Emotive Intelligence

Emotive Intelligence

Author: Miguel D'Addario

Publisher: Babelcube Inc.

Published: 2019-04-06

Total Pages: 169

ISBN-13: 1547581913


The word intelligence was introduced by Cicero to signify the intellectual capacity concept. Its semantic spectrum is very broad, reflecting the classical idea according to which, by intelligence, man is, in a certain way, all things. Intelligence, like learning, is a concept that psychology has borrowed from ordinary language and its content, initially intuitive and not well defined, has been transformed based on the applied studies.

Despierta el talento

Despierta el talento

Author: Roberto Luna

Publisher: Editorial Almuzara

Published: 2011-09

Total Pages: 114

ISBN-13: 8483566095


Desde ocho ángulos diferentes y a través de monólogos, historias y experiencias el autor explica cómo desarrollar el talento, algo básico tanto para las empresas como para los profesionales. Con un lenguaje ameno y un estilo sencillo y directo, el autor ofrece todas las claves necesarias para el desarrollo del talento en sus ocho vertientes fundamentales, tales como el liderazgo de equipos, la inteligencia emocional, el emprendimiento, las habilidades comerciales y orientación al cliente o la empleabilidad para quienes quieren mejorar su puesto de trabajo o encontrar empleo.

Mindfulness Rebaph

Mindfulness Rebaph

Author: Ramón Horacio Galarza

Publisher: Editorial Autores de Argentina

Published: 2022-12-28

Total Pages: 541

ISBN-13: 9878734242


Este libro no es un libro mas de autoayuda es un libro de autorealización. El libro proporciona información presisa sobre una nueva técnica de mindfulness bautizada por el autor REBPAH y dará instrucciones graduales para integrar la meditación, la atención plena y las intervenciones cognitivas para lograr el bienestar y la felicidad. Los lectores aprenderán a distanciarse de las pautas corporales y mentales automáticas que aparecen en la vida cotidiana, para generar atención plena. Esta obra también guía a los clínicos en la práctica del mindfulness. Asimismo se presentan los resultados de estudios científicos realizados hasta la fecha sobre la eficacia del mindfulness, no solo para resolver problemas, reconocer estresores, mejorar la calidad de la salud física o espiritual sino que también encontrar el bienestar y la felicidad. Ramón Horacio Galarza This book is not just another self-help book, it is a self-realization book. The book provides in-depth information on a new mindfulness technique named REBPAH by the author and will give step-by-step instructions for integrating meditation, mindfulness, and cognitive interventions to achieve well-being and happiness. Readers will learn to distance themselves from the automatic body and mind patterns that appear in everyday life, in order to generate mindfulness. This work also guides clinicians in the practice of mindfulness. Likewise, the results of scientific studies carried out to date on the effectiveness of mindfulness are presented, not only to solve problems, recognize stressors, improve the quality of physical or spiritual health, but also to find well-being and happiness. Ramón Horacio Galarza

HAPPINESS AT EVERY MILE: You should not die without reading this book, and you shouldn’t live without sharing it with someone else

HAPPINESS AT EVERY MILE: You should not die without reading this book, and you shouldn’t live without sharing it with someone else

Author: Dieubon A. François

Publisher: Ibukku LLC

Published: 2024-02-29

Total Pages: 150

ISBN-13: 168574642X


Lic. Dieubon A. François is a writer, newspaper columnist, psychologist, family and couples therapist, pastor, lecturer and professor. He completed his university studies at the Universidad National Evangélica (UNEV) Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. At said university, he completed a Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master's Degree in Family and Couples Therapy. He completed a Specialty in Education at the Universidad Dominico-Americano (UNICDA), in the same country and a diploma in Child Psychology at the Universidad del Caribe. He was awarded several awards, including the “Lánzate” award. He has given multiple conferences nationally and internationally on topics such as personal growth, happiness and tips to achieve it, coexistence in educational centers, strategic leadership, youth and progress, the family and the roles of its subsystems, effective management of divorce, effective steps for the management of grief, the effective management of depression, the art of living as a couple, effective modification of human behavior, management of stress and anxiety and strategic management of human resources. In the ecclesiastical field, he has given his lectures on topics such as salvation and its scope, strategic leadership, the art of living as a couple, the 7 steps for the quantitative and qualitative growth of the church, the foundation of Christian life, the seventieth Daniel's week, and so on. He is the author of the books: “Felicidad a Toda Milla”, “Happiness at Every Mile”, and “7 Pasos para Alcazar la Salvación”, among other books in the portfolio. Furthermore, he is a husband and father. He married Christella Thomas with whom he has two children: Chrislenny and Abraham.

Inteligencia emocional en la empresa (Imprescindibles)

Inteligencia emocional en la empresa (Imprescindibles)

Author: Daniel Goleman

Publisher: CONECTA

Published: 2018-03-22

Total Pages: 76

ISBN-13: 8416883327


Inteligencia emocional en la empresa de Daniel Goleman es un volumen de la colección «Imprescindibles» de Conecta, que reúne las ideas esenciales para el profesional y la empresa de hoy por los autores de referencia. --Edición en colaboración con Harvard Business Review-- ¿Qué distingue a los grandes líderes de los que son solo buenos? Según Daniel Goleman, no es el cociente intelectual o las aptitudes técnicas, sino la inteligencia emocional, cinco habilidades que permiten a los mejores líderes maximizar su rendimiento y el de sus seguidores: conciencia de uno mismo, autogestión , motivación, empatía y habilidad social. Y todos podemos mejorar esas aptitudes por medio de la persistencia, la práctica y las valoraciones de colegas o formadores. Muchos directivos suponen de forma equivocada que el estilo de liderazgo es consecuencia de la personalidad y no una elección estratégica. Hay seis estilos de liderazgo básicos y cada uno de ellos deriva de diferentes competencias de la inteligencia emocional. Cuantos más estilos domine un líder, mejor. Poder elegir entre los estilos autoritario, afiliativo, coercitivo, pionero, democrático y formativo cuando lo requieran las circunstancias genera el mejor clima en una organización y optimiza el negocio. Los «Imprescindibles» de Conecta, en colaboración con Harvard Business Review, permiten acceder a las grandes ideas de los autores de referencia que inspiran a directivos y profesionales. Este volumen reúne los textos «Liderazgo que da resultados» y «¿De qué está hecho un líder?» de Daniel Goleman, autor de Inteligencia emocional y El líder resonante crea más (Debolsillo, 2010), entre otras obras.

Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas

Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas


Publisher: Max Editorial

Published: 2023-09-27

Total Pages: 138

ISBN-13: 1779710968


A interseção entre inteligência emocional e finanças Nossa relação com o dinheiro é uma parte intrínseca de nossas vidas. A forma como gerenciamos nossas finanças não se limita apenas a números e cálculos; está profundamente enraizada em nossas emoções, valores e experiências. A inteligência emocional, um conceito que ganhou destaque nas últimas décadas, oferece uma lente valiosa para entendermos melhor nossas escolhas financeiras e, mais especificamente, para lidarmos com a impulsividade que muitas vezes prejudica nossas decisões. A inteligência emocional diz respeito à nossa capacidade de reconhecer, compreender e gerenciar nossas próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. Ela engloba diversos aspectos, como a autoconsciência emocional, a autorregulação, a empatia e as habilidades sociais. Embora a inteligência emocional seja frequentemente associada a relacionamentos pessoais e sucesso profissional, seu papel nas finanças muitas vezes é subestimado. Impacto da impulsividade nas decisões financeiras A impulsividade é uma força poderosa que pode minar nossos objetivos financeiros e preservar nossa estabilidade econômica. Quando tomamos decisões financeiras impulsivas, muitas vezes cedemos às emoções momentâneas em detrimento de nossos objetivos de longo prazo. Compras impulsivas, investimentos arriscados e gastos excessivos são apenas alguns exemplos de comportamentos que podem surgir quando nossas emoções não estão devidamente equilibradas. No entanto, não é apenas a impulsividade que influencia nossas escolhas financeiras. Nossas emoções também desempenham um papel significativo na forma como abordamos o planejamento financeiro, o investimento e a gestão de riscos. A aversão a perdas, o medo de perder oportunidades e a necessidade de status social são exemplos de emoções que podem impactar nossas decisões cardíacas. Este ebook explora a relação entre inteligência emocional e finanças, destacando como a compreensão e o gerenciamento de nossas emoções podem levar a escolhas financeiras mais sábias e transitórias a longo prazo. Ao longo dos próximos capítulos, veremos como reconhecer nossas emoções financeiras, desenvolver autocontrole, praticar a empatia em contextos financeiros e utilizar estratégias específicas para evitar a armadilha da impulsividade. À medida que mergulhamos neste material, convido você a refletir sobre suas próprias experiências emocionais e emocionais. Ao fazer isso, você estará no caminho certo para fortalecer sua inteligência emocional e aprimorar sua capacidade de tomar decisões financeiras e conscientes.

El directivo emocionalmente inteligente

El directivo emocionalmente inteligente

Author: David R. Caruso

Publisher: EDAF

Published: 2012-11-07

Total Pages: 344

ISBN-13: 9788496107397


En el mundo de la empresa se ha creído que ciertos valores como el control, la disciplina o el seguir las reglas son los pilares sobre los que se asienta el éxito. Sin embargo, la experiencia ha demostrado que valiéndose solo de estos principios cualquier empresa está destinada al fracaso.

The Emotionally Intelligent Manager

The Emotionally Intelligent Manager

Author: David R. Caruso

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2004-03-15

Total Pages: 320

ISBN-13: 0787974226


We have long been taught that emotions should be felt and expressed in carefully controlled ways, and then only in certain environments and at certain times. This is especially true when at work, particularly when managing others. It is considered terribly unprofessional to express emotion while on the job, and many of us believe that our biggest mistakes and regrets are due to our reactions at those times when our emotions get the better of us. David R. Caruso and Peter Salovey believe that this view of emotion is not correct. The emotion centers of the brain, they argue, are not relegated to a secondary place in our thinking and reasoning, but instead are an integral part of what it means to think, reason, and to be intelligent. In The Emotionally Intelligent Manager, they show that emotion is not just important, but absolutely necessary for us to make good decisions, take action to solve problems, cope with change, and succeed. The authors detail a practical four-part hierarchy of emotional skills: identifying emotions, using emotions to facilitate thinking, understanding emotions, and managing emotions—and show how we can measure, learn, and develop each skill and employ them in an integrated way to solve our most difficult work-related problems.

Without Criteria

Without Criteria

Author: Steven Shaviro

Publisher: MIT Press

Published: 2012-08-17

Total Pages: 191

ISBN-13: 0262517973


A Deleuzian reading of Whitehead and a Whiteheadian reading of Deleuze open the possibility of a critical aesthetics of contemporary culture. In Without Criteria, Steven Shaviro proposes and explores a philosophical fantasy: imagine a world in which Alfred North Whitehead takes the place of Martin Heidegger. What if Whitehead, instead of Heidegger, had set the agenda for postmodern thought? Heidegger asks, “Why is there something, rather than nothing?” Whitehead asks, “How is it that there is always something new?” In a world where everything from popular music to DNA is being sampled and recombined, argues Shaviro, Whitehead's question is the truly urgent one. Without Criteria is Shaviro's experiment in rethinking postmodern theory, especially the theory of aesthetics, from a point of view that hearkens back to Whitehead rather than Heidegger. In working through the ideas of Whitehead and Deleuze, Shaviro also appeals to Kant, arguing that certain aspects of Kant's thought pave the way for the philosophical “constructivism” embraced by both Whitehead and Deleuze. Kant, Whitehead, and Deleuze are not commonly grouped together, but the juxtaposition of them in Without Criteria helps to shed light on a variety of issues that are of concern to contemporary art and media practices.

How Social and Emotional Development Add Up

How Social and Emotional Development Add Up

Author: Norris M. Haynes

Publisher: Teachers College Press

Published: 2003-01-01

Total Pages: 209

ISBN-13: 0807743062


This landmark volume is essential reading for math and science teachers who are eager to find creative and stimulating ways to engage student's interest and to boost their academic performance. A stellar group of contributors, including both psychologists and teachers, outlines the principles of social emotional learning (SEL) that educators can follow to help "all students to achieve in the math and science classroom. Focusing on inner-city schools and the particular needs of African American students, the text: -Presents a substantial body of empirical research, including findings of the Third International Math and Science Study-Builds on what we already know about social and emotional factors in learning and applies it to the math and science curriculum, shedding new light on ways to help young people succeed academically-Features many examples of successful math and science instruction that teachers can incorporate into their own classrooms-Covers key topics, such as youth development, connecting with students, math-science readiness and policy, developmental pathways to achievement, success for minority students, equity and excellence, preparing students for the future, and corporate partners in the classroom