Peterson's Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams 2013 is exactly what you need if you're in eighth grade and are preparing to continue your education at a Catholic high school. Peterson's guide has been specifically designed to assist you with preparing for and taking the most commonly used Catholic high school entrance exams. We not only help you develop test-taking skills but also provide descriptions and examples of each entrance exam with eight full-length practice tests-two New York City Tests for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS), two Cooperative Entrance Exams (COOPs), two High School Placement Tests (HSPTs), one Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT), and one Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE).
Peterson's Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams is the comprehensive test-prep book for scoring high on Catholic high school entrance exams. The book includes 6 full-length practice tests (two each for the HSPT, COOP, and TACHS) with detailed answer explanations and valuable test-taking information. Peterson's guide covers all test formats, test scoring, and types of questions, including expert tips that guide students through verbal and quantitative exercises. Two full-length practice tests each for the TACHS, the COOP, and the HSPT, all with answer keys and detailed explanations Step-by-step coaching for each type of question on the exam and plenty of test-taking tips In-depth subject review covering the verbal, math, and quantitative sections of the exam Easy-to-use self-evaluation tools to track progress
Peterson's Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams 2016-17 is exactly what you need if you're in eighth grade and are preparing to continue your education at a Catholic high school. Peterson's guide has been specifically designed to assist you with preparing for and taking the most commonly used Catholic high school entrance exams. We not only help you develop test-taking skills but also provide descriptions and examples of each entrance exam with six full-length practice tests-two New York City Tests for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS), two Cooperative Entrance Exams (COOPs), and two High School Placement Tests (HSPTs)
This bestseller prepares middle schoolers for two of the most popular parochial school placement tests--COOP and HSPT--with two full-length practice tests for each.
Peterson's Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exams is the comprehensive test-prep book for scoring high on Catholic high school entrance exams. The book includes 8 full-length practice tests (two each for the HSPT, COOP, and TACHS and one each for the SSAT and ISEE) with detailed answer explanations and valuable test-taking information. Peterson's guide covers all test formats, test scoring, and types of questions, including expert tips that guide students through verbal and quantitative exercises. Two full-length practice tests each for the TACHS, the COOP, and the HSPT, all with answer keys and detailed explanations One full-length practice test each for the SSAT and the ISEE secondary school entrance exams, which are often administered for admission into Catholic high schools. Step-by-step coaching for each type of question on the exam and plenty of test-taking tips In-depth subject review covering the verbal, math, and quantitative sections of the examEasy-to-use self-evaluation tools to track progress
A real-world guide to passing the entrance exam for Catholic high school Catholic High School Entrance Exams For Dummies provides students and their parents with an efficient and effective way to prepare for the HSPT, TACHS, and COOP-the three entrance exams used by Catholic high schools. Included are Six full-length practice tests Test-taking tips from the experts Thorough reviews of each test's format With full sample tests, up-to-date questions, and a comprehensive review of the basics in each category, Catholic High School Entrance Exams For Dummies is a family's ticket to education success.
***Includes Practice Test Questions*** TACHS Secrets helps you ace the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive TACHS Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. TACHS Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to TACHS Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive Language review including: Simplicity is Bliss, Recognizing Parallelism, Understanding Grammar Type, Keys to Using Punctuation, Beware of Added Phrases, Clearing Up Word Confusion, Comparative Methods, Nonessential Sections, Maintaining the Flow, Serial Mistakes; A comprehensive Ability review including: Working Quickly, Using Rule Busters, System of Elimination, Identifying the Differences, Picking 2 Sides, Creasing Distances, 2 to the X, Center Punches, Working Backwards, Predicting the Answer; A comprehensive Math review including: The Easiest Math Review You'll Ever Read, Solving for Variables, Breezing Through Word Problems, Keeping Probability Simple, Using the Right Formulas, Graphing for Success, Racing Through Ratios, Mastering Difficult Problems; A comprehensive Reading Comprehension review including: Determining the Relationships, Making Strategic Eliminations, Recognizing Switchback Words, Understanding Word Types, Finding the Right Opportunities, When Truth Doesn't Equal Correctness, Avoiding the Trap of Familiarity, Making Logic Work for You, Skimming Techniques to Save Time, and much more...