between £200 billion and £1 trillion of private sector investment is needed over the next 10-20 years if the UK is to meet its climate change and renewable energy targets. But traditional sources of private sector capital are only likely deliver £50-£80 billion of investment in green infrastructure by 2025 - leaving the UK with a massive investment shortfall. The report argues that establishing a proper Investment Bank is crucial in order to lever in the unprecedented levels of private sector investment needed. The Committee concludes that, as a priority, the Bank should concentrate on new fledgling environmental investment where the market has yet to be established.