INTERACTION: LANGUE ET CULTURE, 8th Edition is a complete intermediate French program offering unparalleled support for the study of culture, literature, and language. The Enhanced 8th Edition includes five court-metrage films with accompanying pre - , during, and post- viewing activities. The film spreads with accompanying activities occur every two chapters in the core textbook. These award-winning Francophone films provide students with opportunities to interact, in a meaningful way, with the French language and Francophone cultures. The Interaction program contains a broad range of cultural and literary content and concise, yet thorough grammar explanations in a convenient, one-book format. The Eighth Edition maintains the renowned strengths of previous editions--now combined with many improvements, including new readings and cultural content that speak to the interests of today's student. INTERACTION is accompanied by a technologically enhanced multimedia package, including an engaging video program and iLrn: Heinle Learning Center--a powerful, all-in-one online solution that helps you and your students get the most out of your course. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
INTERACTION: LANGUE ET CULTURE is a complete intermediate French program offering unparalleled support to help you hone your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. The enhanced ninth edition includes five court-metrage films with accompanying activities. These award-winning Francophone films provide you with the opportunity to interact, in a meaningful way, with the French language and Francophone cultures. The Interaction program contains a broad range of cultural and literary content, as well as concise yet thorough, grammar explanations in a convenient, one-book format. A technologically enhanced multimedia package is available as an additional supplement. This multimedia package includes an engaging video program and iLrnTM: Heinle Learning Center--a powerful, all-in-one online solution that helps you get the most out of your course. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This textbook includes all 13 chapters of Français interactif. It accompanies, the web-based French program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Tex's French Grammar (2000) Français interactif is an open acess site, a free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees. Français interactif has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251) as an example of the open access initiative.