God's High Holy Days vs. Man's Pagan Holidays

God's High Holy Days vs. Man's Pagan Holidays

Author: Nakesha Lowe

Publisher: Andrews UK Limited

Published: 2014-02-26

Total Pages: 27

ISBN-13: 1783334622


God had ordained what days are ordinary, and which days He had made High Days and hallowed them as feast days for the Israelites. Many generations have strayed away from the way they are suppose to serve God; they have taken heed to the way of the stranger, celebrating man's pagan holidays. We have to serve God the way we are ordained to and not the way we want to. There are man's philosophies and opinions, and then there is the truth. (Ecclesiasticus 33: 7-9)

God's High Holy Days vs. Man's Pagan Holidays

God's High Holy Days vs. Man's Pagan Holidays

Author: Nakesha Lowe

Publisher: Andrews UK Limited

Published: 2014-02-26

Total Pages: 28

ISBN-13: 1783334630


God had ordained what days are ordinary, and which days He had made High Days and hallowed them as feast days for the Israelites. Many generations have strayed away from the way they are suppose to serve God; they have taken heed to the way of the stranger, celebrating man's pagan holidays. We have to serve God the way we are ordained to and not the way we want to. There are man's philosophies and opinions, and then there is the truth. (Ecclesiasticus 33: 7-9)

God's High Holy Days Vs. Man's Pagan Holidays

God's High Holy Days Vs. Man's Pagan Holidays

Author: Nakesha Lowe

Publisher: CreateSpace

Published: 2013-06-27

Total Pages: 30

ISBN-13: 9781482581591


God had ordained what days are ordinary, and which days He had made High Days and hallowed them as feast days for the Israelites. Many generations have strayed away from the way they are suppose to serve God; they have taken heed to the way of the stranger, celebrating man's pagan holidays. We have to serve God the way we are ordained to and not the way we want to. There are man's philosophies and opinions, and then there is the truth. (Ecclesiasticus 33: 7-9)

Occult Holidays, Or, God's Holy Days--which?

Occult Holidays, Or, God's Holy Days--which?

Author: Fred R. Coulter


Published: 2006

Total Pages: 351

ISBN-13: 9780967547978


Confused and disillusioned, many today are wondering, "Is there a God? Where is He? What, if anything, is God doing?" Mankind sees scant evidence in religion of God's direct involvement in the course of humanity. Shackled by tradition and religious myths, even professing "Christianity" gropes in a vacuum of ignorance regarding God's true plan for mankind. Why? Because man has (for the most part, unknowingly) rejected the key to that plan-the knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath and holy days of God. Instead, traditional holidays-including Sunday-have been adopted and accepted as "Christian." Declaring the "end from the beginning," the true God of the Bible is actively involved in the affairs of man, ordering events according to His master plan as outlined by His Sabbath and feast days. Obviously, Satan the devil hates God's plan-for it also pictures his ultimate removal as the "god of this present age." In what is perhaps one of the greatest conspiracies in the history of mankind, Satan has devised a cleverly disguised counterfeit "Christianity" to blind men from the knowledge of God's true plan. Analogous to King Jeroboam of ancient Israel-who substituted false "feast days" in place of God's true holy days-Satan has deceptively ensnared an unsuspecting world into believing that pagan occult holidays are acceptable forms of worship toward God. In Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days-Which?, Fred R. Coulter brings to light this satanic conspiracy, uncovering in detail the occult roots of today's so-called "Christian" holidays-Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.-proving that such holidays are, in reality, a form of Satan worship. Mr. Coulter demonstrates how God's seven annual holy days form a type of framework upon which are hung the various aspects of God's plan as they are fulfilled over time. This publication fully illustrates how God's seventh-day Sabbath and holy days picture His plan of salvation for all of mankind, concentrating on the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the eternal rule of Jesus Christ.

Saturday Or Sunday

Saturday Or Sunday

Author: David C. Pack

Publisher: iUniverse

Published: 2009-05-04

Total Pages: 160

ISBN-13: 9780595508990


The "Saturday or Sunday" question has been one of Christendom's most contested issues, sparking great controversy and terrible violence through the centuries. Theologians and ministers of every background have offered their opinion regarding the Christian Sabbath, with the assumption that traditional, orthodox Christianity is the place to begin the discussion. This book clearly explains which day should be observed-straight from the pages of the Bible!-breaking through every false assumption: the premise that the weekly cycle has been lost; that the Sabbath command is only part of the law of Moses; that the Catholic Church has authority to "change times"; that Sunday is the "Lord's Day"; and that keeping the Sabbath is a burden. After proving the Sabbath's validity, there still remains a host of related questions pertaining to how to correctly observe the seventh day. Since it is God who established the Sabbath, we must look in His Word for guidelines revealing how to keep it in a way pleasing to Him. Also, you will learn the simple-to-understand-and easily verifiable-explanation of the "mark of the beast," and how it relates to the day you choose to worship the Creator God. "Saturday or Sunday - Which is the Sabbath?" is the strongest book ever written proving which day is the true Sabbath, why and how we must keep it today, and how it is directly connected to the very purpose of your existence!

America and Britain in Prophecy

America and Britain in Prophecy

Author: David C. Pack

Publisher: iUniverse

Published: 2009-06-15

Total Pages: 184

ISBN-13: 9781440147890


The most educated, prosperous, and influential civilizations have all come and gone. The pattern of history is that Rome, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Persia, and other powerful, developed empires, rose to dizzying heights before crumbling and final collapse. Suppose you could know the conclusion of world events and the future courses of great nations in advance-including the United States and Britain? What if the future of great nations- indeed the greatest nations-could be known? In other words, imagine knowing how future events will affect you, and every human being, personally. Worsening conditions, including terrorism, war, famine, disease, soaring food and energy costs, as well as economic upheaval and political division, have left people confused, uncertain of where to turn for answers. The governments and leaders of the West do not know how to solve mankind's problems or that "world-shattering" changes are just over the horizon. Awe-inspiring prophecies recorded long ago have been fulfilled. Others are now coming to pass. God intended that these "great nations prophecies" be understood, or He would not have recorded them. The ultimate future of the American and British peoples is astounding, with their greatest period of prosperity and peace yet ahead. But this time will "not" come as their leaders, planners, and thinkers might hope.

The Holy Days of God, The Holidays of Man

The Holy Days of God, The Holidays of Man

Author: Holly M. Snead

Publisher: iUniverse

Published: 2012-12

Total Pages: 211

ISBN-13: 1475959656


For two thousand years, the Church Universal has celebrated the life of our Lord. At Christmas, we remember and celebrate his birth in a stable in Bethlehem. We watch him grow to a young boy who sat at the feet of the Temple leaders and spoke wonders they could not understand. We continue to watch him as he started his ministry and preached to his people of the promises of God to the people of Israel. After his three years of ministry, we prepare for his suffering and death, and grieve at the foolishness of the people who could not believe. We stand at his cross and watch as his disciples who followed him fled in fear for their lives, but three days later we rejoice with the faithful women who went to the grave to grieve the loss of their Lord. To their wonder, and ours, we rejoice in his resurrection and celebrate the life he has given us through his suffering, death and resurrection. We celebrate his ascension to Heaven, with his promise that he would be with his disciples in the Presence of the Spirit, to teach and prepare them for his return. Ten days after his Ascension, we witness and celebrate the Coming of the Spirit at Pentecost and rejoice in the birth of the Church. We hear the words of Peter and sit in wonder of all the Spirit promised. Then, suddenly, the Church stops its celebration. There is silence for six months, until in December we return to the stable in Bethlehem and start our celebration again. What have we forgotten; what do we neglect? What are we missing? Why has the celebration stopped at Pentecost? Where is the mature Church, the victorious Church. Where is the promised Return of our Lord in His Father's Glory? Where is the Bridegroom? How much longer must the Bride wait? Come with us as we learn the Rest of the Story and discover all we have missed because our celebrations stop at Pentecost. God calls us to celebrate the entire story, from beginning to end. He promised his faithful remnant that he would return to them and they would dwell with him in His Presence. He promised the rejoicing would have no end. Come with us as we learn and celebrate the Rest of the Story! ------------------------------------ A great tragedy of modern evangelical Christianity is the failure to either appreciate or to properly interpret the incredible significance of Israel's Feast Days. The prophetic content of the feast days is normally given barely a summary acknowledgement and then forgotten. Holly Snead has done the Christian community a great favor in bringing to the fore not only the typological significance of Israel's festal calendar, but God's faithfulness in bringing all those feast days to final fulfillment in Christ's Parousia. What she brings to the reader is tremendous, and exciting, insight into how the NT writers applied Israel's feast days to the work of Christ. If you have never considered Israel's New Moons, feast days and sabbaths as they relate to the End Times you owe it to yourself to read this book. Whatever you do, read the Appendices! These special studies are more than worth the price of the book all by themselves. Don K. Preston D. Div. President Preterist Research Institute www.eschatology.org

The Pagan Book of Days

The Pagan Book of Days

Author: Nigel Pennick

Publisher: Destiny Books

Published: 2001-04-01

Total Pages: 160

ISBN-13: 9780892818679


• A daybook containing information about rituals and celebrations that have for centuries been associated with the changing seasons of the year. • Includes charts of equinoxes and solstices, movable holy days, and monthly lunar phases through 2033 • First edition sold more than 30,000 copies Pagan rites and festivals are at the root of many traditional holidays in the Western world. Embracing a sensitivity we have lost, the Pagan traditions emphasize mystical spirituality, reverence for the feminine principle, and the links between people and the earth. This unique daybook contains a treasury of information about rituals and celebrations that have for centuries been associated with the changing seasons of the year. Included are the observances of the ancient Greek, Roman, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and Norse traditions, as well as Wiccan traditions and the worship of the Goddess. In The Pagan Book of Days the author provides details on auspicious and inauspicious days, holy days of ancient gods and goddesses, and the eight stations of the year (the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days). He also includes lunar and solar charts indicating dates of major Pagan celebrations from the year 2011 through 2033. Illustrations throughout depict images from the classical and northern European traditions. The Pagan Book of Days is an enlightening way to incorporate these ancient cultural and spiritual practices and awarenesses into your daily life.