Introduction à l'éthique des affaires

Introduction à l'éthique des affaires

Author: Gilad James, PhD

Publisher: Gilad James Mystery School


Total Pages: 84

ISBN-13: 3305591919


L'éthique des affaires est un aspect important des opérations commerciales modernes. Il fait référence aux principes moraux et aux valeurs qui dictent la manière dont les activités commerciales doivent être menées. Le concept d'éthique des affaires englobe un large éventail de pratiques, notamment la transparence, l'honnêteté, le respect des droits de l'homme, les pratiques de travail équitables, la gestion de l'environnement et le leadership éthique. L'éthique des affaires est importante pour les parties prenantes internes et externes d'une organisation. En interne, les entreprises qui privilégient les pratiques éthiques se sont révélées améliorer le moral de leurs employés, leur productivité et leur satisfaction professionnelle globale. Sur le plan externe, les pratiques commerciales éthiques peuvent contribuer à bâtir une réputation positive, à fidéliser la clientèle et à accroître la rentabilité à long terme. Plusieurs facteurs critiques ont contribué à l'émergence de l'éthique des affaires en tant que pierre angulaire des pratiques commerciales modernes. Ces facteurs incluent la prise de conscience et l'inquiétude croissantes du public à l'égard des questions éthiques, le renforcement des exigences réglementaires et légales et l'évolution des normes sociales et morales. Cela a conduit au développement de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, qui reconnaît la responsabilité des organisations d'agir de manière socialement responsable, en tenant compte de l'impact de leurs activités sur l'environnement, la société et l'économie. En conclusion, l'éthique des affaires est devenue un concept fondamental des opérations commerciales contemporaines, sa contribution allant au-delà des simples profits financiers. Il met l'accent sur le rôle des organisations dans la société et souligne l'importance de fonctionner d'une manière juste et équitable qui respecte les intérêts de toutes les parties prenantes. Dans l'ensemble, les entreprises qui donnent la priorité aux pratiques éthiques démontrent leur engagement en faveur de pratiques commerciales durables et responsables qui favorisent le bien-être de la société dans son ensemble. Le succès de ces entreprises repose sur leur capacité à trouver un équilibre entre la rentabilité et un agenda social plus large. Alors que les entreprises continuent d'évoluer et de s'adapter à un paysage en constante évolution, il est clair que l'éthique des affaires restera la pierre angulaire des pratiques commerciales responsables et durables.

Introduction to Business Ethics

Introduction to Business Ethics

Author: Gilad James


Published: 2023-05-16

Total Pages: 0



Business ethics is an important aspect of modern-day business operations. It refers to the moral principles and values that dictate how business activities should be conducted. The concept of business ethics encompasses a broad range of practices, including transparency, honesty, respect for human rights, fair labor practices, environmental stewardship, and ethical leadership. Business ethics is important for both the internal and external stakeholders of an organization. Internally, businesses that prioritize ethical practices have been found to enjoy higher employee morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Externally, ethical business practices can help build a positive reputation, foster customer loyalty, and increase long-term profitability. There are several critical factors that have contributed to the emergence of business ethics as a cornerstone of modern business practices. These factors include growing public awareness and concern about ethical issues, increasing regulatory and legal requirements, and evolving social and moral norms. This has led to the development of corporate social responsibility, which recognizes the responsibility of organizations to act in a socially responsible manner, taking into account the impact of their activities on the environment, society, and the economy. In conclusion, business ethics has become a fundamental concept in contemporary business operations, with its contribution going beyond just financial profits. It emphasizes the role of organizations in society and emphasizes the importance of operating in a just and equitable manner that respects the interests of all stakeholders. Overall, businesses that prioritize ethical practices demonstrate a commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices that promote the well-being of society as a whole. The success of these businesses is rooted in their ability to balance profitability with a wider social agenda. As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to an ever-changing landscape, it is clear that business ethics will remain a cornerstone of responsible and sustainable business practices. In this book we discuss topics such as: Introduction: Definition of Business Ethics, Importance of Business Ethics Ethical Theories: Consequentialist Theories, Non-Consequentialist Theories Ethical Decision Making: The Ethical Decision Making Process, The Role of Ethics in Decision Making Corporate Social Responsibility: What is Corporate Social Responsibility, The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility, The Role of Stakeholders in Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics and Management: Leadership and Ethics, Employee Ethics, Ethics in Marketing, Ethics in Finance, Ethics in Information Technology Ethics and Sustainability: What is Sustainability, Why Sustainability is Important, The Role of Business Ethics in Achieving Sustainability Ethics and Globalization: Cultural Issues in Business Ethics, Global Business Ethics Ethics and Risk Management: Ethics and Risk, Ethical Risk Assessment Ethics and Law: Legal Issues in Business Ethics, Regulatory Compliance Ethics and Philanthropy: Charitable Giving and Business Ethics, Corporate Philanthropy and Social Responsibility Conclusion: Summary of Topics Covered and The Future of Business Ethics. Quizzes are provided at the end of each section.

An Introduction to Business Ethics

An Introduction to Business Ethics

Author: Joseph R. DesJardins


Published: 2005-11

Total Pages: 288

ISBN-13: 9780071244374


Since its inception An Introduction to Business Ethics, by Joseph Desjardins has been a cutting-edge resource for the business ethics course. Desjardin's unique approach encompasses all that an introductory business ethics course is, from a multidisciplinary perspective. It offers critical analysis and integrated perspective of philosophy with management, law, economics, and public policy.

An Introduction to Business Ethics

An Introduction to Business Ethics

Author: Joseph R. DesJardins

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages

Published: 2008-04-03

Total Pages: 316



Since its inception An Introduction to Business Ethics, by Joseph Desjardins has been a cutting-edge resource for the business ethics course. DesJardin's unique approach encompasses all that an introductory business ethics course is, from a multidisciplinary perspective. It offers critical analysis and integrates the perspective of philosophy with management, law, economics, and public policy.

Introduction to Business Ethics

Introduction to Business Ethics

Author: Gilad James, PhD

Publisher: Gilad James Mystery School


Total Pages: 83

ISBN-13: 564407496X


Business ethics is an important aspect of modern-day business operations. It refers to the moral principles and values that dictate how business activities should be conducted. The concept of business ethics encompasses a broad range of practices, including transparency, honesty, respect for human rights, fair labor practices, environmental stewardship, and ethical leadership. Business ethics is important for both the internal and external stakeholders of an organization. Internally, businesses that prioritize ethical practices have been found to enjoy higher employee morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Externally, ethical business practices can help build a positive reputation, foster customer loyalty, and increase long-term profitability. There are several critical factors that have contributed to the emergence of business ethics as a cornerstone of modern business practices. These factors include growing public awareness and concern about ethical issues, increasing regulatory and legal requirements, and evolving social and moral norms. This has led to the development of corporate social responsibility, which recognizes the responsibility of organizations to act in a socially responsible manner, taking into account the impact of their activities on the environment, society, and the economy. In conclusion, business ethics has become a fundamental concept in contemporary business operations, with its contribution going beyond just financial profits. It emphasizes the role of organizations in society and emphasizes the importance of operating in a just and equitable manner that respects the interests of all stakeholders. Overall, businesses that prioritize ethical practices demonstrate a commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices that promote the well-being of society as a whole. The success of these businesses is rooted in their ability to balance profitability with a wider social agenda. As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to an ever-changing landscape, it is clear that business ethics will remain a cornerstone of responsible and sustainable business practices.

The Ethics of Business

The Ethics of Business

Author: Al Gini

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Published: 2011-10-16

Total Pages: 179

ISBN-13: 1442214341


In a field dominated by books that focus exclusively on the perspective of business in large corporations or that assume that business has a moral deficiency in need of reform, Al Gini and Alexei Marcoux offers students and business people alike a concise guide to what everyone ought to do when doing business. Where other books are organized topically, Gini and Marcoux look at the moral features of business that recur across topical areas, stressing the considerations that bear on business people whether they be corporate functionaries, principals in family businesses, or solo entrepreneurs who do it all, end to end. They present to students the essential concepts, ideas, and issues involved in ethics in business and emphasize the individual acting person and what it means to have character and integrity when doing business.

Advanced Introduction to Business Ethics

Advanced Introduction to Business Ethics

Author: Hooker, John

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Published: 2021-08-27

Total Pages: 160

ISBN-13: 1800378564


This concise and engaging Advanced Introduction provides the conceptual tools necessary to make ethical decisions in today’s business world. John Hooker provides an objective and closely-reasoned analysis of ethical issues based on a unified conceptual framework that distils the best of ethical thought into three clearly articulated principles: the generalization, utilitarian, and autonomy principles.

An Introduction to Business Ethics

An Introduction to Business Ethics

Author: George D. Chryssides


Published: 1993

Total Pages: 604



Provides an introduction to the subject of ethics and values in the business environment. Set firmly in a European context, the book spans the range of subjects in business ethics, including: theories of ethics; capitalism and free enterprise; marketing; employment; and the greening of business.

An Introduction to Business and Management Ethics

An Introduction to Business and Management Ethics

Author: Mike Harrison

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing

Published: 2017-03-23

Total Pages: 384

ISBN-13: 0230802257


An Introduction to Business and Management Ethics provides an introduction to some of the major challenges facing anyone concerned with standards of behaviour in organizations. It starts from a consideration of the resources provided by philosophical ethics and moves on to consider the challenges inherent in working in a competitive business environment. The book gives straightforward guidance to students of business ethics and encourages the application of theory through the use of topical exercises and case studies.