"A thorough guide providing valuable information culled from scientific, medical and professional studies, as well as the author's own experience as a naturopath."
Now available in Spanish, the #1 New York Times bestselling phenomenon The 17 Day Diet is an incredible weight loss plan designed to fit into any diet’s habits. Si necesitas perder peso rápido y de manera segura, eficaz y duradera, ¡este es el libro para ti! La Dieta de 17 Días del Dr. Mike Moreno se basa en métodos comprobados para ayudarte a perder peso y mantenerlo a raya por siempre, bien sea que tengas que perder 10 libras o 100. Su programa revolucionario regulará el metabolismo de tu cuerpo para que quemes grasa todo el día. El programa está estructurado en torno a cuatro ciclos de 17 días: Acelerar: la fase de pérdida rápida de peso que te ayudará a eliminar de tu sistema el azúcar y la grasa acumulada. Activar: es la fase del reinicio de tu metabolismo, alternando días de calorías bajas y altas para ayudarte a eliminar grasa corporal. Lograr: esta fase consiste en aprender a controlar las porciones y a introducir nuevas rutinas de acondicionamiento. Llegar: es una combinación de los tres primeros ciclos para mantener buenos hábitos para siempre. ¡Puedes disfrutar de tus comidas favoritas los fines de semana! Esta no es una dieta basada en una pequeña lista de alimentos aprobados, rutinas de ejercicio extenuante o conteos de calorías poco realistas que te dejan insatisfecha y con hambre. La moderación y las porciones adecuadas son factores clave en La Dieta de 17 Días; el truco consiste en descubrir los alimentos y las rutinas que funcionen mejor con tu verdadero estilo de vida. Es por eso que el libro está lleno de consejos para evitar las trampas de alimentos habituales como las vacaciones, comer por fuera para probar diferentes cocinas, o simplemente un frasco de dulces tentadores. Cada fase cuenta con una extensa lista de alimentos, recetas y muestras de programas de comidas para que las compras de alimentos sea fácil. La Dieta de 17 Días es un programa sencillo con el que obtendrás grandes resultados si lo sigues y dejas que el Dr. Mike te ayude a lo largo del camino. Independiente- mente de que éste sea tu primer intento o el número cincuenta con una dieta, tienes que creer que puedes hacer esto. Lo importante ahora es concentrarte en tus objetivos, identificar qué necesitas para lograrlos, y tomar medidas para comenzar el proceso. Tu salud y tu felicidad son importantes, así que sé fuerte, cree en ti, ¡y deja que tu Dieta de 17 Días comience ahora mismo!
At least 200,000 people died from hunger or malnutrition-related diseases in Spain during the 1940s. This book provides a political explanation for the famine and brings together a broad range of academics based in Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia to achieve this. Topics include the political causes of the famine, the physical and social consequences, the ways Spaniards tried to survive, the regime's reluctance to accept international relief, the politics of cooking at a time of famine, and the memory of the famine. The volume challenges the silence and misrepresentation that still surround the famine. It reveals the reality of how people perished in Spain because the Francoist authorities instituted a policy of food self-sufficiency (or autarky): a system of price regulation which placed restrictions on transport as well as food sales. The contributors trace the massive decline in food production which followed, the hoarding which took place on an enormous scale and the vast and deeply iniquitous black market that subsequently flourished at a time when salaries plunged to 50% below their levels in 1936: all contributing factors in the large-scale atrocity explored fully here for the first time.
Manual básico sobre la aplicación de propuestas nutricionales usando el índice y la carga glucémica en deportistas y personas con patologías asociadas al metabolismo de los carbohidratos. Esta guía resume ampliamente los diferentes estudios científicos existentes sobre el tema.
Malabsorptive Surgery: Surgical Techniques, Results, and Challenges describes the development of classic and new malabsorptive surgical techniques. Coverage includes the results obtained after the procedures, as well as postoperative complications - including early complications (associated with the difficulty of the operation) and late complications (associated with nutritional sequelae). This book is the perfect reference for basic and translational research focused on the mechanism of action of malabsorptive procedures, that goes beyond the bypassing of intestinal loops, affecting the regulation of hormonal signals. The content is also useful for bariatric surgeons and endocrinologists dealing with the bariatric options and results. Despite the aims of bariatric surgery focusing on performing procedures associated with low postoperative complications rates (mostly restrictive procedures), there is increasing evidence showing mid- and long-term failure of restrictive and mixed procedures in terms of weight regain and recurrence of comorbidities. This has increased the need for revisional surgeries after failed primary procedures, and consequently, increased the popularity of malabsorptive techniques. - Introduces new malabsorptive techniques, including OAGB and SADIS, which have improved results and reduced the nutritional sequalae of more classic approaches like biliopancreatic diversion and duodenal switch - Provides insights into basic and translational research focused on the mechanism of action of malabsorptive procedures that goes beyond the bypassing of intestinal loops, thus affecting the regulation of hormonal signals - Presents step-by-step procedures with accompanying images to guide performance of specific procedures
Nutraceuticals are established food components widely consumed as supplements to the diet, either as formulated products or for fortification of foods, particularly functional foods. Over the last two decades there has been a steady growth in research into the possible health benefits. Both the general public and the media have become increasingly interested, and this has coincided with a general interest in health issues. This has resulted in increasing usage of commercially available products, as well as their food sources. It is now well understood that modern pharmaceuticals cannot successfully treat all diseases, coupled with their lack of effectiveness in certain disease states, and the possibility of marked side effects. There is logical use of a number of nutraceuticals which are endogenous nutrients from a range of food sources, as many diseases maybe caused by deficiency states.