This handbook provides a comprehensive and thorough survey of our current insights into the diversity and unity found across the 6000 languages of this planet. The 125 articles include inter alia chapters on the patterns and limits of variation manifested by analogous structures, constructions and linguistic devices across languages (e.g. word order, tense and aspect, inflection, color terms and syllable structure). Other chapters cover the history, methodology and the theory of typology, as well as the relationship between language typology and other disciplines. The authors of the individual sections and chapters are for the most part internationally known experts on the relevant topics. The vast majority of the articles are written in English, some in French or German. The handbook is not only intended for the expert in the fields of typology and language universals, but for all of those interested in linguistics. It is specifically addressed to all those who specialize in individual languages, providing basic orientation for their analysis and placing each language within the space of what is possible and common in the languages of the world.
The aim of the present volume is to provide a present-day take on variation in terminology by looking forward and examining what leading scholars in the field are working on and where they are taking research in the field today. This reader is built around three themes arranged according to complementary points of view to stimulate thought on the subject of variation as it is approached today. The first theme, “The social dimension of variation”, includes three contributions dealing with variation across different categories of speakers. This reflects not only the expert/layperson dichotomy but also other more original polarities as the emotional dimension and the issue of diastratic variation across LSPs. The second part of this reader puts forward different tools and methods to identify, describe and manage term variation. The third theme of this reader questions semantics of term variation through the topics of concept saturation, multidimensionality and metaphor. Variation, through this picture of current studies, proves to be the touchstone for the understanding of the major issues of terminology research today. The included papers draw on research in terminology carried out in different language communities - Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch in particular - thereby opening up a window on much of the research carried out in these cultural areas.
Ce premier tome de la serie Le nom des langues, Les enjeux de la nomination d'une langue, presente une dizaine d'etudes de cas concernant: 1. les enjeux scientifiques de la nomination (en anglais, les emplois du terme language lui-meme, puis la nomination, le classement, le denombrement des langues en francais, du XVIIIeme siecle a aujourd'hui); 2. les enjeux de l'institution d'une langue (etudies dans les cas de la langue francaise-romane, de celui du kurde dans les textes legislatifs turcs, de celui de la denomination des langues chez les parlementaires francais en 1994); 3. les enjeux politiques et ideologiques de la nomination (pour l'Europe: cas du breton, des langues en Alsace, des emplois de deutsch et nederlands, et cas du macedonien; pour l'Hispano-Amerique: cas du pano; pour l'Afrique: cas du nom des langues au Mali); 4. les investissements singuliers (nommer le latin et dire ce terme; le recit mythique de la nomination de l'occitan par J. Deteil, dans La Deltheillerie). La categorie de langue resulte d'une elaboration, d'une construction qui ne denote pas un objet naturel: il s'agit en somme de savoir qui a procede a l'acte de delimiter et de nommer l'entite linguistique consideree, dans quelles circonstances et dans quel but. Le nom d'une langue est arbitraire et chacun se revele un mille-feuilles de significations. Ce feuilletage est sans fin car chacun - de l'homme de la rue au linguiste, a l'homme politique - y ajoute ou bien en retranche ce qui arrange la fin qu'il poursuit. Le nom d'une langue est susceptible de mener une trajectoire independante de l'histoire de cette langue, des parlers ainsi designes, et des locuteurs qui la parlent et qui, dans certains cas, manient sa ou ses formes ecrites. Le nom d'une langue est ainsi toujours le nom d'une autre realite, geographique, ethnique, linguistique, institutionnelle, sociolinguistique, et ainsi de suite.
This series of HANDBOOKS OF LINGUISTICS AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold forms of communicative action and interaction. For "classic" linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the state of the art which will provide a reference base for the rapid advances in research undertaken from a variety of theoretical standpoints, while in the more recent branches of communication science the handbooks will give researchers both an verview and orientation. To attain these objectives, the series will aim for a standard comparable to that of the leading handbooks in other disciplines, and to this end will strive for comprehensiveness, theoretical explicitness, reliable documentation of data and findings, and up-to-date methodology. The editors, both of the series and of the individual volumes, and the individual contributors, are committed to this aim. The languages of publication are English, German, and French. The main aim of the series is to provide an appropriate account of the state of the art in the various areas of linguistics and communication science covered by each of the various handbooks; however no inflexible pre-set limits will be imposed on the scope of each volume. The series is open-ended, and can thus take account of further developments in the field. This conception, coupled with the necessity of allowing adequate time for each volume to be prepared with the necessary care, means that there is no set time-table for the publication of the whole series. Each volume will be a self-contained work, complete in itself. The order in which the handbooks are published does not imply any rank ordering, but is determined by the way in which the series is organized; the editor of the whole series enlist a competent editor for each individual volume. Once the principal editor for a volume has been found, he or she then has a completely free hand in the choice of co-editors and contributors. The editors plan each volume independently of the others, being governed only by general formal principles. The series editor only intervene where questions of delineation between individual volumes are concerned. It is felt that this (modus operandi) is best suited to achieving the objectives of the series, namely to give a competent account of the present state of knowledge and of the perception of the problems in the area covered by each volume.