Law and History in Cervantes' Don Quixote

Law and History in Cervantes' Don Quixote

Author: Susan Byrne

Publisher: University of Toronto Press

Published: 2012-09-26

Total Pages: 257

ISBN-13: 1442665955


Law and History in Cervantes’ Don Quixote is a deep consideration of the intellectual environment that gave rise to Cervantes’ seminal work. Susan Byrne demonstrates how Cervantes synthesized the debates surrounding the two most authoritative discourses of his era – those of law and history – into a new aesthetic product, the modern novel. Byrne uncovers the empirical underpinnings of Don Quixote through a close philological study of Cervantes’ sly questioning of and commentary on these fields. As she skilfully demonstrates, while sixteenth-century historiographers and jurists across southern Europe sought the philosophical nexus of their fields, Cervantes created one through the adventures of a protagonist whose history is all about justice. As such, Law and History in Cervantes’ Don Quixote illustrates how Cervantes’ art highlighted the inconsistencies of juridical-historical texts and practice, as well as anticipated the ultimate resolution of their paradoxes.

Cervantes on «Don Quixote»

Cervantes on «Don Quixote»

Author: Emilio Martínez Mata

Publisher: Peter Lang

Published: 2010

Total Pages: 210

ISBN-13: 9783034303521


Commentary on Don Quixote is as universal as affirmations of the novel?s importance, yet until now no study has examined what Cervantes said about it. In the prologue to the first half of the work (1605) the self-conscious author, in a tongue-in-cheek dialogue with the reader and an unconventional friend, makes a good number of comments on his own book. In the opening chapters of Part 2 (1615), the same sort of witty evaluation continues with remarks by Sancho Panza, Sansón Carrasco and Don Quixote in a lively and extended conversation focused on what has been said about Part 1 since its publication and how the characters feel about those readings. The present study carefully examines and compares these and other self-reflective passages to clarify the work?s successes and failures as interpreted by a privileged reader - the author himself.

Cervantes y la crítica

Cervantes y la crítica

Author: Amenodoro Urdaneta

Publisher: Linkgua

Published: 2019-04-01

Total Pages: 280

ISBN-13: 8490076502


Así nos presenta Amenodoro Urdaneta Cervantes y la crítica: Después de muchos años consagrados al estudio del Quijote y al examen de la crítica en él ensayada, he adquirido la convicción de poder disipar las sombras extrañas que velan todavía la faz de esa inmortal novela, y que la dañan, a semejanza de los mal confeccionados afeites que el artificio estampa en el rostro de la beldad. Ese libro admirable que, poniendo de relieve y caricaturando graciosamente la parte flaca y ridícula de la sociedad, es como el espejo constante de la naturaleza, el cual a nadie exime de pararse a contemplar y de reír al ver reflejado en su tersura algún rasgo de la fisonomía social, y aun de la suya propia; ese libro que, a su originalísima concepción y gran cordura, une el atractivo de las bellas formas y una alta influencia moral y literaria; ese libro, por último, orgullo de las letras y familiar de las naciones, ha tenido también su desventura (¡que ella es inherente a la condición de las cosas humanas!); y esta desventura consiste en ver a errados o ilusos escritores contestarle o desfigurar muchas partes de su incontestable mérito, como se verá en la obra que intento publicar, mediante la protección y benevolencia de la culta sociedad venezolana.