La Violencia Ecuménica desde una perspectiva de género

La Violencia Ecuménica desde una perspectiva de género

Author: Dra. Patricia A. Taus


Published: 2014-07-14

Total Pages: 388

ISBN-13: 1312332042


A partir de un estudio de las diversas normas de los organismos regionales de control basadas en los estandares de derecho internacional humanitario se realiza un analisis mundial de las diversas formas que adquiere la violencia de genero en perjuicio, principalmente, de las mujeres y personas LGTB. El delito de violencia de genero puede incluir, entre otros, el aborto selectivo en funcion del sexo, infanticidio femenino, trafico de personas, violaciones sexuales durante periodo de guerra, homicidios a causa de la dote, matrimonios forzados, ataques homofobicos hacia personas o grupos LGTB, etc. Luego de analizar los muestreos de los casos en los diversos paises del mundo, posiblemente se generen interrogantes intelectuales acerca de la situacion real en occidente y oriente y de la necesidad de realizar un trabajo mancomunado mundial en aras de lograr que la igualdad de genero deje de ser una utopia y un precepto meramente declarativo.

The Ecumenical violence from a gender perspective

The Ecumenical violence from a gender perspective

Author: Dra. Patricia A. Taus


Published: 2014-07-22

Total Pages: 361

ISBN-13: 1312249099


A study of the various rules and jurisprudence of regional and universal organizations control standards based on international humanitarian law and human rights, to perform a global analysis of the various forms that gender violence affecting mainly the women and LGBT people. The crime of gender violence may include, among others, selective abortion based on sex, female infanticide, trafficking, rape during wartime, killings dowry, forced marriages, homophobic attacks to people or LGBT groups, etc. However, there are questionable actions from protector system of international law of human rights that are presented as ""tolerated"" based on religious, cultural or social precepts and sometimes legally accepted. After analyzing sampling of cases in the various countries of the world, possibly generated intellectual questions about the real situation in the West and East and the need for a global joint efforts in order to achieve gender equality stop be a utopia and merely declaratory provision.



Author: Carles Feixa

Publisher: NED Ediciones

Published: 2016-06-10

Total Pages: 405

ISBN-13: 8416737037


El presente libro pretende mapear el planeta de las juventudes iberoamericanas, a modo de pequeña enciclopedia capaz de condensar los pequeños saberes y grandes interrogantes sobre las identidades juveniles actuales, ya sean ocultas, sumergidas, emergentes y visibles, es decir, como una Juvenopedia en construcción. Responde a un trabajo de investigación individual de naturaleza interdisciplinaria, pero parte de un esfuerzo colectivo de distintos investigadores iberoamericanos de las últimas generaciones, que de alguna manera han tenido relación como colegas, discípulos o colaboradores de Carles Feixa y Patricia Oliart (coordinadores). Tras una introducción en la que los coordinadores establecen un marco general sobre los estudios de las juventudes iberoamericanas, el libro se articula en capítulos que responden a intereses teóricos y marcos disciplinarios distintos, aunque todos comparten la misma estructura: una primera sección en base a marcos teóricos y conceptuales, una segunda a partir de esbozos etnográficos, y una tercera en base a un caso de estudio como ilustración de las teorías. En ellos se retratan una diversidad de jóvenes contemporáneos en América Latina y la Península Ibérica: jóvenes indígenas, trendsetters, rurales, urbanos, estudiantes, trabajador@s, en masculino, en femenino, digitales, deportistas, ciudadan@s, transnacionales, altermundialistas e indignad@s.

Environmental Governance in Latin America

Environmental Governance in Latin America

Author: Fabio De Castro

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2016-03-24

Total Pages: 347

ISBN-13: 1137505729


This book is open access under a CC-BY license. The multiple purposes of nature – livelihood for communities, revenues for states, commodities for companies, and biodiversity for conservationists – have turned environmental governance in Latin America into a highly contested arena. In such a resource-rich region, unequal power relations, conflicting priorities, and trade-offs among multiple goals have led to a myriad of contrasting initiatives that are reshaping social relations and rural territories. This edited collection addresses these tensions by unpacking environmental governance as a complex process of formulating and contesting values, procedures and practices shaping the access, control and use of natural resources. Contributors from various fields address the challenges, limitations, and possibilities for a more sustainable, equal, and fair development. In this book, environmental governance is seen as an overarching concept defining the dynamic and multi-layered repertoire of society-nature interactions, where images of nature and discourses on the use of natural resources are mediated by contextual processes at multiple scales.

Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic Violence

Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic Violence

Author: Rachel Starr

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2018-04-17

Total Pages: 273

ISBN-13: 1317068556


Domestic violence is a significant threat to women’s survival. But Christian understandings of marriage often prevent women from resisting abusive relationships. Can the Church’s teaching on marriage be reshaped so that it helps women to survive, rather than encourage them to submit to their husband, bear their cross, or sacrifice themselves for the sake of their marriage? Focusing on everyday practices of marriage in two very different contexts: Argentina and England, Reimagining Theologies of Marriage in Contexts of Domestic Violence considers how Christian understandings of marriage as a covenant or sacrament relate to the lived experience of marriage. Drawing on Augustine’s notion of the goods of marriage, and on belief in the saving power of marriage, this book suggests that only when the wellbeing of bodies is central to a marriage can it have the power to save.

Gendered Peace

Gendered Peace

Author: Donna Pankhurst

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 354

ISBN-13: 041595648X


This volume focuses on the efforts made by women (and those made on their behalf) to hold to account those who committed crimes against them during times of war and conflict.