Fluctuating parameters appear in a variety of physical systems and phenomena. They typically come either as random forces/sources, or advecting velocities, or media (material) parameters, like refraction index, conductivity, diffusivity, etc. Models naturally render to statistical description, where random processes and fields express the input parameters and solutions. The fundamental problem of stochastic dynamics is to identify the essential characteristics of the system (its state and evolution), and relate those to the input parameters of the system and initial data. This book is a revised and more comprehensive version of Dynamics of Stochastic Systems. Part I provides an introduction to the topic. Part II is devoted to the general theory of statistical analysis of dynamic systems with fluctuating parameters described by differential and integral equations. Part III deals with the analysis of specific physical problems associated with coherent phenomena. - A comprehensive update of Dynamics of Stochastic Systems - Develops mathematical tools of stochastic analysis and applies them to a wide range of physical models of particles, fluids and waves - Includes problems for the reader to solve
Fluctuating parameters appear in a variety of physical systems and phenomena. They typically come either as random forces/sources, or advecting velocities, or media (material) parameters, like refraction index, conductivity, diffusivity, etc. The well known example of Brownian particle suspended in fluid and subjected to random molecular bombardment laid the foundation for modern stochastic calculus and statistical physics. Other important examples include turbulent transport and diffusion of particle-tracers (pollutants), or continuous densities (''oil slicks''), wave propagation and scattering in randomly inhomogeneous media, for instance light or sound propagating in the turbulent atmosphere.Such models naturally render to statistical description, where the input parameters and solutions are expressed by random processes and fields.The fundamental problem of stochastic dynamics is to identify the essential characteristics of system (its state and evolution), and relate those to the input parameters of the system and initial data.This raises a host of challenging mathematical issues. One could rarely solve such systems exactly (or approximately) in a closed analytic form, and their solutions depend in a complicated implicit manner on the initial-boundary data, forcing and system's (media) parameters . In mathematical terms such solution becomes a complicated "nonlinear functional" of random fields and processes.Part I gives mathematical formulation for the basic physical models of transport, diffusion, propagation and develops some analytic tools.Part II sets up and applies the techniques of variational calculus and stochastic analysis, like Fokker-Plank equation to those models, to produce exact or approximate solutions, or in worst case numeric procedures. The exposition is motivated and demonstrated with numerous examples.Part III takes up issues for the coherent phenomena in stochastic dynamical systems, described by ordinary and partial differential equations, like wave propagation in randomly layered media (localization), turbulent advection of passive tracers (clustering).Each chapter is appended with problems the reader to solve by himself (herself), which will be a good training for independent investigations.·This book is translation from Russian and is completed with new principal results of recent research.·The book develops mathematical tools of stochastic analysis, and applies them to a wide range of physical models of particles, fluids, and waves.·Accessible to a broad audience with general background in mathematical physics, but no special expertise in stochastic analysis, wave propagation or turbulence
The goal of this textbook is to introduce students to the stochastic analysis tools that play an increasing role in the probabilistic approach to optimization problems, including stochastic control and stochastic differential games. While optimal control is taught in many graduate programs in applied mathematics and operations research, the author was intrigued by the lack of coverage of the theory of stochastic differential games. This is the first title in SIAM?s Financial Mathematics book series and is based on the author?s lecture notes. It will be helpful to students who are interested in stochastic differential equations (forward, backward, forward-backward); the probabilistic approach to stochastic control (dynamic programming and the stochastic maximum principle); and mean field games and control of McKean?Vlasov dynamics. The theory is illustrated by applications to models of systemic risk, macroeconomic growth, flocking/schooling, crowd behavior, and predatory trading, among others.
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors.
This monograph set presents a consistent and self-contained framework of stochastic dynamic systems with maximal possible completeness. Volume 1 presents the basic concepts, exact results, and asymptotic approximations of the theory of stochastic equations on the basis of the developed functional approach. This approach offers a possibility of both obtaining exact solutions to stochastic problems for a number of models of fluctuating parameters and constructing various asymptotic buildings. Ideas of statistical topography are used to discuss general issues of generating coherent structures from chaos with probability one, i.e., almost in every individual realization of random parameters. The general theory is illustrated with certain problems and applications of stochastic mathematical physics in various fields such as mechanics, hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, acoustics, optics, and radiophysics.
This book addresses the processes of stochastic structure formation in two-dimensional geophysical fluid dynamics based on statistical analysis of Gaussian random fields, as well as stochastic structure formation in dynamic systems with parametric excitation of positive random fields f(r,t) described by partial differential equations. Further, the book considers two examples of stochastic structure formation in dynamic systems with parametric excitation in the presence of Gaussian pumping. In dynamic systems with parametric excitation in space and time, this type of structure formation either happens – or doesn’t! However, if it occurs in space, then this almost always happens (exponentially quickly) in individual realizations with a unit probability. In the case considered, clustering of the field f(r,t) of any nature is a general feature of dynamic fields, and one may claim that structure formation is the Law of Nature for arbitrary random fields of such type. The study clarifies the conditions under which such structure formation takes place. To make the content more accessible, these conditions are described at a comparatively elementary mathematical level by employing ideas from statistical topography.
Stochastic dynamical systems and stochastic analysis are of great interests not only to mathematicians but also to scientists in other areas. Stochastic dynamical systems tools for modeling and simulation are highly demanded in investigating complex phenomena in, for example, environmental and geophysical sciences, materials science, life sciences, physical and chemical sciences, finance and economics.The volume reflects an essentially timely and interesting subject and offers reviews on the recent and new developments in stochastic dynamics and stochastic analysis, and also some possible future research directions. Presenting a dozen chapters of survey papers and research by leading experts in the subject, the volume is written with a wide audience in mind ranging from graduate students, junior researchers to professionals of other specializations who are interested in the subject.
Stemming from the IHP trimester "Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium", this collection of contributions focuses on aspects of nonequilibrium dynamics and its ongoing developments. It is common practice in statistical mechanics to use models of large interacting assemblies governed by stochastic dynamics. In this context "equilibrium" is understood as stochastically (time) reversible dynamics with respect to a prescribed Gibbs measure. Nonequilibrium dynamics correspond on the other hand to irreversible evolutions, where fluxes appear in physical systems, and steady-state measures are unknown. The trimester, held at the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) in Paris from April to July 2017, comprised various events relating to three domains (i) transport in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics; (ii) the design of more efficient simulation methods; (iii) life sciences. It brought together physicists, mathematicians from many domains, computer scientists, as well as researchers working at the interface between biology, physics and mathematics. The present volume is indispensable reading for researchers and Ph.D. students working in such areas.
The aim of this book is to provide a well-structured and coherent overview of existing mathematical modeling approaches for biochemical reaction systems, investigating relations between both the conventional models and several types of deterministic-stochastic hybrid model recombinations. Another main objective is to illustrate and compare diverse numerical simulation schemes and their computational effort. Unlike related works, this book presents a broad scope in its applications, from offering a detailed introduction to hybrid approaches for the case of multiple population scales to discussing the setting of time-scale separation resulting from widely varying firing rates of reaction channels. Additionally, it also addresses modeling approaches for non well-mixed reaction-diffusion dynamics, including deterministic and stochastic PDEs and spatiotemporal master equations. Finally, by translating and incorporating complex theory to a level accessible to non-mathematicians, this book effectively bridges the gap between mathematical research in computational biology and its practical use in biological, biochemical, and biomedical systems.
The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) initiated and sponsored an International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems held in 1989 in Stuttgart, FRG. The Symposium was intended to bring together scientists working in different fields of dynamics to exchange ideas and to discuss new trends with special emphasis on nonlinear dynamics in engineering systems. A Scientific Committee was appointed by the Bureau of IUTAM with the following members: S. Arimoto (Japan), F.L. Chernousko (USSR), P.J. Holmes (USA), C.S. Hsu (USA), G. looss (France), F.C. Moon (USA), W. Schiehlen (FRG), Chairman, G. Schmidt (GDR), W. Szemplinska-Stupnicka (Poland), J.M.T. Thompson (UK), H. Troger (Austria). This committee selected the participants to be invited and the papers to be presented at the Symposium. As a result of this procedure 78 active scientific participants from 22 countries followed the invitation, and 44 papers were presented in lecture and poster sessions. They are collected in this volume. At the Symposium an exhibition with experiments took place and the movie "An Introduction to the Analysis of Chaotic Dynamics" by E.J. Kreuzer et.al. was presented. The scientific lectures were devoted to the following topics: o Dynamic Structural Engineering Problems, o Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, o Bifurcation Problems, o Chaotic Dynamics and Control Problems, o Miscellaneous Problems, o Experimental and Theoretical Investigations, o Chaotic Oscillations of Engineering Systems, o Characterization of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, o Nonlinear Stochastic Systems.