Cette oeuvre collective de traduction propose de rencontrer les plus célèbres poètes d'Europe représentatifs de sept pays :Allemagne, Angleterre, Espagne,Irlande, Italie,Portugal,Roumanie.Trente et un poètes sur plusieurs siècles, représentant 60 poèmes, sont ici traduits en français, parfois versifiés en français, et présentés par une courte biographie de l'auteur : l'occasion pour les francophones de faire connaissance avec ces grandes figures de notre patrimoine européen .
ET VUES D'ENSEMBLE SUR L'EUROPE GENESE, CARACTERISTIQUES ET CONTEXTES MORAUX DU PRESENT OUVRAGE versite de Caen fut excellent. On aurait aime L'elaboration d'un dictionnaire des populations pouvoir y poursuivre sa carriere. Mais des que de l'Europe est citee au nombre des motifs donnes dans le decret ministeriel date du 20 juin 1960 l'Universite de Rouen fut fondee, Le Havre etant officialisant une societe scientifique fondee au de son ressort, cet Institut de psychologie des Havre, au cours de l'hiver 1937-1938, vivant sous peuples y fut necessairement transfere. I1 apparut le regime de la loi sur les associations de 1901 vite que l'apport fait ci cette toute nouvelle uni et denommee Institut havrais de sociologie econo versite ne pouvait etre evalue comme une richesse mique et de psychologie des peuples. Les deux au suscitant beaucoup d'interet. I1 fallait se contenter tres motifs de l'officialisation, c'etaient l'existence d'un succes d'estime pour une revue de psycho logie des peuples dont le rayonnement avait pu ci maintenir de la Revue de psychologie des peuples s'etendre ci une soixantaine de pays etrangers et qui, parvenue ci cette epoque ci sa quinzieme annee, I qui, grace ci quelques collaborations de la plus avait dejci largement fait ses preuves, et le lance ment de Cahiers de sociologie economique dont haute valeur, fournissait les premiers efforts pour deux numeros etaient dejci parus, devancant l'an hisser ci un niveau scientifique notre discipline de.
A collection of prose, poems and personal recollections inspired by the bridge, the Pont de l'Europe, which links France and Germany, Strasbourg and Kehl.
Face aux défis – entre autres politiques – auxquels sont confrontés différents pays européens, les chercheurs dix-huitiémistes ont souhaité revenir sur des expressions anciennes de valeurs partagées et les interrogations passées sur des questions qui restent souvent d’actualité. Au Siècle des Lumières, nombre d’hommes et de femmes de lettres ont envisagé l’avenir du continent en particulier pour entériner leur souhait de garantir la paix en Europe. Les textes, réunis dans cette anthologie, et signés des grands écrivains du temps (Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Kant, Hume ou encore Staël), comme d’oubliés de l’histoire, présentent, avec quelques excursus chronologiques (de Sully à Hugo) les réflexions de penseurs d’un dix-huitième siècle aux bornes chronologiques étendues – l’émergence et la chute de l’Empire engendrent des bouleversements nombreux –, sur l’Europe, son histoire, sa diversité, mais aussi sur ce qu’ont en commun les nations qui composent, dans leur variété, un ensemble géographique. Ils mettent en évidence les origines historiques d’un projet d’union européenne, le souhait de consolider les liens du continent avec le Maghreb ou la Turquie, l’importance accordée au commerce et les inquiétudes suscitées par les sursauts de l’histoire, mais aussi l’espoir placé dans les générations futures. La Société française d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, l’Université d’Augsburg, l’Université d’Oxford ont généreusement contribué à la publication de ce volume. In view of the challenges—many of which are political—that different European countries are currently facing, scholars who work on the 18th century have compiled this anthology which includes earlier recognitions of common values and past considerations of questions which often remain pertinent nowadays. During the Enlightenment, many men and women of letters envisaged the continent’s future in particular when stressing their hope that peace could be secured in Europe. The texts gathered here, and signed by major thinkers of the time (Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Kant, Hume or Staël for instance), as well as by writers history has forgotten, present the reflections, with a couple of chronological extensions (from Sully to Victor Hugo) of authors from the long eighteenth century—the French Empire and the fall of Napoleon generated numerous upheavals—on Europe, its history, its diversity, but also on what the nations, which, in all their diversity, make up a geographical unit, have in common. They show the historical origins of the project of a European union, the desire to consolidate the continent’s ties to the Maghreb or to Turkey, the importance granted to commerce and the worries engendered by history’s convulsions, but also the hope vested in future generations. The Société française d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, Augsburg University and the University of Oxford have generously contributed towards the publication of this volume.
In Pornographic Archaeology: Medicine, Medievalism, and the Invention of the French Nation, Zrinka Stahuljak explores the connections and fissures between the history of sexuality, nineteenth-century views of the Middle Ages, and the conceptualization of modern France. This cultural history uncovers the determinant role that the sexuality of the Middle Ages played in nineteenth-century French identity. Stahuljak's provocative study of sex, blood, race, and love in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century medical and historical literature demonstrates how French medicine's obsession with the medieval past helped to define European sexuality, race, public health policy, marriage, family, and the conceptualization of the Middle Ages. Stahuljak reveals the connections between the medieval military order of the Templars and the 1830 colonization of Algeria, between a fifteenth-century French marshal and the development of Richard von Krafft-Ebing's theory of sadism, between courtly love and the 1884 law on divorce. Although the developing discipline of medieval studies eventually rejected the influence of these medical philologists, the convergence of medievalism and medicine shaped modern capitalist French society and established a vision of the Middle Ages that survives today.
It has often been assumed that Europeans invented and had the exclusive monopoly over courtly and romantic love, commonly considered to be the highest form of relations between men and women. This view was particularly prevalent between 1770 and the mid-twentieth century, but was challenged in the 1960s when romantic love came to be seen as a universal sentiment that can be found in all cultures in the world. However, there remains the historical problem that the Europeans used this concept of love as a fundamental part of their self-image over a long period (traces of it still remain) and it became very much caught up in the concept of marriage. This book challenges the underlying Eurocentrism of this notion while exploring in a more general sense the connection between identity and emotions.
It has often been assumed that Europeans invented and had the exclusive monopoly over courtly and romantic love, commonly considered to be the highest form of relations between men and women. This view was particularly prevalent between 1770 and the mid-twentieth century, but was challenged in the 1960s when romantic love came to be seen as a universal sentiment that can be found in all cultures in the world. However, there remains the historical problem that the Europeans used this concept of love as a fundamental part of their self-image over a long period (traces of it still remain) and it became very much caught up in the concept of marriage. This book challenges the underlying Eurocentrism of this notion while exploring in a more general sense the connection between identity and emotions.
A consideration of Petrarch's influence on, and appearance in, French texts - and in particular, his appropriation by the Avignonese. Was Petrarch French? This book explores the various answers to that bold question offered by French readers and translators of Petrarch working in a period of less well-known but equally rich Petrarchism: the nineteenth century. It considers both translations and rewritings: the former comprise not only Petrarch's celebrated Italian poetry but also his often neglected Latin works; the latter explore Petrarch's influence on and presence in French novels aswell as poetry of the period, both in and out of the canon. Nineteenth-century French Petrarchism has its roots in the later part of the previous century, with formative contributions from Voltaire, Rousseau, and, in particular, the abbé de Sade. To these literary catalysts must be added the unification of Avignon with France at the Revolution, as well as anniversary commemorations of Petrarch's birth and death celebrated in Avignon and Fontaine-de-Vaucluse across the period (1804-1874-1904). Situated at the crossroads of reception history, medievalism, and translation studies, this investigation uncovers tensions between the competing construction of a national, French Petrarch and a local, Avignonese or Provençal poet. Taking Petrarch as its litmus test, this book also asks probing questions about the bases of nationality, identity, and belonging. Jennifer Rushworth is a Junior Research Fellowat St John's College, Oxford.