Reports on the Pathways to Work programme's aims to reduce the number of people claiming incapacity benefits and help them into work. This title suggests that it has had a limited impact and has turned out to provide poor value for money.
During 2008-09, the Department for Work and Pensions (the Department) paid £12.6 billion in incapacity benefits to 2.6 million people who were unable to work because of disability or ill health. The Pathways to Work programme was launched nationally between 2005 and 2008 to help reduce the number of incapacity benefit claimants through targeted support and an earlier medical assessment. It is delivered by contractors in 60 per cent of districts, with Jobcentre Plus providing the service in the remainder. By March 2010, the programme had cost an estimated £760 million. The numbers on incapacity benefits reduced by 125,000 between 2005 and 2009 but the Pathways contribution to this reduction has been much more limited than planned. The programme was not well implemented. Pathways was introduced without effective piloting and rigorous evaluation of its likely impact. Early medical assessments appear to have had some success in moving people off incapacity benefits, although the Department does not monitor whether all these people move into work or onto other benefits. In other areas money has not been spent effectively. Private providers have seriously underperformed against their contracts and their success rates are worse than Jobcentre Plus. The Department should consider the evidence of the Committee's enquiries thoroughly before embarking on its new Work Programme. It should ensure good value for money by making good use of Jobcentre Plus resources and maintaining a sustainable balance between public, private and voluntary providers to allow proper competition and a good basis for comparing performance.
This consultation paper is based on the reforms proposed by David Freud in his report "Reducing dependency, increasing opportunity: options for the future of welfare to work" (2007, DWP, The Government's vision for the welfare state is one where no one is written off and everyone is required to fulfil their responsibilities to prepare for, look for and take up work, with support provided at all stages. The reforms are designed to achieve an active and personalised welfare state, boosting employment and tackling long-term benefit dependency. Disabled persons or people with long-term health conditions will be targeted, in a bid to reduce the number of people on incapacity benefits by one million. A new Work Capability Assessment will re-assess all existing incapacity benefits claimants for eligibility to the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - to ensure they are receiving the right benefit and their personal needs are identified. ESA will be a temporary benefit for most, as people recover from or adapt to their condition and prepare for a return to work. Private and voluntary sector providers will be eligible to undertake support work. The medical assessment procedure will be reviewed. The reforms also tackle child poverty by providing additional support while strengthening parents' responsibilities to contribute financially and emotionally to their children's upbringing. The benefits system will be streamlined: a long term goal is the abolition of Income Support and the creation of a system based on Jobseeker's Allowance and the ESA. The Government also wishes to devolve more power to individual customers, local partnerships and providers to improve the quality and effectiveness of services. Providers will have greater freedom to innovate and deliver services through a new "Right to Bid" process.
This paper sets out the Government's strategy for moving people from being passive recipients of benefits to becoming active in seeking and preparing for work. It builds on the reform principles set out in the green paper "In work, better off: the next steps to full employment" (Cm. 7130, ISBN 9780101713023) and relates to the policies set out in the skills document "Opportunity, employment and progression: making skills work" (Cm. 7288, ISBN 9780101728829) and to the proposals to implement the Leitch Review set out in "World class skills ..." (Cm. 7181, ISBN 9780101718127). It deals in particular with creating a stronger framework of rights and responsibilities, and supporting people to find work through a personalised and responsive approach. Policies include: making work pay, to ensure long-term claimants see a significant rise in their incomes when they take a job; lone parents with older children will have to seek work, and availability of affordable childcare will be a key part of the assessment by Jobcentre Plus staff; modernisation of the New Deal arrangements; Jobcentre Plus will lead the job search for the first 12 months; support for disabled people and people with health conditions will be revised, with Employment and Support Allowance replacing Incapacity Benefit, and Pathways to Work and a Work Capability Assessment being available; Jobcentre Plus will be at the heart of the system, and will work in partnership with public, private and third sector specialist providers, employers and local communities; integrated employment and skills provision, with basic skills screening and more support for training.
Bringing together researchers from the fields of social policy, economics, sociology and clinical psychology, this book offers new evidence on the inter-related problems faced by disability claimants, and identifies important lessons for policy. Explores how reducing the level of UK benefit claiming among those with health limitations has been a priority for successive governments Argues that current policy fails to reflect the evidence that people on long-term disability benefits face a complex combination of barriers to work and social inclusion Demonstrates that there is a need for continuing inter-disciplinary research on the nature of the ‘disability benefits problem’ and the efficacy of current policy solutions and public services