The Utah Geological Survey performed a one-year study of the hydrogeology of the Powder Mountain area to better understand the hydrologic connection between springs, streamflow, and new water wells in adjoining parts of Cache and Weber Counties. The study included measuring stream discharge during baseflow conditions, measuring water chemistry, examining geology, and analyzing data from an aquifer test.
The Utah Geological Survey conducted two-dimensional modeling to determine the cone of influence of a proposed water supply well near Powder Mountain Ski Resort. The model was used to determine how much groundwater was taken from either side of the Wasatch-Cache County line. The model accounted for leaky confining layers and influence from other wells and predicted the relative amount of groundwater taken from each county.
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences was first conceived, published, and dis seminated by the Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) * at Purdue University in 1957, starting its coverage of theses with the academic year 1955. Beginning with Volume 13, the printing and dissemination phases of the ac tivity were transferred to University Microfilms/Xerox of Ann Arbor, Michigan, with the thought that such an arrangement would be more beneficial to the academic and general scientific and technical community. After five years of this joint undertaking we had concluded that it was in the interest of all concerned if the printing and distribution of the volume were handled by an international publishing house to assure improved service and broader dissemination. Hence, starting with Volume 18, Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences has been disseminated on a worldwide basis by Plenum Publishing Corporation of New York, and in the same year the coverage was broadened to include Canadian universities. All back issues can also be ordered from Plenum. We have reported in Volume 24 (thesis year 1979) a total of 10,033 theses titles from 26 Canadian and 215 United States universities. We are sure that this broader base for theses titles reported will greatly enhance the value of this important annual reference work. While Volume 24 reports these submitted in 1979, on occasion, certain universities do report theses submitted in previous years but not reported at the time.
This report characterizes the relationship of geology to groundwater occurrence and flow, with emphasis on determining the thickness of the valley-fill aquifer and water yielding properties of the fractured rock aquifers. Develops a water budget for the drainage basin and classifies the groundwater quality and identifies the likely sources of nitrate in groundwater.
This project compiles basic information on the most important geologic and infrastructural factors that would be considered when planning a new high-calcium limestone quarry such as: (1) data on existing pits and prospects, (2) chemical analyses of high-calcium limestone, (3) the extent and spatial distribution of geologic formations having good potential for high-calcium limestone production, (4) references for geologic maps covering existing pits and prospects, and analytical data points, (5) locations of transportation corridors, and (6) locations of cement and lime plants, electric power plants, coal mines, and metal smelters that are large consumers of high-calcium limestone.