Pequeño manual que sirve de ayuda no sólo a los estudiosos del arte sacro, sino incluso a tantas gentes que están ávidas de conocer tan singular y preciada herencia con que contamos los que nos decimos creyentes.
Fifteen papers focus on the active and dynamic uses of images during the first millennium AD. They bring together an international group of scholars who situate the period’s visual practices within their political, religious, and social contexts. The contributors present a diverse range of evidence, including mosaics, sculpture, and architecture from all parts of the Mediterranean, from Spain in the west to Jordan in the east. Contributions span from the depiction of individuals on funerary monuments through monumental epigraphy, Constantine’s expropriation and symbolic re-use of earlier monuments, late antique collections of Classical statuary, and city personifications in mosaics to the topic of civic prosperity during the Theodosian period and dynastic representation during the Umayyad dynasty. Together they provide new insights into the central role of visual culture in the constitution of late antique societies.
One of the most widely respected theological dictionaries put into one-volume, abridged form. Focusing on the theological meaning of each word, the abridgment contains English keywords for each entry, tables of English and Greek keywords, and a listing of the relevant volume and page numbers from the unabridged work at the end of each article or section.
This study is an introduction to Catholic theology designed both for the theological student and for the general reader willing to make a certain effort. After introducing the idea of theology adn the virtues desirable in the budding theologian, the bulk of the book falls intro the five sections: (1) the tole of philosophy in theology; (2) the use of the Bible in theology; (3) the resources of tradition, liturgy and sacred art; Fathers, Councils and Creeds; the sense of the faithful; (4) two 'aids to discernment in short history of Catholic theology from the New Testament to the present day. The conclusion considers the features of pluralism and unity which should typify Catholic theology as a whole and suggests how unity may avoid becoming uniformity without pluralism becoming anarchy.
In una Verona letargica per il caldo estivo, Loreta Assensi, giovane ispettore di polizia, indaga su alcuni strani episodi accaduti tra le boscose colline che sovrastano la città scaligera: ragazzate e nulla più secondo i suoi superiori. Nessuno sospetta quanto la sensuale investigatrice sta per scoprire. Un brutale omicidio macchia di sangue i sentieri che corrono tra le ville della Verona bene, un'ombra maligna che serpeggia tra i pini ed i cipressi delle Torricelle. Lassù, dove lo sguardo abbraccia un panorama fatto di campanili, croci e santità, la fede di un'intera comunità parrocchiale vacilla alle lusinghe del peccato e nasconde verità inconfessabili tra le pieghe della devozione. Un'indagine senza respiro che, tra piste internazionali e mitologiche visioni di un oriente biblico, racconta l'eterna lotta tra il bene ed il male.
An exploration of the ways early modern European artists have visualized continents through the female (sometimes male) body to express their perceptions of newly encountered peoples. Often stereotypical, these personifications are however more complex than what they seem.
Reflecting the diverse interests of Jean-Michel Spieser, his colleagues, students and friends contribute papers focused on topics ranging from the changing role of the apse and the layout of late antique basilicas to holy relics said to have been brought from Constantinople. Many of the articles address the nature and impact of specific media - goldsmiths' work, ivory and ceramics - while a group of highly original, broader studies is devoted to such larger issues as ritual display in the tenth century, the metaphorical significance of pottery and an interrogation of the supposed influence of Byzantine icons on Western medieval art. Throughout, the achievement of the authors is to move from concrete observations of particular objects to the larger meaning they held for those who commissioned and made use of them.
The volume comprises ten studies on Lukan theology relating especially with the theme of salvation, but also with christology and kingdom of God in Luke-Acts, as well as with the author of the two-volume work of Luke: - Luke the Jew? Current Trajectories of Scholarship - Jesus Christ, Salvation and Kingdom of God: For a Discussion on the Thematic Unity of Luke-Acts - Our Father Abraham and the Universal Promise of Salvation in the Lukan Writings - The Lukan Story of Salvation as an Insight: Re-reading Isaiah in Luke-Acts - The Law and the Kingdom of God in the Soteriology of St Luke - Faith and Works in Luke: The Case of Circumcision - ‘And the Lord turned’: A Lukan Feature in the Itinerant Behaviour of Jesus - The Practice of Prayer by Jesus in the Lukan Teachings - The Finger of God (Luke 11:20) in Modern and Patristic Exegesis - The Plan of God and the Announcement of the Kingdom in the Light of Acts 28:17-31
The book provides an updated reading on the fortification of the city of Bosa, and the castle church, the Palatine chapel of the judges of Arborea, from an architectural and artistic perspective. Particular attention and emphasis have been placed on the presence inside the sacred building of a cycle almost entirely preserved, a unique example in Sardinia, of fourteenth century frescoes on the themes of Franciscan spirituality.