Level: PrimarySubject: EnglishHelp your kids with their homework or SATs preparation with this parent's guide to grammar. It will help parents and carers to understand what your child is learning at school, clear up homework confusion, support your child's understanding of important vocabulary for the SATs and brush up your own grammar knowledge. Provides full coverage of new curriculum grammar terminology and includes simple explanations with examples for quick reference.For SATs practice for your child, try our KS2 English Revision Guide (9780008112752) and Practice Workbook (9780008112776) or our KS2 Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling SATs Question Book (9780008201609) for extra SATs practice.
This book is a real gem gifted to readers on behalf of the Author's father. This book is unique in nature and style. It is based on the real-life experiences of the Author as a student as well as a competitor. The content is made very easy to understand and to apply. It is designed for students from classes 6 to 10 as well as for competitors going to prepare for various competitive examinations. The book has three sections and each section covers 10 different chapters (A total - of 30). A practice set is provided at the end of each chapter regarding all the specific topics covered in the chapter along with the answer key. Easy language and consistent practice will make your command excellent in English.
Türkçe Açıklamalı - Başlangıçtan İleri Düzeye Hızlı - Kolay - Geniş Kapsamlı İNGİLİZCE DİLBİLGİSİ HER DÜZEYDE İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRENENLER, ÖĞRETENLER ve SINAVLARA HAZIRLANANLAR İÇİN TEMEL KAYNAK Zamanlar’dan (Tenses), Yardımcı Fiiller’e (Auxiliary Verbs), Deyimsel Fiiller’den (Phrasal Verbs), İlgeçler’e (Prepositions) 700’DEN FAZLA KONU BAŞLIĞI ALTINDA SUNULAN TÜM İNGİLİZCE DİLBİLGİSİ KURALLARI BİNLERCE (İngilizce - Türkçe) ÖRNEK TÜMCE KONULARI PEKİŞTİREN ALIŞTIRMALAR ve YANITLARI GÖRSEL ÖĞRENİM KATKISI SAĞLAYAN YÜZLERCE RESİM Her düzeyde İngilizce öğrenen ve öğreten ya da YDS ve TOEFL gibi sınavlara hazırlanan kişiler için BAŞLANGIÇTAN İLERİ DÜZEYE, HIZLI, PRATİK ve GENİŞ KAPSAMLI bir çalışma ve başvuru kaynağı oluşturmak amacıyla, Türkçe açıklamalı olarak hazırlanan ‘A to Z ENGLISH GRAMMAR’ kitabında, 700’den fazla konu başlığı altında, İNGİLİZCE DİLBİLGİSİNİN TÜM ÖNEMLİ KURALLARI ve bu kurallara ilişkin ÇOK SAYIDA ALIŞTIRMA sunulmaktadır. Dilbilgisi açıklamalarının daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlayabilmek için, kitabınızın tümünde, 5.000’e yakın (İngilizce - Türkçe) örnek tümce verilmiştir. Dilbilgisi kurallarının ya da örnek tümcelerin akılda kalmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla kullanılan yüzlerce resmin yer aldığı kitabınızda, ayrıca, genellikle zor kavranan, çelişkili fakat önemli bazı dilbilgisi konuları hakkında da aydınlatıcı bilgiler bulacaksınız. İngilizce dilbilgisi kurallarının açıklamalarında ve örnek İngilizce tümcelerin çevirilerinde, Türkçe yazım ve dilbilgisi kurallarına gerekli özen gösterilmiş ve elden geldiğince yalın ve anlaşılır bir dil kullanılmıştır. DEYİMSEL FİİLLER (Phrasal Verbs) ve İLGEÇLER (Prepositions) listelerinin de yer aldığı kitabınızın sonundaki EK-1 ve EK-2 bölümlerinde, SÖYLENİŞ ve HECELEME (PRONUNCIATION & SYLLABICATION) konusu ve DÜZENSİZ FİİLLER (IRREGULAR VERBS) listesi bulunmaktadır. Kitabınızın en sonunda alfabetik sıra ile verilen INDEX (DİZİN) bölümü, kitapta yer alan tüm konu başlıklarını içermektedir. Aradığınız konuyu daha kolay bulabilmeniz amacıyla, bu bölümde, İngilizce ve Türkçe başlıklar karışık olarak verilmiş ve tümü için ortak bir alfabetik sıralama yapılmıştır. Olabildiğince kolaydan zora doğru verilen dilbilgisi konularını, mümkünse verilen sıra ile çalışmanızda yarar var; ancak, her konunun aynı zamanda diğerlerinden bağımsız olduğunu da unutmayınız. Örnek tümcelerde ve sözcüklerde, dilbilgisi açıklamalarının daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için, vurgulanmak istenen sözcüklerin ya da hecelerin kalın punto ile (‘bold’ olarak) yazıldığına dikkat ediniz. Temel konuların ardından verilen alıştırmaları (exercises) yapmayı unutmayınız. Alıştırma Yanıtları (Key to Exercises) kitabınızın sonunda ve ingilizcekursunuz.com sitesinde verilmektedir.
Death and taxes come later; what seems inevitable for children is the idea that, after spending the day at school, they must then complete more academic assignments at home. The predictable results: stress and conflict, frustration and exhaustion. Parents respond by reassuring themselves that at least the benefits outweigh the costs. But what if they don't? In The Homework Myth, nationally known educator and parenting expert Alfie Kohn systematically examines the usual defenses of homework--that it promotes higher achievement, "reinforces" learning, and teaches study skills and responsibility. None of these assumptions, he shows, actually passes the test of research, logic, or experience. So why do we continue to administer this modern cod liver oil -- or even demand a larger dose? Kohn's incisive analysis reveals how a mistrust of children, a set of misconceptions about learning, and a misguided focus on competitiveness have all left our kids with less free time and our families with more conflict. Pointing to parents who have fought back -- and schools that have proved educational excellence is possible without homework -- Kohn shows how we can rethink what happens during and after school in order to rescue our families and our children's love of learning.
Strengthen programs of family and community engagement to promote equity and increase student success! When schools, families, and communities collaborate and share responsibility for students′ education, more students succeed in school. Based on 30 years of research and fieldwork, the fourth edition of the bestseller School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action, presents tools and guidelines to help develop more effective and more equitable programs of family and community engagement. Written by a team of well-known experts, it provides a theory and framework of six types of involvement for action; up-to-date research on school, family, and community collaboration; and new materials for professional development and on-going technical assistance. Readers also will find: Examples of best practices on the six types of involvement from preschools, and elementary, middle, and high schools Checklists, templates, and evaluations to plan goal-linked partnership programs and assess progress CD-ROM with slides and notes for two presentations: A new awareness session to orient colleagues on the major components of a research-based partnership program, and a full One-Day Team Training Workshop to prepare school teams to develop their partnership programs. As a foundational text, this handbook demonstrates a proven approach to implement and sustain inclusive, goal-linked programs of partnership. It shows how a good partnership program is an essential component of good school organization and school improvement for student success. This book will help every district and all schools strengthen and continually improve their programs of family and community engagement.
Ajay believes in living for himself; Bhavna teaches him to live for others. Ajay is a planner for life; Bhavna makes him live in every moment. You are the Best Wife is a story of two people with contradictory ideologies who fall in love. It changes them for good. It changes the way they look at the world and the way the world looks at them. Until destiny reveals its plans. This is a true inspiring story of the author and his struggle with life, after his beloved wife left him halfway through their journey. But her last words, ‘you are the best husband’ gave him the strength to live on, and fulfil his promise of love. Told with frankness and doses of humor, this heartwarming tale of a boy and a girl who never gave up on their love in face of adversities, ends on a bittersweet and poignant note as Ajay comes to terms with the biggest lesson life has to offer.
Have you ever been told that raising your child to speak multiple languages will harm their development? Are teachers or other professionals suspicious of your efforts? Are you sometimes unsure if you are helping your child’s language development, or are you uncertain where to start? It is increasingly recognised among researchers that, far from harming a child’s development, being exposed to multiple languages from birth or early childhood can result in linguistic, creative and social advantages. The authors, all multilinguals themselves, parents of multilingual children, and researchers on language and multilingualism, aim to provide advice and inspiration for multilingual families across the world. The latest research on multilingualism and the authors’ own experiences are used to provide a friendly, accessible guide to raising and nurturing happy multilingual children.
In an increasingly demanding world of literacy, it has become critical that students know how to write effectively. From the requirements of standardized tests to those of the wired workplace, the ability to write well, once a luxury, has become a necessity. Many students are leaving school without the necessary writing practice and skills needed to compete in a complex and fast-moving Information Age. Unless we teach them how to run with it, they are in danger of being run over by a stampede—a literacy stampede. InTeaching Adolescent Writers , Kelly Gallagher shows how students can be taught to write effectively. Gallagher shares a number of classroom-tested strategies that enable teachers to: Understand the importance of teaching writing and how to motivate young writers Show how modeling from both the teacher and real-world texts builds young writers Provide choice of what to write, which helps elevate adolescent writing, and how to fit it into a rigorous curriculum Help students recognize the importance of purpose and audience Assess essays in ways that drive better writing performance. Infused with humor and illuminating anecdotes, Gallagher draws on his classroom experiences and work as co-director of a regional writing project to offer teachers both practical ways to incorporate writing instruction into their day and compelling reasons to do so.