Libro de cocina vegana para principiantes

Libro de cocina vegana para principiantes

Author: Adriana Strong

Publisher: Babelcube Inc.

Published: 2022-06-06

Total Pages: 186

ISBN-13: 1667434500


¡LLAMANDO A TODOS LOS AMANTES DEL VEGANISMO A LA MESA Y A LA COCINA HOY! El veganismo se define como una forma de vida sencilla que tiene como objetivo excluir todas las formas principales de crueldad y explotación de los animales, ya sea para la alimentación diaria, la ropa o cualquier otro propósito. Por todo ello, esta dieta no incluye ninguna forma de productos animales, como huevos, lácteos y carne. Se ha descubierto que todas aquellas personas que tienden a practicar el veganismo son más delgadas y también vienen con un IMC o índice de masa corporal más bajo en comparación con los no veganos. Esto puede explicar fácilmente la razón principal por la que la mayoría de las personas están recurriendo a esta forma de dieta como la única manera de perder peso extra. Adoptar una dieta vegana puede ayudar a mantener el nivel de azúcar en la sangre bajo control adecuado y la diabetes tipo 2. Según algunos estudios, los veganos tienden a beneficiarse de los niveles más bajos de azúcar en la sangre, una mayor sensibilidad a la insulina, y alrededor de 77% menor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes que los no veganos. La mayoría de las ventajas pueden explicarse fácilmente por el mayor consumo de fibra, que puede atenuar la respuesta del azúcar en sangre. Varios estudios observacionales informaron que los veganos podrían tener un 74% menos de riesgo de tener un aumento de la presión arterial junto con un 43% menos de riesgo de sufrir cualquier enfermedad cardíaca crónica. En este libro encontrará increíbles recetas como: ★ Sándwich de trébol ★ Burrito de desayuno ★ Waffles de jengibre ★ Garbanzos verdes y tostadas ★ Quiche de espárragos y tomate ★ Frijoles negros y quinoa ★ Brócoli asado con limón y ajo ★ Pasta con pimienta y limón ★ Ensalada de col rizada con trozos de tempeh picante y garbanzos ★ Tacos veganos

Recetas Veganas para Todos

Recetas Veganas para Todos

Author: Clara H Ramos

Publisher: Clara H. Ramos

Published: 2021-06-21

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781803306933


55% OFF for Bookstore at $ 25,99 instead of $ 31,89! Do you want to start following a vegan Lifestyle? Your Customers Never Stop to use this Awesome Cookbook!

Libro de Cocina Vegana para Principiantes (libro de recetas volumen 2)

Libro de Cocina Vegana para Principiantes (libro de recetas volumen 2)

Author: Serena Baskerville

Publisher: Come bien, come sano, ¡come Vegano!

Published: 2023-02-14

Total Pages: 0



¿Estás pensando en pasarte a una dieta vegana pero los demás te desaniman? No deje que sus preocupaciones le frenen. El cambio de una dieta tradicional a una vegana puede estar lleno de incertidumbre e ideas equivocadas como "¿Me hará daño?". "¿Qué debo tener en la despensa? "¿Tendré que sacrificar el sabor?" "¿Es equilibrada una dieta vegana?" "¿Es realmente difícil cocinar vegano?". Para ayudarte a despejar estas dudas, " Libro de cocina vegana para principiantes" te ofrece recetas fáciles y deliciosas para facilitarte la entrada en este estilo de vida. Con este libro de cocina, aprenderá que la cocina vegana no es tan complicada como la pintan y que ofrece una experiencia diversa y satisfactoria.

Dieta Vegana

Dieta Vegana

Author: Simone Jacobs

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018-08-22

Total Pages: 158

ISBN-13: 9781724615060


¡Compre la versión de este libro en rústica y obtenga la versión Kindle en formato digital de forma GRATUITA! Este libro lo lleva en un viaje espectacular de comida y verduras, específicamente. Si usted no está enamorado de las verduras, es hora de que aprenda a tomar ventaja de los muchos beneficios que le ofrecen. El veganismo no es una moda, es un estilo de vida. En esta guía y libro de cocina para principiantes aprenderá cómo comenzar y hacer la transición a una dieta y estilo de vida vegano. Este libro le revelará todos los aspectos básicos de la alimentación vegana y cómo evitar algunas de las trampas comunes. También abordará algunos de los mitos sobre la dieta vegana, así como todo lo que necesita para comenzar de manera segura. ¡También obtendrá un plan de acción para empezar de 14 días! ¡No espere más! Desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en el botón Comprar para comenzar el viaje a una vida más saludable.

Dieta Vegana

Dieta Vegana

Author: Simone Jacobs

Publisher: A&g Direct Incorporated

Published: 2018-08-22

Total Pages: 166

ISBN-13: 9781774350379


En esta guía y libro de cocina para principiantes aprenderá cómo comenzar y hacer la transición a una dieta y estilo de vida vegano. Este libro le revelará todos los aspectos básicos de la alimentación vegana y cómo evitar algunas de las trampas comunes.

Recetas Veganas: Libro de cocina vegana: dieta vegana para principiantes

Recetas Veganas: Libro de cocina vegana: dieta vegana para principiantes

Author: Jason Waller

Publisher: Babelcube Inc.

Published: 2017-03-24

Total Pages: 46

ISBN-13: 1507178085


Este libro ofrece una guía práctica para adoptar un estilo de vida vegano. Si está pensando en comenzar una dieta vegana, probablemente le preocupen el tiempo que puede tomarle y la falta de opciones. Permita entonces que este pequeño libro de cocina vegana despierte su mente. Descubra comidas veganas simples y para todos los días inspiradas en auténticos sabores asiáticos Asia alberga una amplia variedad de culturas regionales y su diversidad se ve reflejada en su cocina. Love Vegan: The Essential Asian Cookbook for Vegans incorpora platos auténticos de todo el oriente para que usted pueda disfrutar versiones veganas de sus comidas favoritas en la comodidad de su hogar. Todos los platos se pueden preparar en 30 minutos o menos Cada receta ha sido cuidadosamente realizada y probada para mantener el sabor y la textura auténticos. Las recetas se centran en ingredientes simples que se encuentran en su despensa o se pueden conseguir fácilmente en el supermercado local. Este libro es adecuado para veganos, vegetarianos o personas que consumen carne y desean reducir su ingesta de carne. ¡Comience a leer este libro!! Todos los platos se pueden preparar en 30 minutos o menos Cada receta ha sido cuidadosamente realizada y probada para mantener el sabor y la textura auténticos. Las recetas se centran en ingredientes simples que se encuentran en su despensa o se pueden conseguir fácilmente en el supermercado local. Este libro es adecuado para veganos, vegetarianos o personas que consumen carne y desean reducir su ingesta de carne. ¡Comience a leer este libro!!

Libro de Cocina Vegana Para Principiantes 2021 (Plant-Based Cookbook 2021 Spanish Version)

Libro de Cocina Vegana Para Principiantes 2021 (Plant-Based Cookbook 2021 Spanish Version)

Author: Alejandra Sanchez

Publisher: Alejandra Sanchez

Published: 2021-03-16

Total Pages: 110

ISBN-13: 9781801985079


55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES!!! 55% de descuento para libreros !!! Una dieta vegana bien planteada puede ser perfectamente saludable. Hay muchos alimentos vegetales que nos pueden aportar las proteínas necesarias, pero si tenemos dudas lo mejor es consultar a nutricionistas especializados. Con estas recetas queremos demostrar que podemos preparar muchos platos veganos completos y deliciosos, y no hace falta ser vegano para disfrutarlos. Los reemplazos que más usarás si te apuntas a una dieta vegana Legumbres, cereales, semillas, frutos secos y algas son algunos de los alimentos de origen vegetal que proporcionan buenas fuentes de proteínas. Aunque muchos de estos productos no son proteínas "completas", es decir, no contienen todos los aminoácidos, una dieta variada que combine diferentes grupos de alimentos sí nos proporcionará todos los nutrientes necesarios. Hay muchas opciones. Simplemente acompañando un guiso de legumbres con buen pan integral de cereales ya tenemos una buena ración de proteínas, y muchos otros nutrientes esenciales. ¿Qué estás esperando todavía? Obtenga su copia ahora!

Libro de cocina vegano para principiantes

Libro de cocina vegano para principiantes

Author: Jane Brace

Publisher: Jane Brace

Published: 2021-02-18

Total Pages: 132

ISBN-13: 9781801722490


★ 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 15.38 instead of $ 27.97! LAST DAYS! ★ Do you want to lower your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes? This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to harness the power of a vegan diet. It will discuss what a vegan diet is, how to become vegan, the most popular reasons to become vegan, famous athletes who are proudly vegan, and also talk about some of the supplements that are available for vegans. If you would like to try the vegan lifestyle, you need to get it right from the start. Many people have given it a go but never really got to grips with it. To be honest, it is never easy because there isn't really a great deal of support around. But just like anything worth doing, stick at it and the results will come. For those athletes who have successfully adopted the vegan ways, they have noticed some great benefits. One of those is that the body recovers quicker between training sessions. As you can imagine, if the athlete has a faster recovery, they can train more often and see quicker improvements. It's not the increased amount of training that is the best thing, it's the faster recovery that allows for the additional training. That's important. It is of paramount importance to athletes and bodybuilders as a lot of energy and calories are burned in physical activity and, thus need to be replaced with good proteins to get the desired effects. I genuinely believe that with the information contained in this book, together with a keen interest in athletic living, you can learn that it is not difficult to eat a vegan diet and that anyone can take a vegan diet at any level. Deciding to consume only vegan foods is a great decision for your health, the environment, and animals. Veganism has become popular throughout the years as more information surrounding the meat industry has come forth. Whether your goal is to lose fat or bulk up in muscle mass, a vegan diet can help you achieve both. Simple practices are what make the difference between the physiques. If you wish to shed fat or lose weight, restricting calories and cardio will be helpful. If you wish to gain muscle mass, increasing calories and implementing strength/endurance training will get you there. This book covers: An Introduction to the Vegan Diet Breakfast recipes Lunch Dinner Snacks and desserts And much more!!! This guide has given you the suggested protein, fat, and carbs as a basis on where to start. Remember that everybody is different so finding out what works for you will be helpful. Recipes at the end of this guide will help you implement healthy and nutritious foods into your diet. The recipes are perfect for throughout the week, and specific recipes are even given in regard to workouts. Remember that most foods can be made into healthier, nutritious, vegan foods so get creative! Always remember that a vegan diet supports the healthiest lifestyle possible, reduces your personal carbon footprint, saves millions of animals, helps you achieve the best physique possible, and will have you feeling amazing! ★ 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 15.38 instead of $ 27.97! LAST DAYS! ★ You will Never Stop Using this Awesome Cookbook! Buy it NOW and get addicted to this amazing book

Libro de cocina vegano para principiantes

Libro de cocina vegano para principiantes

Author: Jane Brace

Publisher: Vegan Collection

Published: 2021-04-09

Total Pages: 136

ISBN-13: 9781802216905


★ 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 32.95 instead of $ 39.95! LAST DAYS! ★ This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to harness the power of a vegan diet. It will discuss what a vegan diet is, how to become vegan, the most popular reasons to become a vegan, famous athletes who are proudly vegan, and also talk about some of the supplements that are available for vegans. If you would like to try the vegan lifestyle, you need to get it right from the start. Many people have given it a go but never really got to grips with it. To be honest, it is never easy because there isn't really a great deal of support around. But just like anything worth doing, stick at it and the results will come. For those athletes who have successfully adopted the vegan ways, they have noticed some great benefits. One of those is that the body recovers quicker between training sessions. As you can imagine, if the athlete has a faster recovery, they can train more often and see quicker improvements. It's not the increased amount of training that is the best thing, it's the faster recovery that allows for the additional training. That's important. It is of paramount importance to athletes and bodybuilders as a lot of energy and calories are burned in physical activity and, thus need to be replaced with good proteins to get the desired effects. I genuinely believe that with the information contained in this book, together with a keen interest in athletic living, you can learn that it is not difficult to eat a vegan diet and that anyone can take a vegan diet at any level. Deciding to consume only vegan foods is a great decision for your health, the environment, and animals. Veganism has become popular throughout the years as more information surrounding the meat industry has come forth. Whether your goal is to lose fat or bulk up in muscle mass, a vegan diet can help you achieve both. Simple practices are what make the difference between the physiques. If you wish to shed fat or lose weight, restricting calories and cardio will be helpful. If you wish to gain muscle mass, increasing calories and implementing strength/endurance training will get you there. This book covers: An Introduction to the Vegan Diet Breakfast recipes Lunch Dinner Snacks and desserts And much more!!! This guide has given you the suggested protein, fat, and carbs as a basis on where to start. Remember that everybody is different so finding out what works for you will be helpful. Recipes at the end of this guide will help you implement healthy and nutritious foods into your diet. The recipes are perfect for throughout the week, and specific recipes are even given in regard to workouts. Remember that most foods can be made into healthier, nutritious, vegan foods so get creative! Always remember that a vegan diet supports the healthiest lifestyle possible, reduces your personal carbon footprint, saves millions of animals, helps you achieve the best physique possible, and will have you feeling amazing! ★ 55% OFF for Bookstores! LAST DAYS! ★ You will Never Stop Using this Awesome Cookbook! Buy it NOW and get addicted to this amazing book

Libro de cocina vegano para principiantes

Libro de cocina vegano para principiantes

Author: Jane Brace


Published: 2021-02-24

Total Pages: 132

ISBN-13: 9781801722551


★ 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 15.38 instead of $ 27.97! LAST DAYS! ★ Do you want to lower your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes? This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to harness the power of a vegan diet. It will discuss what a vegan diet is, how to become vegan, the most popular reasons to become a vegan, famous athletes who are proudly vegan, and also talk about some of the supplements that are available for vegans. If you would like to try the vegan lifestyle, you need to get it right from the start. Many people have given it a go but never really got to grips with it. To be honest, it is never easy because there isn't really a great deal of support around. But just like anything worth doing, stick at it and the results will come. For those athletes who have successfully adopted the vegan ways, they have noticed some great benefits. One of those is that the body recovers quicker between training sessions. As you can imagine, if the athlete has a faster recovery, they can train more often and see quicker improvements. It's not the increased amount of training that is the best thing, it's the faster recovery that allows for the additional training. That's important. It is of paramount importance to athletes and bodybuilders as a lot of energy and calories are burned in physical activity and, thus need to be replaced with good proteins to get the desired effects. I genuinely believe that with the information contained in this book, together with a keen interest in athletic living, you can learn that it is not difficult to eat a vegan diet and that anyone can take a vegan diet at any level. Deciding to consume only vegan foods is a great decision for your health, the environment, and animals. Veganism has become popular throughout the years as more information surrounding the meat industry has come forth. Whether your goal is to lose fat or bulk up in muscle mass, a vegan diet can help you achieve both. Simple practices are what make the difference between the physiques. If you wish to shed fat or lose weight, restricting calories and cardio will be helpful. If you wish to gain muscle mass, increasing calories and implementing strength/endurance training will get you there. This book covers: An Introduction to the Vegan Diet Breakfast recipes Lunch Dinner Snacks and desserts And much more!!! This guide has given you the suggested protein, fat, and carbs as a basis on where to start. Remember that everybody is different so finding out what works for you will be helpful. Recipes at the end of this guide will help you implement healthy and nutritious foods into your diet. The recipes are perfect for throughout the week, and specific recipes are even given in regard to workouts. Remember that most foods can be made into healthier, nutritious, vegan foods so get creative! Always remember that a vegan diet supports the healthiest lifestyle possible, reduces your personal carbon footprint, saves millions of animals, helps you achieve the best physique possible, and will have you feeling amazing! ★ 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 15.38 instead of $ 27.97! LAST DAYS! ★ You will Never Stop Using this Awesome Cookbook! Buy it NOW and get addicted to this amazing book