Les nouveaux défis du manager public

Les nouveaux défis du manager public

Author: Isabelle Bories-Azeau

Publisher: Editions L'Harmattan

Published: 2009-12-01

Total Pages: 383

ISBN-13: 2296243428


Voici une réflexion sur les nouveaux enjeux du management public en confrontant les approches d'universitaires et de praticiens autour de quelques thématiques d'actualité : la conduite du changement dans les organisations publiques, l'appropriation des outils de gestion par le manager public, le territoire nouvel enjeu de management public.

De Nouveaux Défis Pour L'administration Du XXIème Siècle

De Nouveaux Défis Pour L'administration Du XXIème Siècle

Author: B. Etien

Publisher: IOS Press

Published: 1997

Total Pages: 212

ISBN-13: 9789051993509


This work contains reports of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences. The scientific programme emphasizes a comparative approach and incorporates significant theoretical and conceptual developments. Six workshops are reported upon including the reconstruction of government functions, decentralization, redesigning for responsiveness, accountability and risk-taking, special interests and client relationships, reaffirmation of values, and mobilizing learning. A panel on administrative reform in China forms a unique contribution. Readers include professionals, scholars and students of public administration.

Le Grand Livre du management public

Le Grand Livre du management public

Author: Annie Bartoli

Publisher: Dunod

Published: 2022-07-13

Total Pages: 750

ISBN-13: 2100845071


Cet ouvrage de référence analyse les démarches de management les plus adaptées aux spécificités sociales, organisationnelles et culturelles du secteur public. L’action publique est de plus en plus complexe et le secteur public connaît des évolutions rapides et importantes. Ce livre rend compte de ces évolutions en intégrant dans cette 5e édition remaniée et enrichie les apports croisés des sciences de gestion et de la science politique. Les auteures donnent les clés indispensables pour décrypter les débats et enjeux les plus actuels du management public tels que : • l'urgence écologique ; • la digitalisation et l'e-administration ; • les rapprochements entre public et privé et les synergies ; • les principes de résilience ; • les notions de vulnérabilités... À la fois théorique et pratique, ce livre intéressera les responsables et dirigeants des organisations publiques, ainsi que les chercheurs et les étudiants. Ouvrage labellisé par la FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) en 2016.

Understanding Business Ecosystems

Understanding Business Ecosystems

Author: Soumaya Ben Letaifa

Publisher: De Boeck Superieur

Published: 2013-09-25

Total Pages: 254

ISBN-13: 2804176762


Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? builds on strategic management and innovation management academic contributions to better understand theoretical and empirical challenges of business ecosystems. Even if the concept of business ecosystem was coined in 1993, it will lie fallow during more than ten years before gaining scholars’ interest. Managers will however recognize the relevance of this concept as it grasps the complexity of their business reality in terms of new collaborative and innovative strategies. Thus, the main purpose of this book is twofold. On the one hand, the objective is to identify the epistemological and theoretical fundamentals of business ecosystems, and on the other hand, the purpose is to analyse the various managerial challenges. This volume analyses in particular the issues of knowledge management, coopetition strategies, platforms, governance, etc. Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? is finally a key reference book that innovates by integrating for the first time well known French speaking scholars’ contributions from the strategy and innovation management fields.

La France et ses administrations : un état des savoirs

La France et ses administrations : un état des savoirs

Author: Jean-Michel Eymeri–Douzans

Publisher: Primento

Published: 2013-06-12

Total Pages: 636

ISBN-13: 2802740849


En pleine congruence avec l’ambition du Groupe Européen pour l’Administration Publique d’encourager les échanges interculturels, ce livre constitue une entreprise originale, mi-anglophone mi-francophone. Cet ouvrage issu du Congrès du GEAP 2010 a pour objet de combler un déplorable fossé et de donner une visibilité internationale au « cas français ». Dès lors ce livre, en 18 chapitres rédigés en français par une équipe interdisciplinaire (politistes, sociologues, historiens, socio-historiens, juristes) avec plus de 150 pages en anglais et une vaste bibliographie unifiée, entend offrir à tous les spécialistes de l’administration publique de par le monde un point d’accès unique au plus récent état des savoirs sur l’administration en France – ce pays où le mot État s’écrit avec un E majuscule. ============================================ In full compliance with the ambition of the European Group for Public Administration to encourage cross-cultural exchanges, this book is a genuinely original undertaking. It is a hybrid Anglophone-Francophone product. This book from EGPA 2010 Conference purpose to bridge a regrettable gap and to give international visibility to the “French case”. Thus, this book, in 18 chapters written in French by an interdisciplinary team (political scientists, sociologists, historians, sociohistorians, jurists) with more than 150 pages in English and a vast unified bibliography, offers to all students of public administration in the world a unique entry gate to the latest state of the art of administrative studies in France – this country where the State is to be spelled with a capital S.

Public Vices, Private Virtues?: Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education

Public Vices, Private Virtues?: Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education

Author: Pedro N. Teixeira

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2011-11-13

Total Pages: 352

ISBN-13: 9460914667


Recent years have seen the strengthening of a discourse that emphasises the virtues of markets, competition and private initiative, vis-à-vis the vices of public intervention in higher education. This volume presents a timely reflection about the effects this increasing marketization has been producing in many higher education systems worldwide. The various chapters of this volume analyse the impact of markets at the system level, with significant attention being devoted to the changes in modes of regulation, the strengthening of aspects such as privatization and inter-institutional competition in higher education systems, and the closer interaction between higher education and its economic environment. Several of the contributors devote attention as well to the implications of market forces for institutional change, notably regarding issues such as mission, organizational structure and governance and the way marketization is affecting the internal distribution of power and the definition of priorities. Finally, the volume includes several chapters focusing on the different markets of higher education, such as the academic labour market, undergraduate and postgraduate education, and research markets. Altogether these chapters provide important insights concerning the many national and institutional contexts in which the marketization of higher education has been taking place around the world.

The Bureaucratization of the World in the Neoliberal Era

The Bureaucratization of the World in the Neoliberal Era

Author: B. Hibou

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2015-05-06

Total Pages: 358

ISBN-13: 1137495286


Contemporary bureaucracy is a set of norms, rules, procedures, and formalities which includes administration, business, and NGOs. Where Max Weber meets Michel Foucault, Béatrice Hibou analyzes the political dynamics underlying this process. Neoliberal bureaucracy is a vector of discipline and control, producing social and political indifference.

The Routledge Handbook of State-Owned Enterprises

The Routledge Handbook of State-Owned Enterprises

Author: Luc Bernier

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2020-05-27

Total Pages: 679

ISBN-13: 135104253X


State-owned enterprises make up roughly 10 percent of the world economy, yet they are woefully understudied. This handbook offers the first synthesis of the topic since the 1980s and offers a comprehensive reference for a generation. The authors provide a detailed explanation of the theory that underpins the expansion of state-owned enterprises in the 21st century. Each chapter delivers an overview of current knowledge, as well as identifying issues and relevant debates for future research. The authors explain how state-owned enterprises are used in both developed and developing countries and offer an insight into complex and fascinating organizations such as the German municipal conglomerates or the multinational companies owned by states. New modes of governance and regulation have been invented to make sure they act in the public interest. This handbook brings together a wealth of international scholars, offering multiple theoretical perspectives to help shape a brave new world. It will be of interest to teachers and students of Economics, Public Administration and Business, academics, established researchers and PhD students seeking rigorous literature reviews on specific aspects of SOEs, as well as practitioners and decision makers in international organizations.

Peut-on manager la justice ? Kann man die Justiz managen? Can we manage the judiciary?

Peut-on manager la justice ? Kann man die Justiz managen? Can we manage the judiciary?

Author: Yves Emery

Publisher: Stämpfli Verlag

Published: 2015-12-18

Total Pages: 160

ISBN-13: 3727259353


L'incursion du management au sein de la Justice est relativement nouvelle, et ses chances de succès ne sont pas garanties car la culture du pouvoir jucidiaire n'est pas naturellement compatible avec les valeurs mises en avant par le management. A travers trois études complémentaires, cet ouvrage analyse cette réceptivité culturelle de la justice suisse aux idées et méthodes de management. Vor nicht all zu langer Zeit hat das Management Einzug in die Justiz gehalten. Die Kultur der Judikative ist allerdings nicht automatisch mit den Hauptwerten des Managements deckungsgleich und so ist der Erfolg dieser Neuerung auch noch ungewiss. Drei Studien, welche in diesem Werk vorgestellt werden, analysieren die Anpassungsfähigkeit der schweizerischen Justiz an die Ideen und Methoden des Managements. The introduction of management in the judiciary is relatively new, and its chances of success are not guaranteed as the culture of the judicial institution is not naturally compatible with the values put forward by management. Through three additional studies, this work analyzes this cultural receptivity of the Swiss judiciary to management ideas and methods.

Public Policy Resources

Public Policy Resources

Author: Knoepfel, Peter

Publisher: Policy Press

Published: 2018-08-14

Total Pages: 317

ISBN-13: 1447345061


Building on Knoepfel’s previous book, Public policy analysis, this book offers a conceptually coherent view of ten public policy resources: force, law, personal, money, property rights, information, organisation, consensus, time and political support. The book demonstrates the interplay of the different resources in a conceptually coherent framework and presents numerous illustrations of ways of mobilising the resources and managing them in a sustainable way, resource exchanges and the role of institutions governing the interrelationships between actors and resources. The book will be valuable to postgraduate students as well as those working in policy programming and implementation across both public and private sectors and in non-governmental organisations.